Welcome to noomee, a mobile app designed to improve the lives of children with ASD. noomee is also a tool used by therapists working with special needs children, which provides automated ways to develop intervention plan for each child, integrated with databases that make therapy about 25% faster and more efficient.
noomee is designed and created by occupational therapists, with more than 12 years of experience in working with special needs children, working along a multidisciplinary team on creating the content while accounting for both the needs of the children and the therapists. This will make noomee popular among therapists, making us scalable within the industry.
The noomee app has 4 main components:
1) An “Organizer” feature that develops the children’s skills for their everyday life.
2) A “Social Story Maker” that enhances communication and behavioral skills, by illustrating how to behave in different social situations.
3) A “GPS Tracking” System that solves the problem of being constantly lost, caused by attention deficit.
4) “Progress Reports”, that shows traction and statistics of each child with a suggested rehabilitation path based on the data collected from the app.