"MonteCarloSolitaire" is card game which you take same number card that exist side by side in the up, down, left and right.
*How To Play*
- Take same number card that exist side by side in the up, down, left and right.
- Empty space is packed, and add card by auto from talon.
- You can shuffle the cards only once in enabled shuffle mode.
- If take all cards, game is cleared.
- If can't take card, game is finished.
- There is Narunaru here,there is Narunaru also there!
- There are eight modes.(number of cards in row is 4 to 7, shuffle is enabled or disabled)
- Record past result (time) in each mode.
- World rankings available.
Can register your best time in world ranking!
- ON/OFF setting of the sound function.
- Can change speed of animation.
Narunaru is looking forward to your challenge!