Mosuda Читы

Mosuda Взлом 2.21.0 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Simon Ducak
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 2.21.0
ID: com.example.coachOfPeoplePrototype


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Naša aplikácia pomáha uživateľom, dosiahnuť ich ciele za pomoci personalizovaného tréningového plánu pre každý deň. Každý tréningový a stravovací plán je vytvorený na mieru pre uživateľa, na základe jeho schopností, znalostí a cielov, obsahuje množstvo tréningov a úloh pre spestrenie a výzvu. Úlohy sú tvorené tak aby pomohli užívateľovi zvýšiť silu, výdrž a flexibilitu, a zároveň aby pomohli užívateľovi napredovať bezpečným a udržateľným tempom. Aplikácia taktiež obsahuje funkcie ako sledovanie pokroku, nástroje pre motiváciu, a socíalne funkcie aby pomohli užívateľovi zostať motivovaný a sústredený. Či už ste začiatočník ktorý sa chce dostať do formy, alebo skúsený športovec ktorý chce posunúť svoj tréning na dalšiu úroveň, naša aplikácia má niečo pre každého.

История обновлений

Nutričná tabuľka:

Vylepšený vizuálny dizajn: Naša aplikácia teraz ponúka prepracovaný a prehľadný dizajn, ktorý vám umožní ľahšie sledovať svoj stravovací režim a získať dôležité informácie o nutričných hodnotách vašich jedál.

Rýchlejšie načítavanie: Už viac nebudete musieť čakať na načítanie informácií o nutričných hodnotách. Naša aplikácia je teraz oveľa rýchlejšia pri načítavaní týchto dát.

Možnosť pridávania vlastných jedál: Teraz môžete jednoducho pridávať vlastné jedlá a ukladať ich nutričné hodnoty do aplikácie.


Vylepšené používateľské rozhranie: Chatovacia funkcia je teraz ešte jednoduchšia na používanie. Nový, prehľadnejší dizajn vám umožní pohodlne komunikovať s trénermi a ostatnými užívateľmi.

Systém notifikácií: Dostávajte okamžité notifikácie o nových správach a aktuálnych udalostiach v rámci aplikácie.

Trenérsky profil:

Rozšírené informácie o tréneroch: Profily trénerov teraz obsahujú viac informácií o ich skúsenostiach, certifikáciách a odporúčaniach.

Možnosť hodnotenia: Užívatelia môžu hodnotiť svoje skúsenosti s trénermi a zdieľať svoje názory, čo umožňuje ďalším užívateľom nájsť toho správneho trénera.

S touto aktualizáciou sme sa snažili zlepšiť celkový užívateľský zážitok a umožniť našim užívateľom ľahšie dosiahnuť svoje ciele v oblasti stravovania a cvičenia. Dúfame, že si túto novú verziu aplikácie obľúbite a oceníte tieto zlepšenia. Ďakujeme, že ste s nami!
V tejto novej verzii sme sa zamerali na riešenie niekoľkých chýb týkajúcich sa iterácií tréningových úloh. Užívateľom sa teraz nebudú kopírovať výsledky tréningov z jedného dňa do ďalšieho, čo by mohlo spôsobovať zbytočné zmatky.
Nová minoritná verzia iOS aplikácie prináša dôkladné opravy gramatických chýb, ktoré výrazne zlepšujú celkovú užívateľskú skúsenosť. Tieto zmeny zahŕňajú opravy chybných slovníkových a syntaktických štruktúr vo všetkých častiach aplikácie, čím sa zabezpečuje, že textový obsah je teraz plynulejší a ľahko čitateľný. Týmto spôsobom sme sa snažili vytvoriť ešte lepšie prostredie pre našich užívateľov a zabezpečiť, že aplikácia bude efektívnejšie komunikovať a poskytovať hodnotnú informáciu bez gramatických nedostatkov. Dúfame, že tieto zmeny zlepšia vašu užívateľskú skúsenosť s našou aplikáciou a umožnia vám ju plnohodnotnejšie využívať.
V tejto novej verzii sme venovali pozornosť vylepšeniu užívateľského rozhrania našej aplikácie. Opravili sme niekoľko chýb, ktoré ovplyvňovali vizuálny dojem a použiteľnosť. Tieto zmeny by mali zabezpečiť hladší a estetickejší zážitok pre našich používateľov.
Sme nadšení, že vám predstavujeme najnovšiu verziu našej aplikácie, ktorá prináša niekoľko významných vylepšení, zameraných na pohodlnejšie používanie pre našich trénerov a ich klientov. Tu sú hlavné novinky:

Umožnili sme novú možnosť prihlásenia cez váš účet Google. Teraz sa môžete rýchlo a bezpečne prihlásiť do svojho účtu s jednoduchým kliknutím.

Pre trénerov sme výrazne zrýchlili proces registrácie.

Uľahčili sme pridávanie nových klientov pre trénerov. Stačí zadať e-mailovú adresu klienta a náš systém mu automaticky pošle pozvánku na pripojenie k vášmu trénerskému účtu. To zjednodušuje a urýchľuje celý proces.

Vylepšili sme stabilitu aplikácie a vykonali sme rôzne úpravy na optimalizáciu rýchlosti a výkonu.
Nová verzia našej aplikácie na fitness tréning je tu s mnohými zlepšeniami! Opravili sme problémy s fotkami, takže teraz budete mať jasné a ostré obrázky na inšpiráciu. Navyše sme pridali funkciu pridávania opakovaní, čo vám umožní ešte presnejšie nastavenie vášho tréningového plánu.
In this latest version of our application, users can:

Track Nutrition: Keep a close eye on calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Access Extensive Food Database: Easily search and find nutritional information for various foods.

Set Personalized Goals: Tailor nutrition targets based on age, gender, weight, activity level, and health objectives.

Plan Meals: Create balanced and nutritious meal combinations with the meal planner feature.

Monitor Progress: Track daily, weekly, or monthly nutritional intake and compare it against set goals.

Enjoy User-Friendly Interface: Navigate the app effortlessly with its intuitive design.
Introducing our latest update: English Language Integration. Experience a user-friendly interface, enhanced language learning, global networking, multilingual translation, localized content, and more. Break barriers, bridge cultures, and connect with the world. Upgrade now and embrace the power of English.
Introducing Version 2.11.1: Improved Chat Notifications and Streamlined Coach Requests!

In our latest update, we've fixed chat notifications and optimized the coach request flow. Enjoy uninterrupted conversations with reliable notifications and a smoother experience when connecting with coaches. Update now for an enhanced user experience!
We are excited to announce the latest update for our iOS application, packed with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to enhance your coaching experience. Here's what you can expect in this release:

New Features:

Introducing new styles for coach clients: We have added a fresh set of styles to elevate the visual experience for coach clients. The new styles provide a modern and intuitive interface, making it easier than ever to navigate through the application.

Enhanced application screen styles: We have revamped the application screens to offer a more visually appealing and seamless user interface. The updated styles bring a refined look and feel, ensuring a delightful user experience.

Nutrition info preview: You can now preview detailed nutritional information for each meal within the application. Get a quick overview of the calories, macronutrients, and other vital details to make informed dietary choices.

Bug Fixes:

We have addressed several critical bugs that were affecting the application's performance and stability. This includes fixing crashes, resolving UI inconsistencies, and improving overall reliability. We appreciate your patience and feedback in helping us identify and rectify these issues.
We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience, and this update marks a significant step towards achieving that goal. We hope you enjoy the new features and improvements. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for being a valued user of our iOS application!
Exciting Updates in the New Version of iOS Application!

We are thrilled to announce the latest version of our iOS application, packed with several fantastic features and enhancements to elevate your training experience. Let's delve into the details of what's new:

Refreshed Styles for Training Plan Overview:
In response to user feedback and our commitment to continuous improvement, we have introduced new styles for the training plan overview section. The updated design brings a fresh and visually appealing look to your workout routines, making it easier than ever to navigate through your plans, track progress, and stay motivated.

Resolved Scrolling Issues:
We understand how frustrating it can be when scrolling becomes an obstacle during app usage. In this version, we have dedicated significant efforts to address and fix scrolling issues reported by our users. Now you can seamlessly scroll through various screens, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted experience as you explore different sections of the application.
We are excited to introduce the latest version (X.X) of our iOS application, packed with several improvements and bug fixes to enhance your user experience. This update primarily focuses on addressing a critical issue related to push notifications that was affecting some users. Our dedicated team has worked tirelessly to identify and resolve this bug, ensuring a seamless and reliable notification experience for all.

Key Features and Enhancements:

Push Notification Bug Fix: Our development team has successfully identified and resolved the underlying issue that was causing push notifications to malfunction for some users. With this update, you can expect timely and accurate notifications delivered straight to your device. Stay informed and connected with the latest updates from the app.

Improved Notification Reliability: We have implemented significant improvements to enhance the overall reliability and stability of push notifications. You can now rely on our app to promptly deliver important alerts, reminders, and personalized messages directly to your device.

Streamlined Notification Settings: In response to user feedback, we have simplified the notification settings within the app. Managing your notification preferences is now easier than ever. Customize the types of notifications you wish to receive, and enjoy a personalized experience tailored to your needs.

Performance Optimization: We have optimized various aspects of the application to ensure smoother and faster performance. From faster load times to improved responsiveness, you can now navigate through the app effortlessly, accessing its features and content with ease.

General Bug Fixes and Stability Enhancements: Our team has diligently addressed several minor bugs and glitches, improving the overall stability and user experience of the application. We remain committed to providing a seamless and hassle-free experience for our users.

We appreciate your continued support and patience while we worked on resolving the push notification issue. Update your iOS app to version X.X today to benefit from these enhancements and enjoy an improved overall experience. As always, we value your feedback, so feel free to reach out to us with any comments, questions, or concerns.

Thank you for choosing our app and being a part of our community.
The new version of our application brings several exciting improvements that will enhance the user experience and make it easier to discover new and delicious meals. In this update, we have fixed some bugs reported by users, ensuring that the application runs smoothly and efficiently.

One of the most significant features we have added is a food and recipe suggestion engine. With this new functionality, users can get personalized recommendations for meals based on their dietary preferences, cooking skills, and previous searches. This feature will make it easier for users to explore new recipes and try out new cuisines.

Additionally, we have updated our recipe database with new and exciting recipes from all over the world. Our team of culinary experts has carefully curated a collection of recipes that cater to a wide range of dietary preferences, including vegan, gluten-free, and low-carb options.

We have also improved the user interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. The navigation has been streamlined, and the search function has been optimized to help users find what they are looking for quickly.

Overall, this new version of our application is an exciting update that we believe our users will love. With the new food and recipe suggestion engine, users can easily discover new and delicious meals that suit their tastes and preferences.
he new 2.8.0 version of the application includes a new feature that allows users to record and track their body parameters. With this new feature, users can log data such as weight, body fat percentage, and muscle mass, and view their progress over time through intuitive charts.

This feature is designed to help users track their fitness and health goals more effectively. By regularly recording their body parameters, users can gain valuable insights into how their bodies are changing over time, and adjust their fitness and nutrition routines accordingly.

The charts included in this feature are easy to read and provide users with a clear visual representation of their progress. Users can view their progress over time, set goals, and track their progress towards those goals.

Overall, the new 2.8.0 version of the application provides users with a powerful tool to help them achieve their fitness and health goals. With the ability to track and analyze their body parameters, users can make more informed decisions about their health and fitness routines, and stay motivated as they work towards their goals.
Version 2.7.2 of our application brings an exciting update that addresses an issue with sending push notifications. We have listened to user feedback and have worked diligently to resolve this bug, ensuring that our users can now receive push notifications seamlessly.

With this new update, users can expect a smoother experience when it comes to receiving important notifications from our application. Our team has thoroughly reviewed the code and made the necessary fixes to eliminate any delays or failures in sending push notifications. This means that users will now receive timely and reliable push notifications, keeping them informed about important updates, messages, and events related to the application.

In addition to fixing the push notification issue, we have also implemented performance improvements to optimize the overall performance of the application. We have thoroughly tested the new version to ensure that it is stable and reliable, providing a seamless user experience.

As always, we are committed to delivering the best possible experience for our users, and this update is a testament to that commitment. We appreciate the continued support and feedback from our users, which has helped us identify and resolve this issue. We encourage all users to update to version 2.7.2 to enjoy the improved push notification functionality and overall performance enhancements in our application.
The latest version of our application includes exciting new features that we are thrilled to share with our users. One of the most notable updates is to the charts screen, which has been completely revamped to provide a more user-friendly experience. The charts now include more detailed and interactive visualizations, making it easier to track your progress over time.

In addition to the updated charts, we have also added a new feature that allows users to save and track their daily nutrition values. This feature enables users to input and track the nutritional information of the foods they consume, helping them to make more informed decisions about their diet and overall health.

With the new saved nutrition values feature, users can easily monitor their daily caloric intake, protein, carbohydrate, and fat consumption, as well as other essential nutrients. Users can set goals and track their progress over time, providing them with valuable insights into their overall health and wellness.

We are confident that these new features will help our users better manage their health and achieve their fitness goals. We are committed to continuing to provide our users with the best possible experience and will continue to update and improve our application to meet their needs.
Our latest application update now includes a calendar feature, which allows coaches to schedule and invite their clients to training sessions or consultations. This new addition provides a more streamlined and convenient way for coaches to manage their appointments and for clients to stay up-to-date with their scheduled sessions. With the ability to schedule, view, and manage appointments all in one place, our application is now more efficient and user-friendly than ever before.
We're excited to announce the release of version 2.2.0 of our application, which includes several new features and improvements to enhance your user experience.

One of the most significant updates in this version is the ability to attach a coach to your user account. This new feature allows you to connect with a personal coach who can provide guidance and support as you work towards your goals. By attaching a coach to your account, you'll be able to schedule sessions, receive personalized feedback, and track your progress over time.

In addition to the new coaching feature, version 2.2.0 includes several other enhancements and bug fixes, such as improved performance, updated user interface, and better security features. We've also added new options for customization, so you can tailor the app to your specific needs and preferences.

Overall, we're confident that these new features and improvements will help you achieve your goals more effectively and efficiently than ever before. So why not give the new version a try and see how it can help you reach your full potential?
We are excited to announce the release of the latest version of our application, version 2.1.2. This update includes several new features and improvements that will enhance your experience and make using the app even easier.

One of the major additions to this version is the inclusion of number keyboards for all nutrition inputs. With this new feature, users will be able to quickly and easily input their nutrition data without having to switch back and forth between the alpha and numeric keyboard. This feature will save time and make tracking your meals and snacks even more efficient.

In addition, we have fixed a problem with recording training results. We understand how important it is for users to accurately track their progress, and we have worked hard to resolve any issues that may have been preventing them from doing so. With this fix, users can now confidently record their training results and see their progress over time.
In the latest version 2.1.1 of our application, we have made some improvements to enhance your experience. We have fixed some minor bugs to make the application more stable and reliable. Additionally, we have added a new feature that allows division on all sliders. This means that you can now divide the sliders by a specific number to adjust their sensitivity and accuracy.
Introducing a new feature to enhance your sports viewing experience - the ability to create a super series!
The latest version of the application has been enhanced with a brand new user interface that is designed to be more intuitive and user-friendly. The new UI provides a more visually appealing experience and makes it easier for users to navigate through the different features and functions of the application.

Additionally, the new version of the application comes with an upgraded player for training. The new player is optimized for high-performance and provides a seamless training experience. It allows users to play, pause, rewind, and fast-forward their training sessions with ease, making it easier for them to focus on their learning and skill development.

Overall, the new version of the application offers a significant upgrade in terms of usability and functionality, providing a better training experience for users. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, the new UI and player will make it easier for you to achieve your goals and improve your skills.
We are excited to announce some new updates to our app! With this release, we have fixed a number of bugs that were causing issues for some users. This means that the app should now run smoother and more efficiently, providing a better experience for everyone.

In addition to bug fixes, we have also made some changes to the layout and design of the app. We have added some padding and margin to certain elements, which will make the app look cleaner and more organized. This will make it easier to navigate and find the information you need.

Overall, these updates are designed to make the app more user-friendly and improve the overall experience for our users. We hope you enjoy these new features and we look forward to hearing your feedback!

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