A social media app designed to increase 'off-line' time with friends and family.
An average person now spends 4 hours a day on phone, regularly sleeps less and eats alone more often. MealDO is designed to change that. Create interest based food meetup events for free. You can create events by gender (say for girls only) or age (say for over 40's). If you're cooking for yourself, cook for more people and post an event. Our aim is to connect everyone with some friends nearby to eat with regularly.
Create food meetups in restaurants, pubs, coffee shops or in your own home
Share events with friends and acquaintances
May even post to 'public' and accept validated people at your events
Find other healthy eaters or vegetarians in the area
Create events by gender (say for girls only) or by age (say over 40's only)
Hosts and guests to leave feedback
Post pictures and videos of event.
Clear upfront privacy settings.
Regular cooks can charge for food (in development)
Online payment system (in development)
Long-term we expect there will be food influencers on our platform who will regularly cook and sell dishes from home. We will provide manual validation of people and government approved Hygiene test.
Join the MealDO community and Never-Eat-Alone again.