Children’s Animation series: Pikkuli is now available as fun games!
Play house with Pikkuli’s family & friends. Countless fun activities awaiting to be discovered at both home and outside:
* Pick up and move characters around for play or just to see how they react
* Try different hats on characters and make them hold items
* Prepare food and see how Pikkuli characters like it
* Change the mood inside by adjusting lighting
* Make drawings, squish the berries, pick up and throw items
* Yack Toto the house pet poops!
* Change the decoration, rearrange paintings
* Make characters sit, eat, jump on bed or even sleep!
* Stack up items and make a mess…
* ...or clean it up by collecting the trashes
* Collect your characters on branch and take them outside !
All these activities are waiting you in the Pikkuli’s Play and Find! See what discoveries you will make together if you play with your friends.
Pikkuli Playground is a game family where you can experience the joy of child’s play in relaxed digital environment.