Learning Retention (LR) Platform offers a novel approach to address learning retention and focus problems by combining patented learning methods and gamification. LR Platform has the potential to enhance learning outcomes and also accelerate foreign language acquisition. It is designed to serve educational and training institutions across various fields, making it a high-value, flexible tool for both instructors and learners.
LR Platform combines a web-based content creation tool (LR Web Platform) connected to an interactive game environment (LR Platform Game), enabling instructors to create and publish engaging, multimedia learning content to their learners (e.g., students, employees, etc.). The LR Platform includes a unique Learning Retention (LR) Journey, consisting of six stages designed to help learners move information systematically and effectively from short-term to long-term memory.
1. Studying: In the "Studying" mode, a 3D game environment displays three cubes for every LR quiz. The three cubes are placed to block the game path where the avatar is automatically running. One large cube at the top holds a question, while two smaller cubes underneath offer possible answers. These multimedia cubes can contain text, images, audio, or video. The learner, represented by an avatar, has a set time limit to direct the avatar towards the cube with the correct answer.
If the question is answered correctly within the time limit, the obstacle is destroyed, points are earned, and the game continues. The correct answer is then presented again inside a larger cube to reinforce learning and to prevent guesswork.
If the learner chooses the wrong answer or doesn't act within the time limit, the avatar hits the obstacle and falls on the ground, and the game is lost. The correct answer is then displayed in a larger cube.
The time limit for answering questions is set by the instructor using the LR Web Platform.
While incorporating audio is recommended, users can disable it and choose to move to the next quiz manually or automatically after a set duration (X seconds).
In the Studying mode, every LR Quiz follows a cycle of presenting Active Retention (answering a quiz) followed by Passive Retention (getting exposure to the correct answer)
2. Reviewing: This mode allows learners to review previously studied materials. A minimum 48-hour gap after Studying mode is recommended before starting Reviewing mode for the same topics. However, learners can continue playing the LR game by studying new topics during this gap.
3. Speaking* In this mode, LR Game presents a cube with incorrect or incomplete information, which the user must correct or complete by speaking within a time limit. If correct, the avatar progresses; if incorrect, the user loses the game, and the correct answer is presented.
4. Typing: Similar to Speaking Mode, but users type the answer.
5. Speed Test: This is an accelerated version of the Studying Mode. Users have significantly less time to guide the avatar to the correct answer. If answered correctly, the next question immediately follows; if answered incorrectly, the correct answer is displayed before progressing.
6. LR Competition*
*Under Development.
Included in the LR Platform game: Civics Test for U.S. Citizenship. It features 100 official questions and answers from the 2008 version of the test, presented in random order and read by professional voice actors.
Key Information:
For the Civics Test: One Month subscription or three Months subscription. You can try a free sample before subscribing.
Educational Institutions and instructors can now request an early access to the LR Platform to create their own content for their students.
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