We have added the following features:
1. In app mute button: You can now mute or unmute the sound at all times.
2. New static images for intermediate levels.
3. New icons all through the app.
4. There is now a "Top-view" button when one is in the outer court.
5. We have added a symbolic representation of the Israelite camp. You can walk through it and see where the tribes would have been camped in relation to each-other, or you can go into top view to view the entire camp from above. This feature is available when one is outside the tent itself, in day and also night mode.
6. We have created a new Cherub for the Ark of the Covenant.
7. The whole app has had a major texture upgrade. This should be visible to you on almost all of the objects and landscapes.
8. We have changed the landscape. We have made an accurate replica of Mount Karkom, in Israel, where it is said that the Tabernacle was erected for the very first time.
We have redesigned the user interface for ease of use.
We also introduced functionality where the user can choose the speed at which they wish to walk when they are in walking mode. The speeds that are available are slow, medium and fast. The buttons appear in the top right of the screen when the user is in walking mode.