Throughout life we may face unforeseen life changing medical issues. This can cause a major change in our everyday life which can leave us lost, lonely and scared. We may need to reach out for help, which is okay! We are not alone in our struggles with our physical and mental health. With the Kindfull app we provide a comfortable and easy way to connect with friends and loved ones to support us in getting back on our feet.
Our app provides:
- Public or private Circles. Which allows you to create a peer support group with other users or to keep your own loved ones up to date with everyday life.
- Open Discussions on health related topics which you can create or engage with.
- Up to date news on topics personalised to your health needs.
Things to look forward to:
- The ability to create Themes which help you gather all the information and resources around a specific topic tailored to you.
- Ways to offer help to those in need, or to ask for help to others!