Animated and interactive with realistic sound effects to help children learn and develop observation and screen skills
Play & Learn apps from lindybelinda teach three basic screen skills all toddlers need = Tap + Swipe + Drag
Tap to see dogs at play! Swipe to turn pages! Drag to complete the drag&drop puzzle!
What's behind the door? Is that a dog on the slippery-dip? Look, it’s a dogs’ party!
Kids will tap and discover 16 different interactive gentle animations.
Play and learn drag & drop puzzle – a collar with hearts to put around the dog’s neck + tinted sunglasses + tiara with flashing lights!
There’s a dog that jumps through a swing, another in a bubble bath - can you pop the bubbles?
Can you help these dogs jump, play and hide?
Looking for Dogs is full of fun - written, illustrated and animated by Belinda Pring @lindybelinda