What is MediWallet?
MediWallet is a contactless medical wallet that holds your essential medical information without disclosing your identity. It can also act as a virtual medical repository available during emergencies. This information is made available via URL or QR Code on your device for contactless data transfer with a medical team or anyone assisting you in case of an emergency (ICE).
You can also use your MediWallet app during your video conferencing consultations (i.e. Telehealth) to easily and quickly transfer your key medical information.
What does the app store?
The app has the ability to store your Medicare/insurance card details, your blood type, known allergies, key conditions, prior surgeries, medications you may be taking along with implants or devices.
Who could benefit from this? People with a history of medical conditions, suffering from autoimmune disorders, allergies, those that have difficulty communicating, elderly or anyone who likes to be prepared for that ‘just in case’ scenario’.
Mediwallet may save your life in a time-critical emergency.