Momentri: do positive actions Читы

Momentri: do positive actions Взлом 2.5.2 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Hoknet Designs
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 2.5.2
ID: com.domainname.momentri


Game screenshot Momentri: do positive actions mod apkGame screenshot Momentri: do positive actions apkGame screenshot Momentri: do positive actions hack


We all experience different mental states throughout the day. Some of them are desirable like being calm, mindful and positive; while others like distracted, anxious, sad or angry are not so desirable. Momentri provides a simple 3-step process to help you transition from the undesirable states to the more desirable ones. Momentri app supports the following 10 "goals" to help deal with different undesired states. Hope you find these to be helpful :)

FOCUS for when you are distracted

RELAX when you are anxious and need to relax

FEEL BETTER for when you are feeling low and need to uplift your emotions

WAKE UP for starting your day right, everyday

PERFORM for focusing on the tasks that matter and performing at your peak

HEALTH for improving your health and to feel better about it

SLEEP for preparing for a good night sleep, every night

SOS for handling difficult emotions like anger or guilt

CRAVING for managing craving and building self-compassion

THINK POSITIVE for dealing with negative thinking and reframe with positive thoughts

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История обновлений

Minor bug fixes. We have built a community feature to connect with other people on the journey of self-care and mental health. We have included gamification features to help you form healthy habits. We are continuously adding more challenges and audio lessons to help you grow in your personal journey. Hope you find these helpful :)
Minor bug fixes. We have built a community feature to connect with other people on the journey of self-care and mental health. We have included gamification features to help you form healthy habits. We are continuously adding more challenges and audio lessons to help you grow in your personal journey. Hope you find these helpful :)
Minor bug fixes. We have built a community feature to connect with other people on the journey of self-care and mental health. We have included gamification features to help you form healthy habits. We are continuously adding more challenges and audio lessons to help you grow in your personal journey. Hope you find these helpful :)
Minor bug fixes. We have built a community feature to connect with other people on the journey of self-care and mental health. We have included gamification features to help you form healthy habits. We are continuously adding more challenges and audio lessons to help you grow in your personal journey. Hope you find these helpful :)
New home page design and bug fixes. We have built a community feature to connect with other people on the journey of self-care and mental health. We have included gamification features to help you form healthy habits. We are continuously adding more challenges and audio lessons to help you grow in your personal journey. Hope you find these helpful :)
Bug fixes and feature enhancements. We have built a community feature to connect with other people on the journey of self-care and mental health. We have included gamification features to help you form healthy habits. We are continuously adding more challenges and audio lessons to help you grow in your personal journey. Hope you find these helpful.
We have built a community feature to connect with other people on the journey of self-care and mental health. We have included gamification features to help you form healthy habits. We are continuously adding more challenges and audio lessons to help you grow in your personal journey. Hope you find these helpful.
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Чит Коды на бесплатные встроенные покупки

Покупка Цена iPhone/iPad Андроид
Momentri Pro - Lifetime access
(Provides lifetime access to app pro features)
8 990,00 ₽
AJ129425597✱✱✱✱✱ 1C87A01✱✱✱✱✱
Yearly subscription
(Lets you use Momentri Pro features)
2 490,00 ₽
AJ592299699✱✱✱✱✱ 0C4843D✱✱✱✱✱
Quarterly subscription
(Lets you use Momentri Pro features)
1 290,00 ₽
AJ033114642✱✱✱✱✱ 4B7D1F3✱✱✱✱✱
Monthly subscription
(Lets you use Momentri Pro features)
449,00 ₽
AJ595473123✱✱✱✱✱ E80E0CE✱✱✱✱✱

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