Photographer's Friend Читы

Photographer's Friend Взлом 3.7.7 + Чит Коды

An Assistant in Your Pocket!

Разработчик: Martin Bailey Photography K.K.
Категория: Фото и видео
Цена: 699,00 ₽ (Скачать бесплатно)
Версия: 3.7.7
ID: com.martinbaileyphotography.pf3


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Друг фотографа имеет три отличных калькулятора фотографии в одном приложении, и теперь с двумя из них доступны для Apple Watch с почти полным паритетом функций! Мы считаем, что наша глубина поля калькулятор с pixel Peeper режим включен является наиболее точным и подробным DOF Калькулятор доступны!

Калькулятор глубины поля
Рассчитайте глубину поля на фотографиях на основе размера датчика камеры, диафрагмы, фокусного расстояния и расстояния фокусировки, установленного четырьмя циферблатами вдоль основания DoF Calc.

Дисплей включает в себя гиперфокальные расстояния, которые могут быть временно переведены на циферблат Focus Distance или заблокированы для непрерывного обновления. Отображение расстояний в метрических единицах или футах и дюймах.

По умолчанию мы используем традиционные вычисления Глубины Поля, но режим Pixel Peeper вычисляет глубину поля, используя размер датчика и мегапикселей для более высокой точности. Вы также можете ввести пользовательский круг путаницы размер, если вы предпочитаете. Есть даже режим предупреждения дифракции!

Дифракционные направляющие значения Diffraction Limit корректируют цвет руководства по диафрагме при возможности дифракции. Вы можете изменить отправные точки Diffraction Limit в рамках Pro Add-on, доступного в качестве покупки в приложении.

Калькулятор фильтра нейтральной плотности
Введите базовую скорость затвора в калькулятор фильтра нейтральной плотности, чтобы рассчитать скорость нового затвора после установки фильтров ND в объектив. Фильтр этикетки включают коэффициент умножения (ND2, ND4 и т.д.) с F-стоп и оптические значения плотности также отображается. Вы можете скрыть фильтры, которые вы не используете, или вернуть их снова с помощью слайд-жестов.

Таймер доступен для скорости затвора 3 секунды или дольше, так что если у вас нет переключателя таймера или встроенного таймера в вашей камере, мы приуром вашу экспозицию для вас!

Калькулятор сдвига экспозиции
При изменении настроек экспозиции камеры не всегда очевидно, какие настройки следует изменить, чтобы противостоять изменениям, которые вы вносите. Когда вы регулируете диафрагму от f/5.6 до f/11, нужно ли вашей скорости затвора идти вверх или вниз? Как это влияет на ваш ISO? Калькулятор сдвига экспозиции имеет ответы!

Введите текущие настройки камеры с помощью циферблатов Aperture, Shutter Speed и ISO и посмотрите, как друг фотографа вычисляет, как изменения в одном циферблате влияют на другие. Вы можете заблокировать любой из трех циферблатов, чтобы вычислить другой бесплатный циферблат автоматически, или включить блокировку значения экспозиции, чтобы друг фотографа вычислить все настройки для вас!

Дополнительные функции, такие как закупки в приложении
Друг фотографа полностью функционален по отмеченной цене. Тем не менее, некоторые функции, такие как Apple Watch Extensions и некоторые функции Pro доступны как In-App Покупка, поскольку они не могут быть интересны для всех. Существует также пакет, чтобы сэкономить на нескольких отдельных дополнениях.

Мы включили ссылки на углубленные статьи о Hyperfocal Расстояние, Понимание нейтральной плотности фильтров и круг путаницы, воздушный диск и дифракция, и понимание воздействия значение, среди других полезных содержание. Мы также предоставили ссылку на онлайн-видео учебник, чтобы проведать вас через каждый калькулятор и дополнительные расширения Apple Watch.

Есть ссылки на электронную почту нас напрямую или использовать нашу веб-контактную форму, чтобы задать общие вопросы фотографии или отправить вопросы или предложения для приложения. Мы считаем, что у нас есть все базы охвачены, но, например, если у вас есть фильтр нейтральной плотности, который не указан, дайте нам знать, и мы добавим его в будущем обновлении.

Если вы только начинаете или опытный профессиональный фотограф или педагог, мы думаем, вы найдете друга фотографа бесценным!

История обновлений

Мы исправили проблему, из-за которой покупки в приложении не срабатывали при определенных условиях.
Все осложнения Apple Watch теперь работают правильно!
Скорректированы размеры шрифта циферблата на экранах iOS и Apple Watch 38 мм и 40 мм для упрощения использования.
Сделал Apple Watch Complications более стабильными.
Сделал Apple Watch Complications более стабильными.
Версия 3.7.3
Исправлены два неработающих значка Apple Watch Complication.
Обновлены некоторые немецкие переводы на основе отзывов клиентов.
Версия 3.7.2
Дополнение для Apple Watch теперь вызывает последний использованный калькулятор при запуске.
Добавлен пробел между этикетками калькулятора глубины резкости Apple Watch.
Исправлена проблема, из-за которой Калькулятор фильтра нейтральной плотности для Apple Watch сбрасывал выдержку и выбранную силу фильтра после перезапуска приложения.
Повышена стабильность при связывании таймеров фильтра Apple Watch и iPhone ND.
Лучшее управление переключением с пассивного таймера на активный на калькуляторе фильтров ND Apple Watch
Версия 3.7.1
Исправлены некоторые незначительные проблемы с форматированием страницы настроек.
Версия 3.7
Добавлены Diffraction Limit Guide Adjusters - теперь вы можете точно настроить стартовые точки предупреждений о янтаре и красных дифракциях (включенных в Pro Add-on)
Добавлен слайдер значения бесконечности к экрану параметров калькулятора Depth of Field (включен в Pro Add-on).
Добавлен японский язык в качестве полностью поддерживаемого языка и 14 других языков с машинным переводом (арабский, китайский (упрощенный), китайский (традиционный), французский, немецкий, иврит, хинди, итальянский, корейский, малайский, португальский, русский, испанский, турецкий).
Добавленная контекстуальная помощь на борту с выделением элемента, чтобы проведать вас через настройки и использование - доступ через кнопку Справка на калькуляторах и экране настроек DoF Calc.
Убрал главное меню друга фотографа на Apple Watch и изменил навигацию. Подробнее об обновленной справке по расширению Apple Watch читайте в справке для фотографа.
Добавлена возможность покупать и восстанавливать покупки в приложении непосредственно у Apple Watch.
Добавленные единицы измерения переключаются на экран параметров калькулятора Depth of Field.
Теперь включите почти предел фокусировки в считывании Hyperfocal DoF, даже если это больше, чем бесконечность.
Удалены документы справки для калькуляторов DoF, ND Filter и Exposure Shift
Теперь вы можете салфетки влево и вправо на трех экранах калькулятора, чтобы перемещаться непосредственно между ними.
Длительное нажим на кнопку видимость видимости фильтра ND Filter теперь будет отображать диалог, который предлагает распутать все скрытые фильтры.
Снял углы со всех элементов пользовательского интерфейса и обновил внешний вид, чтобы сделать friend фотографа еще красивее.
Восстановленные десятичники для ближнего и дальнего фокуса в калькуляторе DoF.
Исправлена проблема, которая может предотвратить сохранение значения Custom Circle of Confusion в настройках калькулятора поля Apple Watch.
Версия 3.7.2
Дополнение для Apple Watch теперь вызывает последний использованный калькулятор при запуске.
Добавлен пробел между этикетками калькулятора глубины резкости Apple Watch.
Исправлена проблема, из-за которой Калькулятор фильтра нейтральной плотности для Apple Watch сбрасывал выдержку и выбранную силу фильтра после перезапуска приложения.
Повышена стабильность при связывании таймеров фильтра Apple Watch и iPhone ND.
Лучшее управление переключением с пассивного таймера на активный на калькуляторе фильтров ND Apple Watch
Версия 3.7.1
Исправлены некоторые незначительные проблемы с форматированием страницы настроек.
Версия 3.7
Добавлены Diffraction Limit Guide Adjusters - теперь вы можете точно настроить стартовые точки предупреждений о янтаре и красных дифракциях (включенных в Pro Add-on)
Добавлен слайдер значения бесконечности к экрану параметров калькулятора Depth of Field (включен в Pro Add-on).
Добавлен японский язык в качестве полностью поддерживаемого языка и 14 других языков с машинным переводом (арабский, китайский (упрощенный), китайский (традиционный), французский, немецкий, иврит, хинди, итальянский, корейский, малайский, португальский, русский, испанский, турецкий).
Добавленная контекстуальная помощь на борту с выделением элемента, чтобы проведать вас через настройки и использование - доступ через кнопку Справка на калькуляторах и экране настроек DoF Calc.
Убрал главное меню друга фотографа на Apple Watch и изменил навигацию. Подробнее об обновленной справке по расширению Apple Watch читайте в справке для фотографа.
Добавлена возможность покупать и восстанавливать покупки в приложении непосредственно у Apple Watch.
Добавленные единицы измерения переключаются на экран параметров калькулятора Depth of Field.
Теперь включите почти предел фокусировки в считывании Hyperfocal DoF, даже если это больше, чем бесконечность.
Удалены документы справки для калькуляторов DoF, ND Filter и Exposure Shift
Теперь вы можете салфетки влево и вправо на трех экранах калькулятора, чтобы перемещаться непосредственно между ними.
Длительное нажим на кнопку видимость видимости фильтра ND Filter теперь будет отображать диалог, который предлагает распутать все скрытые фильтры.
Снял углы со всех элементов пользовательского интерфейса и обновил внешний вид, чтобы сделать friend фотографа еще красивее.
Восстановленные десятичники для ближнего и дальнего фокуса в калькуляторе DoF.
Исправлена проблема, которая может предотвратить сохранение значения Custom Circle of Confusion в настройках калькулятора поля Apple Watch.
Добавлены Diffraction Limit Guide Adjusters - теперь вы можете точно настроить стартовые точки предупреждений о янтаре и красных дифракциях (включенных в Pro Add-on)
Добавлен слайдер значения бесконечности к экрану параметров калькулятора Depth of Field (включен в Pro Add-on).
Добавлен японский язык в качестве полностью поддерживаемого языка и 14 других языков с машинным переводом (арабский, китайский (упрощенный), китайский (традиционный), французский, немецкий, иврит, хинди, итальянский, корейский, малайский, португальский, русский, испанский, турецкий).
Добавленная контекстуальная помощь на борту с выделением элемента, чтобы проведать вас через настройки и использование - доступ через кнопку Справка на калькуляторах и экране настроек DoF Calc.
Убрал главное меню друга фотографа на Apple Watch и изменил навигацию. Подробнее об обновленной справке по расширению Apple Watch читайте в справке для фотографа.
Добавлена возможность покупать и восстанавливать покупки в приложении непосредственно у Apple Watch.
Добавленные единицы измерения переключаются на экран параметров калькулятора Depth of Field.
Теперь включите почти предел фокусировки в считывании Hyperfocal DoF, даже если это больше, чем бесконечность.
Удалены документы справки для калькуляторов DoF, ND Filter и Exposure Shift
Теперь вы можете салфетки влево и вправо на трех экранах калькулятора, чтобы перемещаться непосредственно между ними.
Длительное нажим на кнопку видимость видимости фильтра ND Filter теперь будет отображать диалог, который предлагает распутать все скрытые фильтры.
Снял углы со всех элементов пользовательского интерфейса и обновил внешний вид, чтобы сделать friend фотографа еще красивее.
Восстановленные десятичники для ближнего и дальнего фокуса в калькуляторе DoF.
Исправлена проблема, которая может предотвратить сохранение значения Custom Circle of Confusion в настройках калькулятора поля Apple Watch.
Исправлены некоторые незначительные проблемы с форматированием страницы настроек в версии 3.7.1.
Добавлены Diffraction Limit Guide Adjusters - теперь вы можете точно настроить стартовые точки предупреждений о янтаре и красных дифракциях (включенных в Pro Add-on)
Добавлен слайдер значения бесконечности к экрану параметров калькулятора Depth of Field (включен в Pro Add-on).
Добавлен японский язык в качестве полностью поддерживаемого языка и 14 других языков с машинным переводом (арабский, китайский (упрощенный), китайский (традиционный), французский, немецкий, иврит, хинди, итальянский, корейский, малайский, португальский, русский, испанский, турецкий).
Добавленная контекстуальная помощь на борту с выделением элемента, чтобы проведать вас через настройки и использование - доступ через кнопку Справка на калькуляторах и экране настроек DoF Calc.
Убрал главное меню друга фотографа на Apple Watch и изменил навигацию. Подробнее об обновленной справке по расширению Apple Watch читайте в справке для фотографа.
Добавлена возможность покупать и восстанавливать покупки в приложении непосредственно у Apple Watch.
Добавленные единицы измерения переключаются на экран параметров калькулятора Depth of Field.
Теперь включите почти предел фокусировки в считывании Hyperfocal DoF, даже если это больше, чем бесконечность.
Удалены документы справки для калькуляторов DoF, ND Filter и Exposure Shift
Теперь вы можете салфетки влево и вправо на трех экранах калькулятора, чтобы перемещаться непосредственно между ними.
Длительное нажим на кнопку видимость видимости фильтра ND Filter теперь будет отображать диалог, который предлагает распутать все скрытые фильтры.
Снял углы со всех элементов пользовательского интерфейса и обновил внешний вид, чтобы сделать friend фотографа еще красивее.
Восстановленные десятичники для ближнего и дальнего фокуса в калькуляторе DoF.
Исправлена проблема, которая может предотвратить сохранение значения Custom Circle of Confusion в настройках калькулятора поля Apple Watch.
*** Introducing the Active Timer! ***
- In the Neutral Density Filter Calculator for Apple Watch, with Active Timer, now timers up to one hour, can provide audible and haptic taps as an aid to the timer status, even when the watch face turns off. Active Timer will also automatically engage from 60 minutes, even for longer exposures.
- An Audible Tap (a ding and a haptic tap) plays every ten seconds from 60 to 5 minutes. It plays every 5 seconds from 3 to 1 minute, then every 3 seconds from 60 to 10 seconds. From 10 to 4 seconds it plays every other second, then every second for the last three seconds before the alarm starts to remind you to stop your exposure.
- Mute your Apple Watch if you don’t want the sound, but the Audible Tap option makes the taps heavier, and harder to miss. With Audible Taps turned off and just the Active Timer, you’ll get lighter taps during the countdown with no sound.
- Photographer’s Friend can now be completely closed during an ND Filter Calculator timer on both the Apple Watch and iOS device, and it will review the timer when opened again. If the app remains closed, you’ll still get a notification to remind you to stop your exposure.
- We also added synching of ND Filter Calculator shutter speed and selected ND Filters from the iPhone to Apple Watch when tapping the watch button.
- There is now a Decimal Fractions field in the ND Filter Calculator for Apple Watch to cater for filters such as an ND400 which is rated at 8.6 stops. The fractions for stacked filter combinations on the iPhone are also synchronized with the Watch Extension.
- Turn on auto-hide to remove the Decimal Fractions field when there is no fraction in the synched filters. When hidden, swipe up to show the Decimal Fractions field to manual input filter fractions.
In addition to the above changes, the Settings, Help & Links Tables now flash the scroll bar when selected to make it more obvious that there is more to see when scrolled.
- In version 3.6.1 we fixed an issue that caused the hyperfocal distance values at the top of the DoF Calculator to be trailing by one selection when the hyperfocal distance lock was engaged.

*** Other Recent Changes ***
Version 3.5 was a huge update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Silicon Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light. As part of the Pro Add-on, you can now customize up to eight color schemes, including gradation point, and save them for switching later. The main traffic light colors and highlight colors used throughout Photographer's Friend are also now editable.
*** Introducing the Active Timer! ***
- In the Neutral Density Filter Calculator for Apple Watch, with Active Timer, now timers up to one hour, can provide audible and haptic taps as an aid to the timer status, even when the watch face turns off. Active Timer will also automatically engage from 60 minutes, even for longer exposures.
- An Audible Tap (a ding and a haptic tap) plays every ten seconds from 60 to 5 minutes. It plays every 5 seconds from 3 to 1 minute, then every 3 seconds from 60 to 10 seconds. From 10 to 4 seconds it plays every other second, then every second for the last three seconds before the alarm starts to remind you to stop your exposure.
- Mute your Apple Watch if you don’t want the sound, but the Audible Tap option makes the taps heavier, and harder to miss. With Audible Taps turned off and just the Active Timer, you’ll get lighter taps during the countdown with no sound.
- Photographer’s Friend can now be completely closed during an ND Filter Calculator timer on both the Apple Watch and iOS device, and it will review the timer when opened again. If the app remains closed, you’ll still get a notification to remind you to stop your exposure.
- We also added synching of ND Filter Calculator settings from the iPhone to Apple Watch when tapping the watch button. When multiple filters are selected on the iPhone the nearest whole number of ND stops are calculated.
In addition to the above changes, the Settings, Help & Links Tables now flash the scroll bar when selected to make it more obvious that there is more to see when scrolled.
- In version 3.6.1 we fixed an issue that caused the hyperfocal distance values at the top of the DoF Calculator to be trailing by one selection when the hyperfocal distance lock was engaged.

*** Other Recent Changes ***
Version 3.5 was a huge update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Silicon Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light. As part of the Pro Add-on, you can now customize up to eight color schemes, including gradation point, and save them for switching later. The main traffic light colors and highlight colors used throughout Photographer's Friend are also now editable.
*** Introducing the Active Timer! ***
- In the Neutral Density Filter Calculator for Apple Watch, with Active Timer, now timers up to one hour, can provide audible and haptic taps as an aid to the timer status, even when the watch face turns off. Active Timer will also automatically engage from 60 minutes, even for longer exposures.
- An Audible Tap (a ding and a haptic tap) plays every ten seconds from 60 to 5 minutes. It plays every 5 seconds from 3 to 1 minute, then every 3 seconds from 60 to 10 seconds. From 10 to 4 seconds it plays every other second, then every second for the last three seconds before the alarm starts to remind you to stop your exposure.
- Mute your Apple Watch if you don’t want the sound, but the Audible Tap option makes the taps heavier, and harder to miss. With Audible Taps turned off and just the Active Timer, you’ll get lighter taps during the countdown with no sound.
- Photographer’s Friend can now be completely closed during an ND Filter Calculator timer on both the Apple Watch and iOS device, and it will review the timer when opened again. If the app remains closed, you’ll still get a notification to remind you to stop your exposure.
- We also added synching of ND Filter Calculator settings from the iPhone to Apple Watch when tapping the watch button. When multiple filters are selected on the iPhone the nearest whole number of ND stops are calculated.
In addition to the above changes, the Settings, Help & Links Tables now flash the scroll bar when selected to make it more obvious that there is more to see when scrolled.

*** Other Recent Changes ***
Version 3.5 was a huge update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Silicon Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light. As part of the Pro Add-on, you can now customize up to eight color schemes, including gradation point, and save them for switching later. The main traffic light colors and highlight colors used throughout Photographer's Friend are also now editable.
Version 3.5 is a huge update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Silicon Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light. As part of the Pro Add-on, you can now customize up to eight color schemes, including gradation point, and save them for switching later. The main traffic light colors and highlight colors used throughout Photographer's Friend are also now editable.
## Added Apple Watch Extension for ND Filter Calculator ##
You can now transfer your calculated exposure time from your iPhone to your Apple Watch and run the timer on the watch, along with countdown sounds and haptics so you’ll know when to stop our exposure without looking at your iPhone or Watch. Unlink the Watch Extension from the iPhone by tapping the chain link and you can select a shutter speed and total stops of ND filter to apply and calculate filtered exposure time with just the Apple Watch.
From the settings screen (swipe right to left) you can set a custom timer just for the Watch or send it to the iPhone if they are linked, and run the timer from either device.
When linked, you can start and stop the timers on either device independently. *Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.
## Added Apple Watch DoF Calculator ##
We have added a completely standalone, fully functional version of the Depth of Field Calculator for Apple Watch. Has almost complete feature parity with the iOS version, including Pixel Peeper Mode and the same intense level of detail!
Double-tap the DoF Readout to transfer the Hyperfocal Distance to the Focus Distance Dial. The central data band is a teal color when the settings result in hyperlocal distance or greater. Long-press or triple tap to lock the Hyper Focal Distance link to the Distance Dial, indicated by gold background for central data band.
When the Extension is available, a watch button will appear on the DoF Calculator on your iPhone, which when pressed, transfers all of your DoF Calculator settings to the Watch and updates the DoF details accordingly.
*Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Smart Rotation ##
If you buy the Super-Power Pro Update via In-App Purchases, you will also be able to turn on Smart Rotation which splits the screens into two and reformats the screens intelligently when using your device in landscape orientation. You can flip the ND Calculator top and bottom sections for ease of use, and flip left with right on all Smart Rotation screens, making Photographer's Friend even friendlier for left-handed users.
Photographer’s Friend is now available on Mac OS X 13.5 or later! This is a free upgrade for all existing owners of Photographer’s Friend and an excellent way to reference the calculators and help screens on a larger screen!
## Large Characters on iPad and Mac OS X ##
Your Photographer’s Friend just got friendlier on your eyes! Not only is it prettier, but we now detect larger screens and increase the size of fonts accordingly throughout the application.
## Depth of Field Calculator Tweak ##
Hyperfocal DoF distance text now changes to a teal color when the dials are set to a focus distance equal to or greater than the Hyperfocal Distance.
We also corrected a minor error in the sub-micrometer depth of field calculations.
v3.5.6 - Improved Apple Watch syncing performance and reliability
v3.5.7 - Fixed an error that could cause Apple Watch Extension to crash when returning to the Main Menu.
Version 3.5 is a huge update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light. As part of the Pro Add-on, you can now customize up to eight color schemes, including gradation point, and save them for switching later. The main traffic light colors and highlight colors used throughout Photographer's Friend are also now editable.
## Added Apple Watch Extension for ND Filter Calculator ##
You can now transfer your calculated exposure time from your iPhone to your Apple Watch and run the timer on the watch, along with countdown sounds and haptics so you’ll know when to stop our exposure without looking at your iPhone or Watch. Unlink the Watch Extension from the iPhone by tapping the chain link and you can select a shutter speed and total stops of ND filter to apply and calculate filtered exposure time with just the Apple Watch.
From the settings screen (swipe right to left) you can set a custom timer just for the Watch or send it to the iPhone if they are linked, and run the timer from either device.
When linked, you can start and stop the timers on either device independently. *Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.
## Added Apple Watch DoF Calculator ##
We have added a completely standalone, fully functional version of the Depth of Field Calculator for Apple Watch. Has almost complete feature parity with the iOS version, including Pixel Peeper Mode and the same intense level of detail!
Double-tap the DoF Readout to transfer the Hyperfocal Distance to the Focus Distance Dial. The central data band is a teal color when the settings result in hyperlocal distance or greater. Long-press or triple tap to lock the Hyper Focal Distance link to the Distance Dial, indicated by gold background for central data band.
When the Extension is available, a watch button will appear on the DoF Calculator on your iPhone, which when pressed, transfers all of your DoF Calculator settings to the Watch and updates the DoF details accordingly.
*Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Smart Rotation ##
If you buy the Super-Power Pro Update via In-App Purchases, you will also be able to turn on Smart Rotation which splits the screens into two and reformats the screens intelligently when using your device in landscape orientation. You can flip the ND Calculator top and bottom sections for ease of use, and flip left with right on all Smart Rotation screens, making Photographer's Friend even friendlier for left-handed users.
Photographer’s Friend is now available on Mac OS X 13.5 or later! This is a free upgrade for all existing owners of Photographer’s Friend and an excellent way to reference the calculators and help screens on a larger screen!
## Large Characters on iPad and Mac OS X ##
Your Photographer’s Friend just got friendlier on your eyes! Not only is it prettier, but we now detect larger screens and increase the size of fonts accordingly throughout the application.
## Depth of Field Calculator Tweak ##
Hyperfocal DoF distance text now changes to a teal color when the dials are set to a focus distance equal to or greater than the Hyperfocal Distance.
We also corrected a minor error in the sub-micrometer depth of field calculations.
v3.5.6 - Improved Apple Watch syncing performance and reliability
Version 3.5 is a huge update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light. As part of the Pro Add-on, you can now customize up to eight color schemes, including gradation point, and save them for switching later. The main traffic light colors and highlight colors used throughout Photographer's Friend are also now editable.
## Added Apple Watch Extension for ND Filter Calculator ##
You can now transfer your calculated exposure time from your iPhone to your Apple Watch and run the timer on the watch, along with countdown sounds and haptics so you’ll know when to stop our exposure without looking at your iPhone or Watch. Unlink the Watch Extension from the iPhone by tapping the chain link and you can select a shutter speed and total stops of ND filter to apply and calculate filtered exposure time with just the Apple Watch.
From the settings screen (swipe right to left) you can set a custom timer just for the Watch or send it to the iPhone if they are linked, and run the timer from either device.
When linked, you can start and stop the timers on either device independently. *Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.
## Added Apple Watch DoF Calculator ##
We have added a completely standalone, fully functional version of the Depth of Field Calculator for Apple Watch. Has almost complete feature parity with the iOS version, including Pixel Peeper Mode and the same intense level of detail!
Double-tap the DoF Readout to transfer the Hyperfocal Distance to the Focus Distance Dial. The central data band is a teal color when the settings result in hyperlocal distance or greater. Long-press or triple tap to lock the Hyper Focal Distance link to the Distance Dial, indicated by gold background for central data band.
When the Extension is available, a watch button will appear on the DoF Calculator on your iPhone, which when pressed, transfers all of your DoF Calculator settings to the Watch and updates the DoF details accordingly.
*Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Smart Rotation ##
If you buy the Super-Power Pro Update via In-App Purchases, you will also be able to turn on Smart Rotation which splits the screens into two and reformats the screens intelligently when using your device in landscape orientation. You can flip the ND Calculator top and bottom sections for ease of use, and flip left with right on all Smart Rotation screens, making Photographer's Friend even friendlier for left-handed users.
Photographer’s Friend is now available on Mac OS X 13.5 or later! This is a free upgrade for all existing owners of Photographer’s Friend and an excellent way to reference the calculators and help screens on a larger screen!
## Large Characters on iPad and Mac OS X ##
Your Photographer’s Friend just got friendlier on your eyes! Not only is it prettier, but we now detect larger screens and increase the size of fonts accordingly throughout the application.
## Depth of Field Calculator Tweak ##
Hyperfocal DoF distance text now changes to a teal color when the dials are set to a focus distance equal to or greater than the Hyperfocal Distance.
We also corrected a minor error in the sub-micrometer depth of field calculations.
v3.5.5 - Improved Apple Watch syncing performance and reliability
Version 3.5 is a huge update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light. As part of the Pro Add-on, you can now customize the gradations on up to eight backgrounds and save them for switching later. The main traffic light colors and highlight color used throughout Photographer's Friend are also now editable.
## Added Apple Watch Extension for ND Filter Calculator ##
You can now transfer your calculated exposure time from your iPhone to your Apple Watch and run the timer on the watch, along with countdown sounds and haptics so you’ll know when to stop our exposure without looking at your iPhone or Watch. Unlink the Watch Extension from the iPhone by tapping the chain link and you can select a shutter speed and total stops of ND filter to apply and calculate filtered exposure time with just the Apple Watch.
From the settings screen (swipe right to left) you can set a custom timer just for the Watch or send it to the iPhone if they are linked, and run the timer from either device.
When linked, you can start and stop the timers on either device independently. *Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.
## Added Apple Watch DoF Calculator ##
We have added a completely standalone, fully functional version of the Depth of Field Calculator for Apple Watch. Has almost complete feature parity with the iOS version, including Pixel Peeper Mode and the same intense level of detail!
Double-tap the DoF Readout to transfer the Hyperfocal Distance to the Focus Distance Dial. The central data band is a teal color when the settings result in hyperlocal distance or greater. Long-press or triple tap to lock the Hyper Focal Distance link to the Distance Dial, indicated by gold background for central data band.
When the Extension is available, a watch button will appear on the DoF Calculator on your iPhone, which when pressed, transfers all of your DoF Calculator settings to the Watch and updates the DoF details accordingly.
*Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Smart Rotation ##
If you buy the Super-Power Pro Update via In-App Purchases, you will also be able to turn on Smart Rotation which splits the screens into two and reformats the screens intelligently when using your device in landscape orientation. You can flip the ND Calculator top and bottom sections for ease of use, and flip left with right on all Smart Rotation screens, making Photographer's Friend even friendlier for left-handed users.
Photographer’s Friend is now available on Mac OS X 13.5 or later! This is a free upgrade for all existing owners of Photographer’s Friend and an excellent way to reference the calculators and help screens on a larger screen!
## Large Characters on iPad and Mac OS X ##
Your Photographer’s Friend just got friendlier on your eyes! Not only is it prettier, but we now detect larger screens and increase the size of fonts accordingly throughout the application.
## Depth of Field Calculator Tweak ##
Hyperfocal DoF distance text now changes to a teal color when the dials are set to a focus distance equal to or greater than the Hyperfocal Distance.
We also corrected a minor error in the sub-micrometer depth of field calculations.
v3.5.3 - Fixed a condition that could cause high CPU use on Apple Watch in certain circumstances.
This is a Huge Update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase and support for Mac OS X available for everyone. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light. As part of the Pro Add-on, you can now customize the gradations on up to eight backgrounds and save them for switching later.
## Added Apple Watch Extension for ND Filter Calculator ##
You can now transfer your calculated exposure time from your iPhone to your Apple Watch and run the timer on the watch, along with countdown sounds and haptics so you’ll know when to stop our exposure without looking at your iPhone or Watch. Unlink the Watch Extension from the iPhone by tapping the chain link and you can select a shutter speed and total stops of ND filter to apply and calculate filtered exposure time with just the Apple Watch.
From the settings screen (swipe right to left) you can set a custom timer just for the Watch or send it to the iPhone if they are linked, and run the timer from either device.
When linked, you can start and stop the timers on either device independently. *Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.
## Added Apple Watch DoF Calculator ##
We have added a completely standalone, fully functional version of the Depth of Field Calculator for Apple Watch. Has almost complete feature parity with the iOS version, including Pixel Peeper Mode and the same intense level of detail!
Double-tap the DoF Readout to transfer the Hyperfocal Distance to the Focus Distance Dial. The central data band is a teal color when the settings result in hyperlocal distance or greater. Long-press or triple tap to lock the Hyper Focal Distance link to the Distance Dial, indicated by gold background for central data band.
When the Extension is available, a watch button will appear on the DoF Calculator on your iPhone, which when pressed, transfers all of your DoF Calculator settings to the Watch and updates the DoF details accordingly.
*Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Smart Rotation ##
If you buy the Super-Power Pro Update via In-App Purchases, you will also be able to turn on Smart Rotation which splits the screens into two and reformats the screens intelligently when using your device in landscape orientation. You can flip the ND Calculator top and bottom sections for ease of use, and flip left with right on all Smart Rotation screens, making Photographer's Friend even friendlier for left-handed users.
Photographer’s Friend is now available on Mac OS X 13.5 or later! This is a free upgrade for all existing owners of Photographer’s Friend and an excellent way to reference the calculators and help screens on a larger screen!
## Large Characters on iPad and Mac OS X ##
Your Photographer’s Friend just got friendlier on your eyes! Not only is it prettier, but we now detect larger screens and increase the size of fonts accordingly throughout the application.
## Depth of Field Calculator Tweak ##
Hyperfocal DoF distance text now changes to a teal color when the dials are set to a focus distance equal to or greater than the Hyperfocal Distance.
We also corrected a minor error in the sub-micrometer depth of field calculations.
This is a Huge Update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase and support for Mac OS X available for everyone. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light.
## Added Apple Watch Extension for ND Filter Calculator ##
You can now transfer your calculated exposure time from your iPhone to your Apple Watch and run the timer on the watch, along with countdown sounds and haptics so you’ll know when to stop our exposure without looking at your iPhone or Watch. Unlink the Watch Extension from the iPhone by tapping the chain link and you can select a shutter speed and total stops of ND filter to apply and calculate filtered exposure time with just the Apple Watch.
From the settings screen (swipe right to left) you can set a custom timer just for the Watch or send it to the iPhone if they are linked, and run the timer from either device.
When linked, you can start and stop the timers on either device independently. *Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.
## Added Apple Watch DoF Calculator ##
We have added a completely standalone, fully functional version of the Depth of Field Calculator for Apple Watch. Has almost complete feature parity with the iOS version, including Pixel Peeper Mode and the same intense level of detail!
Double-tap the DoF Readout to transfer the Hyperfocal Distance to the Focus Distance Dial. The central data band is a teal color when the settings result in hyperlocal distance or greater. Long-press or triple tap to lock the Hyper Focal Distance link to the Distance Dial, indicated by gold background for central data band.
When the Extension is available, a watch button will appear on the DoF Calculator on your iPhone, which when pressed, transfers all of your DoF Calculator settings to the Watch and updates the DoF details accordingly.
*Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Smart Rotation ##
If you buy the Super-Power Pro Update via In-App Purchases, you will also be able to turn on Smart Rotation which splits the screens into two and reformats the screens intelligently when using your device in landscape orientation. You can flip the ND Calculator top and bottom sections for ease of use, and flip left with right on all Smart Rotation screens, making Photographer's Friend even friendlier for left-handed users.
Photographer’s Friend is now available on Mac OS X 13.5 or later! This is a free upgrade for all existing owners of Photographer’s Friend and an excellent way to reference the calculators and help screens on a larger screen!
## Large Characters on iPad and Mac OS X ##
Your Photographer’s Friend just got friendlier on your eyes! Not only is it prettier, but we now detect larger screens and increase the size of fonts accordingly throughout the application.
## Depth of Field Calculator Tweak ##
Hyperfocal DoF distance text now changes to a teal color when the dials are set to a focus distance equal to or greater than the Hyperfocal Distance.
We also corrected a minor error in the sub-micrometer depth of field calculations.
* Minor update 3.5.2 to fix Mac OS X availability issue.
This is a Huge Update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase and support for Mac OS X available for everyone. Completely reworked the User Interface, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light.
## Added Apple Watch Extension for ND Filter Calculator ##
You can now transfer your calculated exposure time from your iPhone to your Apple Watch and run the timer on the watch, along with countdown sounds and haptics so you’ll know when to stop our exposure without looking at your iPhone or Watch. Unlink the Watch Extension from the iPhone by tapping the chain link and you can select a shutter speed and total stops of ND filter to apply and calculate filtered exposure time with just the Apple Watch.
From the settings screen (swipe right to left) you can set a custom timer just for the Watch or send it to the iPhone if they are linked, and run the timer from either device.
When linked, you can start and stop the timers on either device independently. *Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.
## Added Apple Watch DoF Calculator ##
We have added a completely standalone, fully functional version of the Depth of Field Calculator for Apple Watch. Has almost complete feature parity with the iOS version, including Pixel Peeper Mode and the same intense level of detail!
Double-tap the DoF Readout to transfer the Hyperfocal Distance to the Focus Distance Dial. The central data band is a teal color when the settings result in hyperlocal distance or greater. Long-press or triple tap to lock the Hyper Focal Distance link to the Distance Dial, indicated by gold background for central data band.
When the Extension is available, a watch button will appear on the DoF Calculator on your iPhone, which when pressed, transfers all of your DoF Calculator settings to the Watch and updates the DoF details accordingly.
*Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Smart Rotation ##
If you buy the Super-Power Pro Update via In-App Purchases, you will also be able to turn on Smart Rotation which splits the screens into two and reformats the screens intelligently when using your device in landscape orientation. You can flip the ND Calculator top and bottom sections for ease of use, and flip left with right on all Smart Rotation screens, making Photographer's Friend even friendlier for left-handed users.
Photographer’s Friend is now available on Mac OS X 13.5 or later! This is a free upgrade for all existing owners of Photographer’s Friend and an excellent way to reference the calculators and help screens on a larger screen!
## Large Characters on iPad and Mac OS X ##
Your Photographer’s Friend just got friendlier on your eyes! Not only is it prettier, but we now detect larger screens and increase the size of fonts accordingly throughout the application.
## Depth of Field Calculator Tweak ##
Hyperfocal DoF distance text now changes to a teal color when the dials are set to a focus distance equal to or greater than the Hyperfocal Distance.
We also corrected a minor error in the sub-micrometer depth of field calculations.
* Minor update 3.5.1 makes In-App Purchases more permanent once bought.
This is a Huge Update adding Apple Watch Extensions for the DoF Calculator and ND Filter Calculator which are enabled via an In-App Purchase and support for Mac OS X available for everyone.
Completely reworked the UI, making it generally prettier with better resizing of fonts for larger screens (iPad and Mac). There are also now two different backgrounds available for both Light and Dark appearances, all based on sunrises and dawn light.
## Added Apple Watch Extension for ND Filter Calculator ##
You can now transfer your calculated exposure time from your iPhone to your Apple Watch and run the timer on the watch, along with countdown sounds and haptics so you’ll know when to stop our exposure without looking at your iPhone or Watch.
Unlink the Watch Extension from the iPhone by tapping the chain link and you can select a shutter speed and total stops of ND filter to apply and calculate filtered exposure time with just the Apple Watch.
From the settings screen (swipe right) you can set a custom timer just for the Watch or send it to the iPhone if they are linked, and run the timer from either device.
When linked, you can start and stop the timers on either device independently. *Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Added Apple Watch DoF Calculator ##
We have added a completely standalone, fully functional version of the Depth of Field Calculator for Apple Watch.
Has almost complete feature parity with the iOS version, including Pixel Peeper Mode and the same intense level of detail!
Double-tap the DoF Readout to transfer the Hyperfocal Distance to the Focus Distance Dial. The central data band is a teal color when the settings result in hyperlocal distance or greater. Long-press or triple tap to lock the Hyper Focal Distance link to the Distance Dial, indicated by gold background for central data band.
When the Extension is available, a watch button will appear on the DoF Calculator on your iPhone, which when pressed, transfers all of your DoF Calculator settings to the Watch and updates the DoF details accordingly.
*Note that Apple Watch Extensions are paid Add-on Features.*
## Mac OS X Support ##
Photographer’s Friend is now available on Mac OS X 13.5 or later! This is a free upgrade for all existing owners of Photographer’s Friend and an excellent way to reference the calculators and help screens on a larger screen!
## Large Characters on iPad and Mac OS X ##
Your Photographer’s Friend just got friendlier on your eyes! Not only is it prettier, but we now detect larger screens and increase the size of fonts accordingly throughout the application.
## Smart Rotation ##
If you buy the Super-Power Pro Update via In-App Purchases, you will also be able to turn on Smart Rotation which splits the screens into two and reformats the screens intelligently when using your device in landscape orientation.
There is also an option to switch the panels from left to right, which makes Photographer’s friend easier to use in your left hand while operating your camera with your right. This is also useful for left-handed users, as it puts the controls for each calculator closer to the holding hand.
## DoF Calculator Tweaks ##
Hyperfocal Distance Lock is here! You can now tap or long-press a padlock in the Hyperlocal Distance readout box and Photographer’s Friend will automatically adjust the Focus Distance dial to the focus distance required to achieve hyper-focus as you move the sensor size, aperture, and focal length dials. Without the lock engaged, the DoF Calculator will temporarily adjust the focus distance as it has in the past.
Hyperfocal DoF distance text now changes to a teal color when the dials are set to a focus distance equal to or greater than the Hyperfocal Distance.
We corrected a minor error in the sub-micrometer depth of field calculations.
* The HFD (Hyperfocal Distance) can now be locked/unlocked with a one-second press, or by tapping the padlock, forcing the Focus Distance dial to automatically adjust to the currently calculated HFD. The lock can remain on when the HFD is not transferred to the Focus Distance dial but has no effect until the HFD label is tapped, indicated by a teal-colored label, along with a locked padlock icon.
* It’s now possible to lock/unlock the Format (sensor size) dial with a one-second press, or by tapping the padlock. This setting is not changed often and some users found that they changed it inadvertently and didn’t notice.
* If you try to change the Format (sensor size) or Focus Distance dials when their respective locks are engaged, a message will be displayed asking if you’d like to deactivate the lock and proceed with the change. It’s also possible to keep the lock on if the change was not intentional and the value will be reset to the original value.
* Added a new DoF Calculator Help Screen to explain the new HFD and Format Dial Locks.
* Refined the messaging system that was introduced in version 3.2, including a number of fun welcome messages.
* Fixed a known issue that caused the Status Bar to effectively become invisible until the tab bar is tapped after shaking the device to toggle between Light and Dark Appearances on iOS 13 or later devices.
* Fixed an issue that caused a blank space to be created on the right side of the Tab Bar on iPads that caused the app to crash when tapped.
We added support for Light and Dark Appearance throughout Photographer's Friend (requires iOS 13 or higher, though earlier versions work fine in Light mode). Now you can shake your device to switch between Light and Dark Modes. There is also a Default Appearance mode, which changes automatically to match the Appearance set on your iOS device. Try the new Dark mode. It looks great!
We also added two new medium format sensor sizes CF0.79 (44 x 33 mm) and CF0.64 (53.4 x 40 mm) to the Depth of Field Calculator.
- Added automatic support for regions such as France and Russia that use a comma instead of a period to delimit decimal fractions.
- Photographer's Friend now automatically uses a comma as the decimal delimiter in the custom Circle of Confusion setting for the Depth of Field Calculator.
- Fixed a problem that caused the Exposure Shift Calculator to crash the app if a region that uses a comma in decimal fractions was set in iOS.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a truncated title in the Exposure Shift Calculator help.
This is a minor update to fix the following issues...
- The focus distance dial is now updated to the new Hyperfocal Distance if the Hyperfocal Distance was actively being transferred to the focus distance dial when Pixel Peeper mode is activated or the megapixels changed.
- The focus distance dial is also now correctly updated if a new aperture is sent to the Depth of Field Calculator from the Exposure Shift Calculator while the Hyperfocal Distance is being transferred to the focus distance dial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Exposure Shift Calculator screen to be displayed if the Depth of Field Calculator settings were changed straight after the aperture being transferred from the Exposure Shift Calculator.
- Fixed an embarrassing typo in the Startup Help for the Exposure Shift Calculator.
In this release we've tweaked the decimal points in the Depth of Field Calculator a little more, to display even more detail for very shallow depth of field measurements.
Also, under the hood, the code has been tweaked and updated to Swift 4.2.

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Покупка Цена iPhone/iPad Андроид
Расширения Apple Watch
(Калькулятор фильтров DoF и ND для Apple Watch)
349,00 ₽
ED494499150✱✱✱✱✱ 4DC7718✱✱✱✱✱
Полный Pro bundle
(Включить все функции и расширения Pro)
499,00 ₽
ED324499932✱✱✱✱✱ 637A635✱✱✱✱✱
Друг фотографа Pro
(Включите множество функций Pro.)
249,00 ₽
ED955697593✱✱✱✱✱ 97F99B2✱✱✱✱✱

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