neoCatalog Читы

neoCatalog Взлом 6.5.1 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Inèdit Software
Категория: Фото и видео
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 6.5.1
ID: com.inedit.neocatalog


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*To run neoCatalog iOS you require a neoCatalog server’s user account. This application was created and developed to reproduce the information in your already existing neoCatalog server.*

Get now all your neoCatalog server’s potential in your iPad and iPhone devices.

Organize and unify all your designs easily and intuitively. Create new color combinations, functional image galleries, impressive 3D simulations and much more. This is a very useful computer application that will alllow you to continue working with or without an Internet connection, enabling your whole equipment serve as a powerful commercial tool.

With this new program -if you are already a neoCatalog’s server user- you will now enjoy all the benefits of the neoCatalog server at any time. Synchronizing both programs you will be able to work with all neoCatalog’s options and have your virtual catalog available in your mobile devices.

Main functions (App Features):

- Synchronization with any selected contents of neoCatalog server.

- Modification or creation of new colorways using your own libraries.

- Visualization of designs at various sizes or repetitions.

-Application of your own designs on different images to re-create 3D simulations.

- Creation of galleries according to collections, seasons, clients or users, which will help you with the organization of designs.

- Print your designs and simulations or send them via email.

- Publication or sharing your designs, simulations and galleries in your neoCatalog server.

История обновлений

*** Bugs ***
- Fix a crash sometimes when searching neoCatalog with bonjour.
*** Enhancements ***
- Added support for groups in virtual vision dialog.
- Added Sentry SDK for best report issues management.

*** Bugs ***
- Fix a crash sometimes when selecting groups in virtual vision.
- Fix issue that make not show desing name in galleries screen.
- Fix issue taht makes advanced search dialog appears in wrong place.
- Fix some minor bugs/translations.
*** Enhancements ***
- New Dark Mode style
- New way to connect to neoCatalogs using the login page of the catalog web.
- Manual connection to neoCatalogs now support bonjour to find nearby servers.
- Improved the way to delete neoCatalogs.
- Now it show coverage data in colors grid.
- New SearchByTag option in designs grid.
- Added france language.
- Added trademarks in advanced search.

*** Bugs ***
- Fix some minor bugs/translations.
*** Enhancements ***
- Added again the possibility to delete only cache files.

*** Bugs ***
- Fix problem downloading digital colorways with same name
*** Enhancements ***
- Used a better QRCode reader QRCodeReader
- Now it shows Status Bar in device with notch.
- Added Software Agreement acceptation.
- Improvement when server change the ip to reconnect.
- Now the preview designs/colorways image show it is a conventional or digital image.
- Added support for producction orders for LEV.
- Improvements QuickPrint dialog.
- Now the Quickprint preview is generated in QuickPrint dialog.
- Added support for QuickPrint Virtuals 3D.

*** Bugs ***
- Fix sometime neoDownload manager not show real number of downloaded items.
- Fix problem resolution realsize image in iPhoneX.
- Fix problem with picker if color was black don’t let to change color.
- Fix an error when the user login name was a compost name.
- Fix bug that makes Download Manager not blocks ide with big database.
- Fix bug when expires credentials. Some times the application cannot go more online, also with connection to server
- Fix problem that delete all virtuals download sometime when lost connection to server
- Fix that the slide for preview image size does not update the label value
- Fix when user change size of preview images, sometimes the application crash
- Fix some languages traductions
*** Enhancements ***
- Now it is possible to send a colorway by mail or to a printer in realsize.
- New option to keep data synchonized.
- Now when session/token offline expires, after 30 days, the app let user to connect to another catalog.
- Show to the user the number of days than can still work in offline mode.
- Added new virtual in demo version.

*** Bugs ***
- Fix problem in galleries preview images when user change preview image size in settings.
- Fixed a problem with name of neoCatalog in Multiple neoCatalog that make not let connect neocatalogs with same ip and same username.
- Fix some translations in portuguese.
- Fix a crash that occurs when pair catalog with link from mail.
- Fixed a bug that makes appear black gallery items in iOS 12.
*** Enhancements ***

- Added support for ColorReader Pro spectro of DataColor.
- Now it is possible to change the colors of the texture in virtualvision objects.
- Added possibility to download simulations selecting individual items.
- Improved row text for more that one line in names of galleries.

*** Bugs ***

- Fixed: Sometimes in first configuration the download manager don't get the data info to download from server.
- Fixed: Download manager does not detect empty galleries created in nC web.
- Fixed: The first gallery created in nC web is downloaded by the download manager but not reachable throught the galleries dialog.
- Fixed a problem when change in server the name of a gallery this name was not updated in neoCatalog iOS in Download Manager.
- Fixed order of the downloads when download all simulations and galleries.
- Now when no mail account is configured in device it will advice that can't send mail.
- Header of production orders list now it moves with the rows.
- If no color libraries found in server now it will show an alert message to the user.
*** Enhancements ***

- Added a message to alert the user about creating a new order type if making a production order when no order type is created.
- Improvements in Download Manager download speed.
- Added Application UUID identifier.
- Improved messages about deleting parts of the production orders.

*** Bugs ***

- Fixed: when we enter app for the first time and the connection to the server is lost, the tour guide must not appear.
- Fixed the crash that occurs when deleting a Sample from the production order dialog.
- Fixed that when trying to reset a design, it did not get correctly reseted.
- Fixed that sometimes a blue square appeared in the outbox window.
- Fixed that the first time we enter the app, the designs dialog was shown out of its correct place.
- Fixed wrong channel selection when clicking on an image to select a channel.
- Now when no request type codename is defined, app will show by default the order production type format.
- Now the last designs (batch 100) are saved to the database in case the user cancels the download or the download stops before the process finishes.
- Fixed a bug that made the download arrow to appear on digital designs when reseting them.
*** Enhancements ***

- Added Italian translation for download manager.
- Now when user add new designs with '+' button also download the packsep file.
- Now when reset a design or simulation also download the packsep files.
- Added a Guided Tour.

*** Bugs ***

- Fixed a bug that makes not download the packsep file for designs or simulations downloaded from previous versions when updates data.
*** Enhancements ***

- New download manager filter.
- New icons and improved interface.
- Added new Get Pixel functions.
- Possibility to add new neoCatalog servers with QR registration method.
- Possibility to delete all configured neoCatalog servers.
- Changed the text collection field in production orders to a droplist field.
- Add possibility to search also by Alias in design serach field.
- Added new button in main screen to show availables Print Servers.
- Added a progress bar when refresh galleries (iPhone).
- Now a gallery can be saved without a customer.
- Added more vertical space in rows on settings screen.
- Added Italian language.

*** Bugs ***

- Fixed a bug that make impossible to delete a group in sample production orders.
- Fixed that when sending QuickPrint from order, no message was shown.
- Fixed that the dialog of add galleries is displaced when rotation device and keyboard open.
- Designs view - Fixed that sometimes designs previews were not shown.
- Fixed some correntions in languages.
- Fix a bug that makes appears the send to neoStampa option in quickprint even if this option was not enabled on neoCatalog Web.
- Fix error not login automatically when open WebBrowser.
- Fix that the requests in the iPad only appears if the preference of the neoCatalogWeb is true (neo_enable_requests).
- Fix crash when no exists type order for orders productions.
- Fix a problem with "Show more" text in orders production. (NC-2205).
- If we create a local gallery with some colorways and then publish it, it shows only 1 colorway and we must click the Refresh option to see the rest.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
- Added new dialog to make Random Colorways.
- Now SearchBar in objects dialog is fixed.
- Added new Done button in advanced search dialog.
- Change icon for zoom and info in bottom bar.
- Improvements in synchronization data with server (now will retry 3 times when a relative timeout occurs).

- Fixed some translations.
- Sometimes downloading preview, some previews show black.
- The app don't do the reconstruct of the images if only has selected designs in preload menu.
* Enhancements
Improved the register QR code reader. Now the application reads the Qr code faster.
Added a GIF with the instructions for registering devices.

* Bugs
Fixed a bug that makes in iPhone save images in photo gallery not work.
Fixed a bug that makes close production request input dialog when clicks twice in camera icon.
Fixed a bug that shows a wrong color in preview color channel.
Fixed a bug that make sometimes not appear all channels colors in colorways colors dialog.
Fixed translation bugs.

Added token for login validation.
Added news bar code formats for production orders.
Now user can select from neoCatalog Web the default order type for production orders.
Changed customer field to be autocompleted in production orders.
Removed price for some versions in production orders.
Added delivery addresses for production orders.
Added token validation for request users and delivery addresses.
From production orders now user can add new customers and new delivery addresses.
Added REST interactive methods for Users and Delivery Addresses tables.
Now keywords supports groups (like neoCatalog server).
Added new registration method based in QR codes.
Updated with last iOS SDK version 10.
Now design status color supports hexadecimal format color (#FFFFFF).
Added a new function to move the texture in virtual vision objects.
New popovers to show rotations and offsets for VV objects.
Added a new function in QuickPrint that allows to select a Print Server to send the quickprint.
Added a cancel button in the dialog to save image.
Now the size of the preview (designs/colorways) images on iPad is variable.


Sometimes in production orders list, custommer appears twice.
When changing customer in production orders, the delivery address not updates correctly.
In production orders, sometimes ask for add new customer when the customer already exists.
When publish a gallery with a virtual object inside, the app crash. This is not supported yet,
so for the moment a message tells to the user that the gallery can't be published.
Fixed a bug that makes crash the application when deleting a virtual object from a gallery.
Fixed a bug that makes not showing the QuickPrint dialog when the user press Publish & QuickPrint button for order Production Type.
Fixed a bug that make dissapear the designs previews in older versions of neoCatalog server.
Fix a issue with preferences REST that make not returning all preferences. This cause Default Request Type was not importing into de devices.
Fix a bug that makes fabric types not visible in selection in production order, if no fabric_name defined.
Fix some text cropped in the PDF.
Fix a bug that makes the application crash with colorways with NULL in colorname.
Fix a bug that makes a local imported photo available to publish.
Import/reset function works now with designs with diferent design code and name.
Fixed error with previews creating new colorways.
Now if and error occurs publishing colorways, the app not blocks.
Fixed bug that ignores layout direction in QuickPrint.
Fixed some language traductions.
Fixed other minor bugs.
Solved a bug that makes in updates dissapear the option button.
Added new log info in connection to server screen.
Added try out version.
- Added the possibility to copy/paste the server URL in Settings.
- Added a offset information for designs. When showing the colorway goes to this offset by default.
- Added collection in production orders header.
- Added customer in production orders header.
- Repeat all fields from one group to another in production orders.
- Print production orders in PDF format.
- Send production order to QuickPrint.
- Add possibility only synchronize data.
- Now the QR Code appears in production order PDF.
- Now size field input is manual.
- Field Fabric now is copied from one group to another.
- Improved the scroll on input text fields on production orders.

- Fix a crash in initialization screen if users fill fields and then press setup button.
- Solved a bug that makes mark Exclusive some colorways in production orders that are not exclusives.
- Solved a bug that makes the application crash when moving for objects grid if iOS version was greater than 9.0
- Added new Production Orders function.
- Added possibility to scan QR codes in production orders.
- Added new Web Browser function to connect to necoCatalog server.
- Improvements on servers connection.
- Improvements in the application for better compatibility with iOS 8.1
- Improvements in production orders list.
- Differents numbers for local productions orders and server production orders.
- Possibility to publish production orders to server.
- Possibility to send a production orders in PDF format by mail.

- Fixed a bug that makes some colorways not showing corrects colors.
- Fixed a bug which made showing colors wrong the first time when duplicating a colorway.
- Fixed a problem at selecting QuickPrint destination folder.
- Solved a bug that makes application crash on Drag&Drop production orders.
- Solved a bug scaning QR codes in production orders.
Fixed a bug that makes LAB32 colorways not showing properly.
*** ATTENTION: if you use LAB colorways, please don't download this version, there is a bug with colors LAB ***
- Colorways can be removed from local galleries.
- Added the posibility to make a reset to a corrupted Vitual 3D.
- Now we can delete a local colorway directly from the grid.
- Download process for designs and virtuals has been improved.
- Solved a bug that makes no rapport on colorways if neo_preview_repeated preference was setting to AUTO.
- Solved other minor bugs.
- New version of the NRE (
- Fixed bug: attempt to insert nil value.
- New function save info about desings/colorways most used (colorways neo_rating).
- New feature: now the application can be used in German Lenguatge.
- Bug fixed: if some design packsep if corrupted, the virtual 3D not gets a Creating image.. looping message.
- Imptoved: now if packep is corrupted, the app advise and get oportunity to download again.
- Fixed bug: sometimes the arrow that indicates packsep downloaded not works property.

* Renovated interface.
* New option in the Advanced Filter to search for designs based on their status.
* Added two new methods for overlapping colors for designs.
* New option to select the owner client when creates a new gallery.
* Added the ability to rename the local galleries.
* New OutBox screen: a queue has been created to save the work published to the server in order to send them to have connection.
* New option to add new designs through the roll of the camera or directly from the device, being able to select the actual size of the image.
* New option to add and to work with multiple servers.
* Added the ability to work with Virtuals 3D having any number of groups.
* New way to preview/select groups of Virtuals 3D.
* Ability to view the privileges assigned to the user.
* New version of the NRE (


* Has been optimized memory handling throughout the application.
* Improved way to add new designs from the server.
* Improved how to upload designs/colorways in grids.

* New button to navigate from design to design.
* New function to refresh and update a design.
* New way to select groups of 3D Virtuals.
* Added the ability to display color combinations without rapport.
* New label to show the design's status on the grid.
* New screen for QuickPrint.
* New option to close and start new session.
* New version of the NRE ( )

Optimizations :

* Any designs without colorways, will show directly without going to the colorways grid.
* Optimized the way to change the colors of a colorway.
* Optimized design's grid.
* Disabled colors are showing different in the designs grid.
* Optimized the photo files size of the recived files from the server.

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