Permanent Archive is a place where you can store your family photos and videos, personal documents, business records, or really any digital file permanently.
Our nonprofit mission is a promise to store your digitized and already digital photos, videos, music, documents, or anything made of bits and bytes for all time.
We work off of one-time fees, so you don’t have to pay monthly for the file storage. No subscriptions means no expirations.
We can do that because we're a nonprofit backed by an endowment, same as a museum, university, or faith-based organization. Storage fees are donations.
Permanent Archive by the Permanent Legacy Foundation is user friendly for any technical level. It works just like the other file storage applications you’re already familiar with.
But a digital archive on Permanent is a legacy that you can pass down through future generations and you can share with your whole family, community or the world.
This way future generations can learn from you and add their own digital materials to create a lasting legacy of all people.
◼Tell the story of your files: add titles, descriptions, dates, locations, and tags to your files. Metadata is captured automatically for your files when you upload to save you time.
◼Share with confidence: choose what files and folders you want to share and what level of access others can have to view, contribute, edit, or curate your content. Generate share links that are easy to copy and paste or share files directly in text messages, emails, or any app.
◼Collaborate with control: add family, friends and teammates to your Permanent Archives as members so they can build archives with you. Control their level of access to view, contribute, edit, or curate your content.
◼Maintain access forever: files are converted to universally standard formats so they are accessible as technology changes. One-time storage fees mean your account and archives will never expire.
Be a digital preservation hero! Don’t wait, start building your archives today. There’s no cost to get started. Your loved ones, colleagues, and friends will thank you for it.
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Permanent Archive by the Permanent Legacy Foundation is the world's first permanent data storage system, backed by a nonprofit organization, the Permanent Legacy Foundation.
Secure your most important memories on the spot to ensure they are backed up for all time in the private and secure storage system built for the people, not for profit.