KinderMath - Kindergarten Math Взлом 1.10

Разработчик: Lakmal Dias
Категория: Образование

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"KinderMath" is an app that covers most important Kindergarten Math topics, allowing your child to practice Math at their own pace. "KinderMath" offer a systematic approach to practicing following topics:

Topics Covered:
- Number Recognition
- Number Counting
- Number Comparison
- Finding missing numbers
- Finding smaller and larger numbers
- Odd and Even numbers
- Addition and Subtraction

"KinderMath" consists of three levels concentrating number ranges between 1-10, 11-20 and 21-30. With daily practice, we are certain that "KinderMath" will help kids excel in vital Math skills at early stages.

"KinderMath" will give a head start to children before they start school.