Oovium Читы

Oovium Взлом 3.0.3 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Aepryus Software
Категория: Производительность
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 3.0.3
ID: com.aepryus.oovium


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Oovium makes my geek heart flutter.
- Anne Wind

This app is a thing of beauty.
- W Smith Jr

Wow I love this
- OkeyMor57

22nd century calculating
- bill knighton

This will become Hari Seldon’s Prime Radiant some day.
- nicked off

Oovium is not an attempt to rehash old outdated inventions, but it subsumes much of their functionality. The calculator, spreadsheet, concept map, programming language: Oovium is all of them and it's none of them.

Oovium is the first (but certainly not the last) of an entirely new class of app, the calculation sandbox. It has been made possible by the invention of the touch device and Oovium's clean, efficient and tactile interface, designed for such devices, has been part of its DNA since its inception.

At its heart, Oovium aspires to make powerful, sophisticated and complex abilities (such as those currently available only to programmers) accessible to a wider audience. Oovium understands that increasing accessibility does not mean dumbing down an application by hiding complex functionality, it means making that complex functionality understandable by creating explicit visual representations for it.

The workspace of Oovium is a two-dimensional surface known as the Aether. Upon this aether a user can place Bubbles. There are currently four types of bubbles:
- InstBub is an instance of an object, usually a number, which in turn may be the result of an expression.
- MechBub allows the user to define their own functions.
- GridBub allows for a tabular arrangement of numbers and expressions similar to a spreadsheet.
- TextBub is a node that can be connected to other TextBub nodes in order to create concept maps.

These bubbles can be connected to each other in order to render sophisticated calculations in a visual (and aesthetic) way. Libraries of custom functions can be developed and included in other aethers when needed.

The concept of Oovium has six different aspects; in its current form it contains only one of these six aspects. It is a highly ambitious project with much more planned, that hopes to empower users; it hopes to change the way people think about and work with their computers; in short, it hopes to change the world! Come help drive its functionality; come help make Oovium happen!

История обновлений

- bug fixes
Fixed bugs causing issues with:
- MechBubs / TailBubs
- GridBub Footers
- ObjectBub labels
- bug fixes
Oovium 3.0 is here!!!
- Subscriptions Removed!
- iCloud support added!
- Now supports macOS!
- Added the ability to organize aethers into folders.
- Numerous under the cover refactorings and other bug fixes.
- fixed an issue with the new 7th generation iPad
- fixed a bug involving mechs with multiple levels of IfBubs
- fixed an issue with subscription validation
- Complete re-write of Oovium in Swift / C
- 300-fold performance increase (a calculation that used to take 5 hours now takes 1 minute)
- The visuals of MechBub, TailBub, CronBub and GridBub have been tweaked.
- Aether import has been moved to the aether itself via the AlsoBub
- Lexicon and 'obj' tab have been removed and replaced by the 'dev' tab.
- Function pointers have been added. Anchor-Tap MechBubs or TailBubs to add a function pointer to your expression.
- Dropbox support has been removed and replaced by rudimentary iCloud support. More advanced features to follow.
- The antechamber has been added. Keep up to date with the latest Oovium news and the Oovium Roadmap.
- Complete re-write of Oovium in Swift / C
- 300-fold performance increase (a calculation that used to take 5 hours now takes 1 minute)
- The visuals of MechBub, TailBub, CronBub and GridBub have been tweaked.
- Aether import has been moved to the aether itself via the AlsoBub
- Lexicon and 'obj' tab have been removed and replaced by the 'dev' tab.
- Function pointers have been added. Anchor-Tap MechBubs or TailBubs to add a function pointer to your expression.
- Dropbox support has been removed and replaced by rudimentary iCloud support. More advanced features to follow.
- The antechamber has been added. Keep up to date with the latest Oovium news and the Oovium Roadmap.
Preparation for the major upgrade to Oovium 2.0.
fixed an issue with the power operator ^ and negative numbers.
Restored Dropbox functionality
Fixed the 'i' constant and added a complex number version of the abs function.
Allows the custom functions page to scroll and fixed the sorting of aethers.
Fixed a bug with dropbox uploads. Oovium should be able to overwrite existing files again.
Previously 'include' loops would crash Oovium, this has been fixed.
- dropbox support reimplemented
- support for 10.5" and 12.9" iPad screens
- implemented "endless" and "while" end modes in CronBub
- fixed 4 crashes
fixed two crashes
- Conversion to 64 bit mode for continued use with iOS 11 (as well as other conversions for iOS 7-11)

- Long over due support for iPhone 6,7,8 and iPhone 6,7,8 Plus screen sizes

- Support for iOS 7 keyboards

- Removed dropbox support

- Updated links

A major behind the scenes update of Oovium, Oovium 2.0 will follow fairly shortly afterwards. I am entirely rewriting Oovium from the ground up using Swift. This initial version will contain minimal visual / functional modifications and additions, however it will lay the ground work for a rapid succession of major enhancements down the line.
- IfBub : A visual conditional that can be used instead of the in-bubble 'if' function. Aside from its visual representation, it also has the advantage of only evalutating the appropriate resultant. This makes the IfBub very useful in creating recursive functions without needing to use the Function data type.

- TailBub : A new type of a MechBub specifically designed for creating recursive functions, greatly simplifing the ability to create loops. The TailBub's visual structure guides the user in creating a tail call optimized recursion which has performance advantages over MechBub recursion, but more importantly eliminates the 500 loop limit of the MechBub. (The TailBub will process for up to 1 second, which allow for signficantly more iterations)

- CronBub : Allows for the creation of a timer that increments its value periodically based on input parameters. The utility of the CronBub, is perhaps a bit limited at this point, but it will become an essential tool for modeling and animating with the arrival of the 2nd aspect of Oovium.

- TypeBub : Allows for the mapping of entities and relationships. Currently, the TypeBub is not integrated with the other bubble types of Oovium and is a faint shadow of it's ultimate functionality. However, it has been slipped into this version both as a preview of future attractions and because even in it's current form, it can be useful in creating some simple diagrams.

- [!,&,|] - the 'not' !, 'and' & and 'or' | operators have been added to the Lexicon

- The resolution of exported images has been increased to match the retina display. There are still plans to create a vector output, but that hasn't been done yet.

- In conjunction with the conversion of Oovium to OS X, once again massive under-the-cover refactoring has occurred with this version, including the conversion to the ARC memory model, a revamp of the Hover mechanism, some tweaks to the Math engine and major restructing of the Bubble system to allow for easier creation of new Bubbles, although more work is still needed with that.
iOS 4.3 compatibility
bug fix
bug fixes
iOS 6 compatibility
iPhone 5 screen compatibility
bug fixes
Bug Fixes

Version 1.1.3
- Tapping a header will move the focus to it.

- Retapping the current header will close it.

- Double tapping a header will allow for the header name to be edited.

- Columns are now deleted via the column editor.

- Columns can be reordered by anchor-dragging the headers. (It's no longer necessary to be in 'exposed' mode)

- A new row number column has been added to the left side of the GridBub called the 'lefter'.

- Rows can be reordered by anchor-dragging the row by its lefter.

- Rows can be selected from its lefter and deleted, from the new row editor.

- The top left tab of the GridBub, no longer does anything in the current version. However, I will be adding functionality back to it soon, so I am leaving it there visually.

- The new 'equal tab' has been added to the bottom right of the GridBub. The equal tab will determine the behavior of the equal key. In the right position, the cell cursor will move to the right; in the down position, the cell cursor will move downward; in the diagonal position, the cell will simply close as normal.

- The GridBub has been entirely rewritten from the ground up in order to significantly improve it's performance

The String data type has finally been added to Oovium. Any text embedded between quotes will be converted into a String. These Strings, of course, can now be typed into the cells of a GridBub. The addition operator will also work between Strings and between Strings and Numbers.

A function Lexicon has been added. The lexicon can be accessed via the 'mis' tab of the expression editor. Subsets of functions can be displayed by using the function filter in the upper right of the hover. Tap a function to get a description and a list of the input and output datatypes. Double tap the function to insert it into your current expression.

- The power operator (^) and sqrt function have been changed. The versions that take Real inputs will now only return Real outputs. Inputs that would have previously returned Complex values will now simply return NaN. The Complex versions will work as before. To force the use of the Complex version on a Real value, the Real value must be converted to Complex using the Complex constructor (or by adding 0i).

- [sec,csc,cot] - the secant, cosecant and cotangent functions have been added to the Lexicon.

- [≠,≤,≥] - the not equal, the lesser than or equal and the greater than or equal operators have been added to the 'mis' tab.

- [random] - the random function has been added to the Lexicon. The function will return a random number from 0 to n-1.

The recursion limit on Mechs has been increased from 99 to 500 before generating a stack overflow error.

Rudimentary support for the external keyboard has been added. Please go to the forum for more discussion on this topic.

Oovium is going to experiment with a new update strategy. In the hopes of increasing the rate of development, I am planning to submit more frequent, but smaller versions of Oovium going forward. I hope to have at least one major functional addition as well as a few minor ones and of course bug fixes with each version.

With this new update strategy it will be prohibitively expensive to retranslate Oovium with each version. So, I'm going to rely on computerized translation in the interim and then resubmit the translations to the translators at the end.

The new String data type does not allow for Japanese text entry at this time. I'm working on a handful of solutions for this and will try to get them to you guys as soon as possible.
- Tapping a header will move the focus to it.

- Retapping the current header will close it.

- Double tapping a header will allow for the header name to be edited.

- Columns are now deleted via the column editor.

- Columns can be reordered by anchor-dragging the headers. (It's no longer necessary to be in 'exposed' mode)

- A new row number column has been added to the left side of the GridBub called the 'lefter'.

- Rows can be reordered by anchor-dragging the row by its lefter.

- Rows can be selected from its lefter and deleted, from the new row editor.

- The top left tab of the GridBub, no longer does anything in the current version. However, I will be adding functionality back to it soon, so I am leaving it there visually.

- The new 'equal tab' has been added to the bottom right of the GridBub. The equal tab will determine the behavior of the equal key. In the right position, the cell cursor will move to the right; in the down position, the cell cursor will move downward; in the diagonal position, the cell will simply close as normal.

- The GridBub has been entirely rewritten from the ground up in order to significantly improve it's performance

The String data type has finally been added to Oovium. Any text embedded between quotes will be converted into a String. These Strings, of course, can now be typed into the cells of a GridBub. The addition operator will also work between Strings and between Strings and Numbers.

A function Lexicon has been added. The lexicon can be accessed via the 'mis' tab of the expression editor. Subsets of functions can be displayed by using the function filter in the upper right of the hover. Tap a function to get a description and a list of the input and output datatypes. Double tap the function to insert it into your current expression.

- The power operator (^) and sqrt function have been changed. The versions that take Real inputs will now only return Real outputs. Inputs that would have previously returned Complex values will now simply return NaN. The Complex versions will work as before. To force the use of the Complex version on a Real value, the Real value must be converted to Complex using the Complex constructor (or by adding 0i).

- [sec,csc,cot] - the secant, cosecant and cotangent functions have been added to the Lexicon.

- [≠,≤,≥] - the not equal, the lesser than or equal and the greater than or equal operators have been added to the 'mis' tab.

- [random] - the random function has been added to the Lexicon. The function will return a random number from 0 to n-1.

The recursion limit on Mechs has been increased from 99 to 500 before generating a stack overflow error.

Rudimentary support for the external keyboard has been added. Please go to the forum for more discussion on this topic.

A number of major refactorings have occurred with this version. Numerous bugs have been fixed (hopefully not too many new ones have been introduced). Also, a slightly improved exception reporting system has been implemented which will hopefully facilitate the removal of any remaining bugs.

Oovium is going to experiment with a new update strategy. In the hopes of increasing the rate of development, I am planning to submit more frequent, but smaller versions of Oovium going forward. I hope to have at least one major functional addition as well as a few minor ones and of course bug fixes with each version.

With this new update strategy it will be prohibitively expensive to retranslate Oovium with each version. So, I'm going to rely on computerized translation in the interim and then resubmit the translations to the translators at the end.

The new String data type does not allow for Japanese text entry at this time. I'm working on a handful of solutions for this and will try to get them to you guys as soon as possible.
Fixed an issue for first time users who initially installed and a launch issue for users upgrading from or earlier with Aethers that contain GridBubs.

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