Hey there! Are you feeling down? Do you need someone to talk to? Don't worry you've got me! Well..sorta. I'm kinda running on a schedule. But in the mean time if you need some motivation, let me help you!
How to use:
-Tap on Aika for amazing tips and life advice!
-Earn a heart once a day or by continuously listening to advice!"
-Get 4 hearts an Aika will say something new!
-85 lines to unlock totaling 100!
-Use the "i" icon to find out more information (hence the "i") connect, rate, and play more games!
-Set on stand and be like "Oh look it's 1:00pm, Lunch time!". It's perfect for that.
After the events in the game "Samurai Ball" Aika goes back to her usual life. Oddly enough, Some of the people in town are starting to feel down an unwilling to achieve their goals. Because of this, she feels Its up to her to help motivate her community!
Developed By
Studio Tsubaki - TsubakiMH
Voice Over by Raspdere
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