Mindustry Читы

Mindustry Взлом 7.146.0 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Anton Kramskoi
Категория: Игры
Цена: 199,00 ₽ (Скачать бесплатно)
Версия: 7.146.0
ID: io.anuke.mindustry


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Mindustry is a factory-building game with tower defense and RTS elements. Create elaborate supply chains to feed ammo into your turrets, produce materials to use for building, and construct units. Command units to capture enemy bases, and expand your production. Defend your core from waves of enemies.

Gameplay Features:

- Use production blocks to create a wide variety of advanced materials
- Defend your structures from waves of enemies
- Play with your friends in cross-platform multiplayer co-op games, or challenge them in team-based PvP matches
- Distribute liquids and fight constant challenges, like outbreaks of fire or enemy flier raids
- Get the most out of your production by supplying optional coolant and lubricant
- Produce a wide variety of units for automatic management of your base or assault on enemy bases
- Set up assembly lines to construct armies of mechanized units
- Use your units to square up against fully functional enemy bases


- Conquer the planets Serpulo and Erekir as you advance through 35 hand-made maps and 250+ procedurally generated sectors
- Capture territory and set up factories to produce resources while you play other sectors
- Defend your sectors from periodic invasions
- Coordinate resource distribution between sectors via launch pads
- Research new blocks to fuel progress
- Invite your friends to complete missions together
- 250+ technology blocks to master
- 50+ different types of drones, mechs and ships

Custom Games & Cross-Platform Multiplayer:

- 16+ built in maps for custom games, in addition to two entire campaigns
- Play co-op, PvP or sandbox
- Join a public dedicated server, or invite friends to your own private session
- Customizable game rules: Change block costs, enemy stats, starting items, wave timing and more
- Full functional map editor with scripting support

История обновлений

- Fixed a variety of issues with unit & block cost multiplier rules
- Fixed many various crashes
- Fixed pathfinding not being able to path through solid enemy blocks
- Fixed naval units sometimes attempting to pathfind through land
- Fixed water tiles with space background resulting in a black background
- Fixed internal legacy blocks being logic constants
- Fixed power node double-click leading to interaction rate limit triggering
- Fixed units sometimes being unkillable
- Fixed units with long paths sometimes recalculating forever
- Fixed serious issue with player units getting bugged in certain maps with puddles
- Fixed Neoplasia reactor sometimes not exploding
- Fixed units randomly dying when hitting corners
- Fixed piercing bullets permaturely hitting blocks "under" bullets
- Fixed missiles dealing double damage to units
- Fixed FPS not limiting accurately
- Added setting to disable all lighting
- Added logic unit autoPathfind command (default wave pathfinding)
- Made logic unbind command set `@unit` to null
- Made "any" environment accessible outside of sandbox
- Made payload loaders no longer accept inputs from payload unloaders
- Added logic sensors for shields, content ID (inverse of lookup command)
- Added logic particle effect instruction
- Added logic sync instruction
- Setting factory output points now updates "last accessed"
- Disabled team switching menu in multiplayer outside of sandbox/PvP
- Decreased canvas block silicon cost slightly
- Scathe ammo usage decreased to 15
- Buffed Precept unit
- Fixed crash when opening message blocks or multiline text input areas on certain devices; reverted to single-line text fields
- Fixed a crash when placing blocks
- Fixed adding schematic icon tags breaking the game
- Misc pathfinding bugfixes; units should not get stuck moving backwards
- Legged/insect units should no longer pathfind around solid blocks they can step over
- Fixed messages and other blocks only displaying single-line text fields
- Fixed logic icons for certain content being squished
- Fixed a freeze caused by stack routers
- Fixed Base AI not working sometimes
- Fixed map flags added in objectives not syncing
- Fixed a crash related to editing canvases
- Added votekick reason option, made votekicks cancel-able by admins
- Added button for admins to switch player teams
- Added fill erase mode to editor
- Made Serpulo attack sectors not invade nearby sectors while you are attacking them
- Various improvements to the schematics UI
- Starting unit command can now be selected in reconstructors
- Units now retain their last command when controlled and un-controlled by players
- Fixed Mindustry consuming ~44mb more RAM on startup than v6 did
- Fixed logic blocks not re-enabling a block when unlinking from it
- Updated various Serpulo turret sprites/animations
- Re-added the base builder AI rule and enabled it in the existing custom game attack maps
- Buffed Tecta unit
- Improved schematics used in base generation on Serpulo
- Fixed "any" environment button not enabling
- Fixed a crash related to an experimental rule being enabled on certain servers
- Fixed lag caused by sorters updating minimap very quickly
- Fixed Serpulo generated bases sometimes having unlinked power nodes
- Fixed invalid liquid consumption stats on plasma bores
- Doubled max schematic size
- Canvas blocks now show their image preview in the schematics dialog
- Added building damage indicators to minimap
- Added logic pathfind instruction - supports arbitrary coordinates
- Added unit health multiplier rule
- Added map 'ends after wave' rule
- Added search bar for wave UI
- Added piston regions to blocks that did not have them
- Added search bar to custom game menu
- Added 'rebuild area' button
- Improved server list UI
- Fixed startup crash when changing UI scale to 5%
- Fixed network error when calling world logic explosion instruction with a null team
- Fixed sector background simulation not taking into account builder/repair units
- Fixed server-side network error when placing certain large logic schematics
- Fixed force projector hitbox being a square
- Fixed blank weapon stat boxes for certain units
- Fixed various regressions from last release (batteries being broken in mods, server menus not closing...)
- Made duo barrels move separately when shooting
- Improved stat display for various blocks
- Fixed some keybinds missing translations
- Fixed a long-standing pathfinding issue of enemy wave units exhibiting "confused" behavior in certain maps
- Fixed a server exploit that allowed users to block others from connecting
- Made entity sync network errors log a warning instead of forcibly disconnecting clients
- Made server list show multiple servers per row on wide screens
- New UI for turret/unit weapon stats in core database
- Improved support for modded planets with different radii
- Added world logic setProp instruction - while unfinished, this instruction allows world processors to set attributes of buildings and units, like health or items stored
- Actually fixed host research not syncing to clients correctly (for real this time)
- Fixed sublimates targeting ducts but being unable to hit them
- Fixed repair turrets incorrectly displaying status as red when not targeting
- Fixed 'hidden' content (planets, etc) displaying in list of mod content
- Fixed several crashes
- Fixed Oct shield break effect being hexagonal
- Buffed Conquer slightly, nerfed Collaris range slightly
- Made Disrupt/Quell no longer target air units
- Added a boost toggle command for units that can support it (nova, etc) - keep in mind that these units cannot shoot when flying, and will not try to find a landing position if blocked
- Minor bugfixes
- Fixed many various crashes
- Fixed world message being replaceable
- Fixed various Serpulo sectors having no waves
- Fixed inaccessible resources under blocks appearing in sector resources info
- Fixed units following wrong team when assisting
- Fixed liquid puddles not syncing in multiplayer
- Many other minor bugfixes
- Improved loading speed of maps with many power graphs
- Improved performance of entity removal (should make effects/bullets less laggy)
- Made Oct shield an octagon
- Made block statuses flash when low on power/liquid instead of staying green
- Disabled campaign research/state syncing across multiplayer due to confusion - campaigns should be completely separate now
- Decreased Scathe fog uncover range (75% of range -> 40% of range)
- Increased Quell build cost
- Nerfed Locus, buffed Vanquish, Conquer, Cleroi
- Added rule for unit crash damage
- Fixed many minor bugs relating to the recent v7 release
- Erekir, an entire new planet with its own campaign to complete
- An entire new tech tree of blocks, units and items
- 100+ new blocks to research
- Countless bugfixes, new features and QoL improvements
- Fixed build being displayed as "custom build"
- Fixed bridges being planned without unlock in campaign
- Fixed player moving slower on servers with status effects
- Fixed player not respecting formation speed on servers
- Fixed separators consuming power when idle
- Fixed logic blocks not saving buildings on reload
- Fixed rare door placement crash
- Fixed logic units being able to take/remove items from any team block
- Improved power node link preview
- Reduced Nova range slightly
- Added list of status effects to core database
- Added status effect display to bullets (icons contributed by @sk7725)
- Added bullet stats for continuous laser turrets (e.g. Meltdown)
- Made bridges autolink when dragging multiple lines
- Disabled logic unit building for servers by default
- Internals: Removed all code for disposing resources on exit; this should be handled by the OS now
- Logic: Made dead sensor return 1 for null, to simplify validity checks
- Logic: New text parser; supports defining and jumping to labels with name: instead of numbers
- Logic: Added support for negative draw coordinates
- Logic: Disabled packets for config; may desync, but will help reduce lag
- Campaign: Various tweaks to make background simulation more accurate
- Various minor bugfixes
- Made water extractor use metaglass for building, to be consistent with pumps
- Added automatic conveyor/conduit bridging over obstacles
- Added 'defender' AI for Oct; follows nearby units
- Cores can now replace most transport blocks; turrets can now replace each other
- Improved bridge & power node linking previews
- Buffed Segment & Vela
- Added logicUnitBuild rule; Sandbox server owners are advised to disable logic building with `rules add logicUnitBuild false`.
- Logic: Changed default unit control state to be 'idle', not 'stop'
- Logic: Made config / unit building instructions accept buildings as configuration to copy their config. This allows for self-replicating processors.
- Logic: Added sensors for `dead`, `controller`, `size`, `boosting`
- Logic: Made `controlled` return ctrlProcessor/ctrlPlayer/ctrlFormation/0 depending on controller type
- Logic: Deprecated "commanded"; use `controlled` instead! This sensor will be removed in a future release.
- Logic: More hints
- Fixed player health bar glitching out at negative health
- Fixed large power nodes sometimes not connecting to placed blocks
- Made unit payloads draw with correct cell colors
- Made all mods automatically get disabled upon client startup crash - can be disabled in settings
- Decreased impact reactor explosion radius
- Decreased projectile building splash damage for smaller radii
- Decreased splash damage radius for many various projectiles
- Logic: Made invalid sensors for units return `null`
- Logic: Added tooltip support, accessible with long-press
- Mods: Stricter null checks for JSON mod objects
- Mods: Added support for `abilities:` and `requirements:` in JSON unit definitions
- Mods: Added support for `DrawBlock` parameters in JSON
- Fixed enemy power nodes getting linked w/ allied ones, leading to buggy power behavior
- Fixed chat not working when paused
- Fixed 128+ cores on map breaking servers
- Fixed editor breaking building links on resize
- Made turrets/units take enemy hitbox size into account when targeting
- Made builder/repair AI flee from enemies when idle
- Made data export zip include folder entries and strip absolute file paths - this may fix some issues with external archive programs
- Added rules for unit cap control
- Added new splash damage algorithm - should lead to faster & more accurate explosions, but may require balancing
- Added log file for data-loading events - should assist with fixing the data wipe bug
- Mods: Fixed trailing commas in hjson files being parsed as part of unquoted strings
- Mods: Many various bugfixes for json effects
- Logic: Added `===` operator for exact comparisons, e.g. null checks
- Logic: Made 'invalid' operations - such as sensing null blocks or 0/0 - return null instead of 0
- Logic: Fixed units disappearing when moving to infinite position
- Logic: Added sensor for force projector heat
- Fixed a black screen appearing after switching applications in certain situations
- Fixed notch covering up left/right UI elements after rotation
- Fixed logic blocks resetting state on map load or connection changes
- Fixed "#" in any logic string breaking instructions
- Fixed crawlers not exploding next to cores
- Fixed certain status effect combinations not triggering damage
- Fixed waves being infinitely skippable when game is paused
- Fixed constructed blocks sometimes having low health on servers'
- Fixed enemy core items not syncing
- Fixed insect units not being able to walk over solid blocks on space floors
- Re-added bloom option
- Buffed Fortress, nerfed Scepter, buffed Reign, buffed Vela
- Made vaults/containers able to replace conveyors
- Made Surge Alloy discharge lightning when destroyed in containers (Contributed by @sk7725)
- Made player stop shooting when a controlled suicide unit is killed (prevents Crawler chain-deaths)
- Made team colors for relevant blocks display during placement (Contibuted by @Quezler)
- Improved liquid bridge throughput
- Improved power network removal performance
- Added list of content to mod info dialog
- Added icons to mod browser
- Added re-import button to mod info - only works for newly imported mods
- Added "Repo" button to mod info
- Added unit armor stats to database
- Added unit production time to unit factory database
- Improved mod browser layout on wider screens
- Made mod importer/browser use the default Github branch for downloads. The "6.0" branch is no longer checked first - make sure your default branch is set up correctly!
As 6.0 is more or less stable now, updates have slowed down significantly. This is likely to be one of the last notable releases before 7.0.

- Fixed same-line logic comments not parsing
- Fixed mass driver rotating before payload is received
- Fixed bullets dealing splash damage twice upon collision - splash damage of certain bullets has been increased to compensate
- Fixed floating point errors in core database leading to incorrect rounding
- Fixed unit payloads snapping rotations when entering reconstructors
- Fixed builder AI placing drills on incorrect/mixed resources & clogging crafters
- Fixed editor mirror filter being offset in certain situations
- Fixed music randomly cutting off after quit to main menu

- Campaign: Made invasion chance scale with nearby enemy base count
- Campaign: Added 20-minute invasion grace period after sector capture

- Made impact reactor warmup time scale with boost
- Made players prioritize highest tier core when respawning
- Made logic programs reset all state on edits
- Made logic blocks no longer change 'last accessed' names when no edits are made
- Made naval paths preload on maps with spawn points on liquids
- Made Plastanium sprite slightly more distinct
- Made ground units avoid walking in slag/deep water even when it is the only valid path
- Made fire disappear faster in rain
- Made conveyor items render under most blocks
- Made server prevent duplicate IP connections
- Made crosses render on item/liquid sources & sorters in schematics
- Made building disabled state save upon world reload
- Made status indicators smaller for 1x1 blocks
- Made mod browser list mods by last update time

- Implemented automatic mod list updates (currently, every 4 hours)
- Improved unit selection visuals
- Improved power status information
- Added boost % bar too overdrive projectors
- Added IPv6 address support to join dialog
- Added core item incineration rule
- Added carried payloads to unit status bars & info
- Added slight shine effect, triggering upon building rotation
- Removed overflow gate inventory
- Increased power source output
- Many other minor bugfixes & tweaks
- Fixed touches not registering
- Various minor bugfixes
- Increased power source output again
- Improved building beam visuals
- Improved performance of maps with many adjacent power nodes/batteries
- Disabled weather in editor
- Better notch padding
- Fixed Quad AI
- Fixed crash in conveyor upgrade pathing
- Fixed other various crashes
- Made payload pickups prioritize units in blocks instead of the blocks themselves
- Increased foreshadow coolant effectiveness, but slightly decreased rotation speed
- Improved space skybox scaling
- Added building damage stats to bullets
- Added WIP mod browser for GitHub mods
- Added preview of currently queued block for other units in certain situations
- Added automatic bridge spacing when using lines
- Added bridge link preview
- Added rule for persistent ("always") weather
- Better scrap wall textures & rotate-able thruster
- Made Plastanium conveyor unloadable
- Made building pause status sync in multiplayer
- Slight pulsar damage nerf
- Fixed flying unit AI
- Made conduits/conveyors upgrades follow paths
- Decreased junction item capacity
- Many various small bugfixes

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4.7 из 5
237 Голосов


Игра конфетка
Здравствуйте, если вы не знаете следующее:
1)Как устанавливать моды(через гитхаб; импортировка мода в формате zip) на айфоне
2)Откуда брать моды
То обращайтесь) Объясню, покажу. Вот мой вк/инстаграм
Когда выйдет обнова ? Почему на Андройд быстрей выходит обновления ??
Игра хорошая!
Почему четыре звёзды тогда? Ну, во-первых, я не совсем понимаю почему в плеймаркете она бесплатная, а тут нет. Во-вторых, при всей крутости игры она достаточно быстро надоедает. Эта игра не так затягивает, как факторио. Это связано с тем, что в факторио намного больше всего. И она сложнее. Например, тут ресурсы бесконечны, а там нет. Почему же я сравниваю эти две игры, если эту скорее всего делает один человек, а над факторио работает команда? Ну потому что автор миндастри явно вдохновлялся факторио. И было бы неплохо добавить больше разных мелочей и не только в мобильную игру. Например, чтоб была большая карта, в которой были бы заводы по производству противников(в этой игре ведь не монстры) которые можно уничтожить, что замедлит и уменьшит генерацию врагов. Также добавить какой-то транспорт было бы на мой взгляд отличной идеей.

Ну это всё лично мое мнение, но больше всего мне наверное не понравилось то, что игра платная. Если у человека айфон, то это значит, что он богаче? А если у человека, например, айфон 4? Да и сейчас некоторые андроид девайсы в цене не уступают последним айфонам.
Игра топ
Игра топовая, скачал и ни разу не пожалел. Все идеально, мне очень напомнила серию игр Star Craft. Кто из старой школы, поймёт) Также как плюс можно отметить отсутствие рекламы (даже на андроиде, где игра бесплатная). В общем, разработчикам большой респект!
Отличная игра! Стоит своих денег
Очень интересная игра, сильно затягивает.
Управление сложное, но где-то через 1.5 часа игры привыкаешь
Цель прочитать Библию 1 раз,
Вышло обновление
Ура наконец-то вышло обновление👍
ProGame Tech,
Mindustry - Отзыв
Mindustry как по мне очень похожа на PC игру - Factorio, в этой игре основой геймплея является то что необходимо строить собственную базу, обустраивать ее, прокачивать заводы, улучшать оборону. Мне игра понравилась, можно играть off-line так и в multiplayer(особенно понравился сервер EasyPlay.su со своим функционалом, спасибо разработчику что делаете такие хорошие сервера)

Системные требования: Очень низкие, мой iphone 12Pro даже в самой жесткой катке и на большой карте, выдает не менее 60fps

Оптимизация: Игра хорошо оптимизирована, практический не фризит и не лагает.

Управление: Управление реализовано как по мне весьма удобно, управление адекватное.

Сюжет: Так такового сюжета нет, компания хорошая, советую всем её пройти, ибо в неё встроено обучение.

Графика: 2D, с хорошей детализацией.

Саундтрек: Музыка и звуки не отвлекают от игры, не напрягают уши, приятный момент.

Мультиплеер: Присутствует

Общая оценка - 9/10 Поиграть в эту игру можно, достаточно неплохой ИИ противника, интересный геймплей, на сервере easyplay.su понравилась система рейтинга, прокачка статистики так сказать. Рекомендую👍🏽
Лее Анюк че за дела где обновы я чо зря покупал эту игру за сотку чтобы играть на одной версии больше года?
Игра классная! Ещё когда над ней работает один человек. Классная фишка что моды можно скачать прямо в игре! А те люди которые говорят то что почему в плей маркете она бесплатная а в App Store нет, потому что это наценка от apple.
Брат, когда обновление, год уже небыло