KnowleKids Phonics AudioCards have about 70 syllables represented by about 270 words. They are arranged in the order of difficulty from book 1 to book 14.
We also have accompanying Paper Interactive Phonics Flashcards. There is a QR code on each flashcard. Scan the QR code with any of KnowleKids apps, the audio flashcard will show up! It’s ideal for home schooling & kid’s self-guided learning.
Please visit our website www.knowlekids.com, sign up our live online classes & our email list, purchase our Interactive Flashcards, Interactive Local Learning Maps & Interactive Learning Toys. Join our facebook page, subscribe to our YouTube Channel, give us your feedback and let us know how KnowleKids® can help you!
Together, we can make KnowleKids® a truly valuable platform that will make parenting easier and more effective by helping you foster your child’s good learning habits, social skills, responsibility, and independence.
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