Introducing everybody's favorite physics simulator, Numerical Physics PRO ...
... the world's most powerful and intuitive touch-based physics simulator.
Numerical Physics (Pro) is a touch-based, explicitly numerical, real-time, *point-particle* simulator of Newtonian mechanics in two dimensions for iOS and Mac devices, built around a custom physics engine. It can model, animate and numerically solve with high accuracy a wide class of high school and University mechanics problems you set up yourself using its direct, intuitive touch interface and its open-world 'sandbox' design.
Written by a physicist and educator, designed for educators and students of physics.
Its main main features include the ability to:
· generate dynamically: free-body diagrams, trajectories, and graphs of physical quantities as the system evolves;
· apply a set of standard 'explicit forces' (gravity, drag, spring restoring, inverse square forces);
· constrain bodies to inclines (with or without realistic friction);
· connect bodies to each other via springs, inverse square law forces, direct tension force constraints, or indirectly through pulley fixed points;
· kinematically constrain (i.e. pre-determine) a body’s motion;
· cause unconstrained and certain singly-constrained bodies to participate in collisions with each other or with a constraint surface, with a user-specified coefficient of restitution, and determine scattering angles and speeds.
Written from the ground up Numerical Physics' features include:
· a complete, future-extensible tutorial system: learn physics as you how to use the app; includes four built-in tutorials of increasing complexity that fully explore all of the apps features;
· a ‘labeled free-body diagram’ view: see, edit, graph and delete your forces right from the FBD;
· a UI that gets out of your way and maximizes screen real estate while keeping all features no more than two steps away;
· a custom high accuracy, high performance physics engine;
· all in-app bundle examples; no internet connection required;
· universal app design: a single app runs on iPhones of all screen sizes and iPads and now the Mac with a resizeable main window and menu support;
Numerical Physics can easily model complex systems numerically that cannot be analytically solved with its choice of five different numerical integrators, time-step, frame rate, and simulation rate control.
Numerical Physics Pro includes the following advanced features:
· Advanced Graphing and Data Export: create property vs property, multi-body, and multiple graphs, and export numerical data to apps like spreadsheets;
· Custom Forces and Constraint Curves: create essentially arbitrary position, velocity or time dependent external and interbody forces, and create user-defined ‘non-straight’ constraint curves and surfaces;
· Halter-Solver: specify a 'halting condition' on any physical property of a body that can be graphed: this means that 'Numerical Physics' can be used to numerically solve a wide range of problems commonly encountered in high school through second year University mechanics.
· Multibody and Tension Constraint Solver: create an arbitrary number of bodies (>2), and subject them to as many constraints as is physically consistent. Use it to create powerful simulations of Lagrangian mechanics constrained problems.
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