Salvete amici amicaeque!
Nonne amatis linguam Latinam? Optime! Quam omnes amant! Itaque ludum Latinum vobis omnibus libenter dono: movete litteras, fingite verba!
Exemplo sit: R-O-M-A et A-M-O-R et M-O-R-A et M-A-R-O est. Gaudete! Lingua Latina mirabilis est. Utinam ludus meus vobis placeat! Aleae iactae sunt.
Ludus incipiat!
Do you like Latin? Great! Everybody loves Latin, me included. Because of this I have a present for you, you... and me! LitLat, a word puzzle, completely in Latin! Move the letters, try different combinations, find new words.
For example: R-O-M-A is A-M-O-R, but also M-O-R-A and M-A-R-O. What are you waiting for? The dice have been cast.
Let the game begin!