NumSolver is an open source app to solve the numbers part in the popular Countdown game show. Just in case you don't know that game, imagine you have 6 numbers from 1 to 10 plus 25, 50, 75 and 100 and you need to combine them all to get a target number, usually between 100 and 999. For instance you may have numbers 2, 4, 8, 10, 10 and 50 and you need to combine them to get number 256. One possible solution would be as simple as 4 x 8 x (10 - 2). It's important to note not all numbers need to be used and any number can be used only as many times as it appears. Also, fractions are not allowed, so only positive integers may be used at any stage of the calculation.
~ Always finds shortest possible solution.
~ Most solutions found in less than 2 seconds.
~ 100% free and with no annoying ads.
~ Extremely easy to use.