NYXS Взлом 1.2.9

Разработчик: Starry Night Labs Pte. Ltd.
Категория: Социальные сети

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Imagine building your own super stars of tomorrow. Discover promising young athletes and be their true supporter by taking active part in their journey to success.

On NYXS app, you can:

Play your part as a talent manager and scout aspiring athletes. Collect unique player cards that marks your support.

Be part of their story. Keep up-to-date with exclusive news and feeds from your athletes, and engage with them directly.

Support your athletes to top of the leaderboard and celebrate success together. Claim amazing rewards for your dedication!

Download app and Join NYXS generation, a community that builds the next wave of all-star athletes.

How to Play - https://nyxs.io/
Contact us - contact@snlabs.io