Photomator by Pixelmator Team Читы

Photomator by Pixelmator Team Взлом 3.1 + Чит Коды

Самый современный фоторедактор

Разработчик: Pixelmator Team
Категория: Фото и видео
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 3.1


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Photomator is the most powerful photo editing app ever designed for a mobile device. It includes an extensive collection of cutting-edge color adjustments, automatic selections powered by AI, support for over 650 RAW image formats, a magical Repair tool for removing unwanted objects, and many more powerful features, letting you enjoy pro photo editing anyplace, anytime.

Everything you need to make your photos look incredible
• Edit photos using a wide collection of powerful, nondestructive color adjustments
• Quickly make precise subject, sky, and background selections in photos using AI, add gradient masks, and easily make selections using a brush
• Effortlessly remove unwanted objects using an incredible object removal tool
• Crop, straighten, rotate, and adjust the perspective of photos with an easy-to-use Crop tool
• Instantly increase the resolution of photos using AI
• Remove camera noise and image compression artifacts with the powerful Denoise feature
• Magically remove color banding and increase color depth in photos with the AI-powered Smart Deband feature
• Make your photos stand out with photographer-designed presets for landscape, black and white, and other photography styles
• Easily copy and paste edits between photos or batch edit even hundreds of photographs at a time
• Open and edit over 650 RAW image formats, including Apple ProRAW and compressed Fujifilm RAWs
• Follow all the changes you make in the beautiful live histogram

Tools powered by AI
• Select the subject, sky, or background in a photo with just a tap
• Improve the quality of photos by reducing camera noise with the AI-powered Denoise feature, intelligently upscale photos with Super Resolution, or magically remove color banding and increase color depth using Smart Deband
• Automatically enhance shots using a machine learning algorithm trained on 20 million pro photos, or fine-tune individual adjustments, like White Balance, Selective Color, or Color Balance with a single tap
• Intelligently crop photos using the AI-powered auto-cropping
• Copy the look of any photo to another using the incredible Match Colors feature

State-of-the-art color adjustments
• Enjoy powerful tools for effortlessly adjusting the temperature, tint, exposure, contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, and vibrance in your photos
• Recover incredible amounts of detail in the highlights and shadows of photos
• Magically enhance fine details and structure in photos using powerful Clarity and Texture adjustments, or adjust textures in the highlights, midtones, and shadows separately
• Selectively edit individual color ranges with Selective Color, or improve the balance of colors in the shadows, midtones, and highlights with Color Balance
• Adjust lighting and colors with full precision using Levels and Curves adjustments
• Mix the balance of the red, green, and blue color channels to create intense color effects in your images
• Replace any color with any other using the Replace Color adjustment
• Create beautiful black and whites even from your color photos
• Use a range of additional adjustments, like Sharpen, Fade, Grain, Color Monochrome, Sepia, and Invert to make your photos stand out
• Instantly change the look of photos with LUTs or export custom LUTs to use in other apps

• Automatically sync every change back to your Photos or Files browser
• With the support for iCloud Drive, enjoy seamless edit syncing across Mac, iPhone, and iPad
• Photomator is built from the ground up for iPhone and iPad with a native design that blends seamlessly with the sleek and modern look of iOS and iPadOS 16
• Photomator uses powerful Apple technologies like Metal, Core ML, and Core Image to deliver staggeringly fast performance, even when editing large RAW photos or batch editing multiple images at a time

• Terms of use:
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История обновлений

Photomator 3.1 introduces an all-new Smart Deband feature, which brings a revolutionary new way to enhance the quality of your photos by removing color banding artifacts and increasing color depth with a single tap. The update also brings major photo browser improvements, letting you manage your photos, albums, and folders with even more ease.

Smart Deband
• Using the powerful new Smart Deband feature, you can now remove color banding artifacts from photos saved using lossy compression formats and increase their color depth, bringing them to a near-RAW quality.
• Smart Deband's AI-powered artifact removal algorithm detects and smooths out photo areas with banding or blocking artifacts to create even, seamless gradients or solid colors.
• To ensure especially smooth transitions between colors, Smart Deband also increases the color depth of a photo to 16-bit — color depth comparable to a RAW image.
• With the new Smart Deband action available in the batch editing settings, you can now deband and increase the color depth of multiple photos at a time.

Major Photo Browser Improvements
• Manage your albums and folders even more easily with quick options for creating, deleting, renaming, reordering, and more.
• In albums, you'll find new options for quickly adding photos to albums and sorting photos by date.
• From now on, you can also easily drag and drop photos from one album to another or drag and drop photos to Photomator from other apps.
• Quickly copy and paste photos in albums, or copy and paste photos from Photos and Files apps.
• You can now seamlessly navigate between photos with arrow keys using the iPad keyboard.
• Find even more keyboard shortcuts available on your iPad. Press the Command-R keyboard shortcut to revert edits, the Command-D keyboard shortcut to duplicate a photo, the Space key to quickly open a photo, and more.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 3.0.12 fixes the issue of displaying incorrect creation dates when exporting compressed Fujifilm RAWs and an issue that prevented certain users from opening compressed Fujifilm RAW files.

Here's what we added in Photomator 3.0.11:

• Photomator 3.0.11 brings major improvements to the Denoise tool, making artifact-free noise removal as precise as ever.
• The update also adds a new Denoise Intensity slider, bringing enhanced control over adjusting the level of noise in photos.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 3.0.11 brings major improvements to the Denoise tool, making artifact-free noise removal as precise as ever. The update also adds a new Denoise Intensity slider, bringing enhanced control over adjusting the level of noise in photos.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 3.0.10 adds support for compressed RAWs from Fujifilm cameras and lets you work with LUTs and color adjustment presets with even more ease by allowing you to add LUTs to preset collections, always show preset names, and more.

Color Adjustment Preset Improvements
• Have easier access to LUTs by adding them directly to preset collections.
• Presets that include a LUT are marked with a special LUT icon, making it easy to distinguish them from other presets.
• Effortlessly navigate between color adjustment presets by making preset names always visible. At the end of the presets list, tap More and choose Show Names.
• You can also see the preset names by simply hovering over the color adjustment presets using Apple Pencil, trackpad, or mouse.
• Quickly save color adjustments as a preset by tapping the Color Adjustments More menu and choosing Save as Preset.

Extended RAW Support
• You can now open and edit compressed RAWs from Fujifilm cameras, including the highly-requested X-T4, X-T5 models, and more.
• Compressed and uncompressed RAWs from the brand-new Fujifilm X-S20 model are now also supported on iOS 16 and macOS 13.
• Thanks to the extended RAW support, thumbnails of compressed Fujifilm RAWs will now be visible when browsing photos in the photo browser.
• View the lens model, aperture, and other camera metadata of the compressed Fujifilm RAWs in the Photomator Info pane.
• Compressed Fujifilm RAWs are now also fully supported in Pixelmator Pro, letting you work with them seamlessly in Photomator and Pixelmator Pro.

Other Improvements and Fixes
• On iPad, easily copy and paste color adjustments between photos using keyboard shortcuts. Copy adjustments by pressing Command-Shift-C, and paste them by pressing Command-Shift-V on your keyboard.
• Make precise color adjustments to your photo by tapping the color adjustment sliders. Tap on the left or right side of the slider to increase or decrease its value.
• When dragging color adjustment sliders, you will experience haptic feedback when the default value, like 0%, is reached.
• Batch editing workflows that include color adjustment presets will remain intact even if you delete presets from the presets library. When you open a workflow, see the deleted preset in the Unsaved preset collection.
• While a photo is being loaded, swiping the presets would cause the photo to be swiped. Fixed.
• In some specific cases, the edits would be lost when importing photos edited on other devices. Fixed.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 3.0.9 fixes an issue that prevented certain users from restoring purchases or making new ones.

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Photomator 3.0.8 brings optimizations to improve cross-platform compatibility.

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Photomator 3.0.7 fixes a couple of issues where the filmstrip scroll position would sometimes be incorrect after importing .photo files and the Done button of the Intensity slider would not work correctly.

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Photomator 3.0.6 improves the readibility of certain elements in app screens and adds a few other minor fixes.

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Photomator 3.0.5 includes minor changes to improve photo sharing, along with fixes for issues related to the Repair tool.

• When sharing photos, they will now stay in the same order as in the Photomator photo library.
• Unwanted color shifts would sometimes occur in photos after using the Repair tool and saving the photo a few times. Fixed.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at
Photomator 3.0.4 brings important fixes to improve document saving and opening from Files, copying and pasting edits, and more.

• When closing Photomator documents opened from the Files browser, they would sometimes get deleted. Fixed.
• Sometimes, Photomator documents would get deleted after opening them from the Files app. Fixed.
• The Copy Adjustments action would not be working as expected in the filmstrip. Fixed.
• Photomator would occasionally quit unexpectedly when saving edits. Fixed.

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Photomator 3.0.3 fixes an important issue that would prevent edits from being saved when iCloud was turned off.

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Photomator 3.0 brings the award-winning photo editing experience over to desktop devices. The update also adds the ability to sync edits between Photomator on Mac, iPhone, and iPad using iCloud, improves the compatibility of Photomator documents with Pixelmator Pro, and more.

• From now, Photomator is also available on Mac, making it the first, fully cross-platform app created by the Pixelmator Team.
• Enjoy the familiar design and navigation experience, and use all the same tools you already love from iPhone and iPad versions on a Mac.
• Continue editing photos from where you left off, no matter if you're using Photomator on iPhone, iPad, or Mac, thanks to instant edit syncing through iCloud.
• You can now open Photomator documents in Pixelmator Pro with all nondestructive edits like color adjustments, crop, masks, and more.
• Photomator integrates seamlessly with iCloud Photos, so when you edit photos in Photomator on iPhone or iPad, the changes sync instantly to the photo browser in Pixelmator Pro and the Pixelmator Pro extension in Photos.

Fixes in version 3.0.2

• Working with gradient layers is now faster and gradient transitions look smoother.
• If a photo has too many layers, a warning will now appear when trying to open it.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 3.0 brings the award-winning photo editing experience over to desktop devices. The update also adds the ability to sync edits between Photomator on Mac, iPhone, and iPad using iCloud, improves the compatibility of Photomator documents with Pixelmator Pro, and more.

• From now, Photomator is also available on Mac, making it the first, fully cross-platform app created by the Pixelmator Team.
• Enjoy the familiar design and navigation experience, and use all the same tools you already love from iPhone and iPad versions on a Mac.
• Continue editing photos from where you left off, no matter if you're using Photomator on iPhone, iPad, or Mac, thanks to instant edit syncing through iCloud.
• You can now open Photomator documents in Pixelmator Pro with all nondestructive edits like color adjustments, crop, masks, and more.
• Photomator integrates seamlessly with iCloud Photos, so when you edit photos in Photomator on iPhone or iPad, the changes sync instantly to the photo browser in Pixelmator Pro and the Pixelmator Pro extension in Photos.

Fixes in version 3.0.1
• In some cases, after editing photos, they would not be marked with the linked edits badge. Fixed.
• In the Layers browser, the Intensity slider would always be enabled, even for hidden layers. Fixed.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 3.0 brings the award-winning photo editing experience over to desktop devices. The update also adds the ability to sync edits between Photomator on Mac, iPhone, and iPad using iCloud, improves the compatibility of Photomator documents with Pixelmator Pro, and more.

• From now, Photomator is also available on Mac, making it the first, fully cross-platform app created by the Pixelmator Team.
• Enjoy the familiar design and navigation experience, and use all the same tools you already love from iPhone and iPad versions on a Mac.
• Continue editing photos from where you left off, no matter if you're using Photomator on iPhone, iPad, or Mac, thanks to instant edit syncing through iCloud.
• Photomator integrates seamlessly with iCloud Photos, so when you edit photos in Photomator on iPhone or iPad, the changes sync instantly to the photo browser in Pixelmator Pro and the Pixelmator Pro extension in Photos.
• You can now open Photomator documents in Pixelmator Pro with all nondestructive edits like color adjustments, crop, masks, and more.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 2.3.2 brings a number of fixes to selective adjustments and a few other areas.

• Color adjustments applied to a selection would sometimes remain visible after deleting the selection. Fixed.
• The position of color adjustments would sometimes change after selecting a different layer in the Layers browser. Fixed.
• Tapping the on-image handle of a gradient mask using the Apple Pencil would cause the mask to move unexpectedly. Fixed.
• Copying color adjustments from layers would not work correctly. Fixed.
• The on-image mask controls would sometimes be positioned incorrectly in cropped photos. Fixed.
• In the Layers browser, layer thumbnails would sometimes be displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
• The Color Range selection would not work correctly when zooming on a photo. Fixed.
• Mask overlays would be too faint to be clearly visible. Fixed.
• Crop and repair previews would sometimes be displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
• After loading a photo, a black screen would sometimes be displayed instead. Fixed.
• The Layers browser label would be visible after switching from the Color Adjustments pane to presets. Fixed.
• In Japanese localization, Photomator would quit unexpectedly during onboarding. Fixed.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 2.3 brings incredibly powerful selective adjustments with the ability to make selections of people, backgrounds, and skies automatically using AI, create gradient and brush-based selections, and a whole lot more.

• Pixelmator Photo now has a simpler new name — Photomator — and features a refreshed, more modern design.
• You can now select and edit specific areas in photos, without affecting the rest of the photo using powerful selective adjustments.
• Use the magic of machine learning to automatically select common areas in photos, such as sky, people, and backgrounds, or make selections manually.
• Paint over the areas of a photo you want to adjust with a brush. Easily adjust the brush size, softness, and opacity, or switch to Erase mode if you've accidentally selected too much.
• Add customizable linear and radial gradient selections to photos to create smooth transitions between edited and unedited areas. Easily change the gradient position, size, rotation, and blending using handy on-image controls.
• Adjust specific colors or entire color ranges in photos by selecting them using an eyedropper.
• Create additional color adjustment layers to experiment with different edits and easily compare them.
• Add selective adjustments to photos by tapping the Add button at the top of the Color Adjustments pane and choosing a selection option.
• Quickly switch between different selections by tapping their corresponding icons directly on a photo.
• Keep track of all your selections in an all-new Layers browser at the top of the Color Adjustments pane.
• In the Layers browser, turn the selections on or off to hide the applied adjustments without resetting them. This lets you apply multiple different edits to the same area of the photo and compare them.
• Combine multiple selections using blend modes to refine the selected areas or create striking artistic effects. In the More menu next to an existing selection, choose Add or Subtract, and choose an option.
• Easily switch to a different blend mode of a combined selection by tapping More and choosing Add, Subtract, or Intersect from the Blending Mode menu.
• Find options for renaming, duplicating, inverting, moving, or deleting selections in the More menu next to each selection layer.
• Adjust the intensity of edits applied to each selection by dragging the Intensity slider at the bottom of the Layers browser.
• Easily toggle selection previews on and off by tapping More at the top of the Color Adjustments pane and selecting or deselecting Show Mask Overlay.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Photomator 2.3 brings incredibly powerful selective adjustments with the ability to make selections of people, backgrounds, and skies automatically using AI, create gradient and brush-based selections, and a whole lot more.

• Pixelmator Photo now has a simpler new name — Photomator — and features a refreshed, more modern design.
• You can now select and edit specific areas in photos, without affecting the rest of the photo using powerful selective adjustments.
• Use the magic of machine learning to automatically select common areas in photos, such as sky, people, and backgrounds, or make selections manually.
• Paint over the areas of a photo you want to adjust with a brush. Easily adjust the brush size, softness, and opacity, or switch to Erase mode if you've accidentally selected too much.
• Add customizable linear and radial gradient selections to photos to create smooth transitions between edited and unedited areas. Easily change the gradient position, size, rotation, and blending using handy on-image controls.
• Adjust specific colors or entire color ranges in photos by selecting them using an eyedropper.
• Create additional color adjustment layers to experiment with different edits and easily compare them.
• Add selective adjustments to photos by tapping the Add button at the top of the Color Adjustments pane and choosing a selection option.
• Quickly switch between different selections by tapping their corresponding icons directly on a photo.
• Keep track of all your selections in an all-new Layers browser at the top of the Color Adjustments pane.
• In the Layers browser, turn the selections on or off to hide the applied adjustments without resetting them. This lets you apply multiple different edits to the same area of the photo and compare them.
• Combine multiple selections using blend modes to refine the selected areas or create striking artistic effects. In the More menu next to an existing selection, choose Add or Subtract, and choose an option.
• Easily switch to a different blend mode of a combined selection by tapping More and choosing Add, Subtract, or Intersect from the Blending Mode menu.
• Find options for renaming, duplicating, inverting, moving, or deleting selections in the More menu next to each selection layer.
• Adjust the intensity of edits applied to each selection by dragging the Intensity slider at the bottom of the Layers browser.
• Easily toggle selection previews on and off by tapping More at the top of the Color Adjustments pane and selecting or deselecting Show Mask Overlay.

Have any feedback about this update or Photomator in general? Let us know at!
Pixelmator Photo 2.2.2 lets you turn the texture-aware algorithm on and off for Basic color adjustments, and adds a few other fixes.

• You can now manually turn the texture-aware algorithm on and off for Highlights, Shadows, Contrast, and Brightness adjustments.
• Texture-aware algorithm would be turned on automatically when converting LUTs into color adjustments. Fixed.
• Pixelmator Photo will now show a warning when attempting to export LUTs with texture-aware adjustments applied.
• When cropping photos, the crop box would sometimes be displayed incorrectly after changing device orientation. Fixed.
• Pixelmator Photo would sometimes quit unexpectedly when working with color adjustments. Fixed.

Have any feedback about this update or Pixelmator Photo in general? Let us know at!
Pixelmator Photo 2.2.1 fixes an issue that would cause the photos to lose saturation and contrast when exported, and adds a few other fixes.

Have any feedback about this update or Pixelmator Photo in general? Let us know at!
Pixelmator Photo 2.2 introduces all-new Clarity and Texture adjustments that let you easily enhance the finest details in photos, adds Selective Clarity adjustment for even more precise detail enhancement, improves the Highlights and Shadows adjustments, and more.

• Increase sharpness and bring attention to fine details in your shots using the powerful new Clarity and Texture adjustments, which use an advanced, texture-aware algorithm to subtly add contrast to edges and textures in a photo.
• Use the Clarity adjustment to increase or decrease contrast in only the midtone areas of a photo, giving it a more natural, true-to-life look.
• Use the Texture adjustment to make photos sharper and more focused, or make them smoother by reducing texture.
• Find the Clarity and Texture sliders in the new Basic adjustments group.
• Adjust details exclusively in the shadows, midtones, and highlights of a photo with the new Selective Clarity adjustment.
• Use the new On-Image Clarity feature to adjust texture and clarity directly in your photos. Drag areas of the photo horizontally to adjust texture or vertically to adjust clarity.
• Enjoy improvements to the quality of Contrast, Brightness, Shadows, and Highlights adjustments which have been rebuilt from the ground up using the new texture-aware algorithm.
• Recover much more detail from photos that are too dark or too bright using the refined Shadows and Highlights adjustments.
• Color adjustments in Pixelmator Photo are now faster than ever before thanks to improved color adjustment performance.

Have any feedback about this update or Pixelmator Photo in general? Let us know at!
Pixelmator Photo 2.1.3 brings a number of fixes to the Photos browser and a few other areas.

• Photos would not keep their original file format when shared from the Photos Browser. Fixed.
• When creating batch workflow presets, photos could not be exported as PHOTO files. Fixed.
• In the Files browser, PHOTO files would not show up in Recents. Fixed.
• Pixelmator Photo would show a blank screen if the Favorites album in the Photos Browser was empty. Fixed.
• The Select button for selecting multiple photos would remain active even if an album was empty. Fixed.
• In the Photos Browser, thumbnails of photos would sometimes be displayed incorrectly when quickly scrolling through photos.
• Pixelmator Photo canvas would sometimes flicker when showing Super Resolution preview or changing device orientation. Fixed.
• The double-tap gesture for zooming would not work on a trackpad. Fixed.
• When discarding changes made to photos, linked files containing edits would not be deleted from the device. Fixed.
• The color picker in the Replace Color adjustment would become unresponsive after waking the device. Fixed.

Have any feedback about this update or Pixelmator Photo in general? Let us know at!
Pixelmator Photo 2.1.2 fixes an issue that would sometimes cause the color adjustment presets to become unresponsive while hovering over them with Apple Pencil, and adds a few other minor fixes.

Have any feedback about this update or Pixelmator Photo in general? Let us know at!
Pixelmator Photo 2.1 brings full compatibility with iOS and iPadOS 16 and the newest iPad Pro, adds support for LUTs, introduces EDR Mode for improved RAW image editing, and more.

• Enjoy full support for the powerful new iOS and iPadOS 16.
• Speed up your photo editing workflows with the magical Apple Pencil hover experience on the new, M2 chip-powered iPad Pro.
• Thanks to iPadOS 16 and virtual memory swap on newer iPad models, even the most demanding photo editing workflows will run flawlessly on your iPad.
• Preview color adjustment presets by simply hovering your Apple Pencil over the presets bar.
• When cropping, hover your Apple Pencil above a photo to see the crop grid and cropped area preview, or lift it to see the final crop.
• Double-tap your Apple Pencil for the Repair brush size slider to appear.
• You can also use the Left Bracket ([) and Right Bracket (]) keys to quickly increase or decrease the Repair brush size.
• When you double-tap the Apple Pencil, the comparison slider now always appears right where you hold the Apple Pencil.
• LUTs are now fully supported in Pixelmator Photo and work just the way they do in Pixelmator Pro on Mac.
• Use LUTs to instantly change the colors of images with presets created in Pixelmator Photo, Pixelmator Pro, or other apps.
• Easily convert LUT files into editable color adjustments with the power of machine learning.
• Convert color adjustments into LUTs to use in compatible design or video apps, or share with anyone who doesn't own Pixelmator Photo.
• Take advantage of the Extended Dynamic Range Mode when editing RAW images.

Have any feedback about this update or Pixelmator Photo in general? Let us know at!
Pixelmator Photo 2.1 brings full compatibility with iOS and iPadOS 16 and the newest iPad Pro, adds support for LUTs, introduces EDR Mode for improved RAW image editing, and more.

• Enjoy full support for the powerful new iOS and iPadOS 16.
• Speed up your photo editing workflows with the magical Apple Pencil hover experience on the new, M2 chip-powered iPad Pro.
• Thanks to iPadOS 16 and virtual memory swap on newer iPad models, even the most demanding photo editing workflows will run flawlessly on your iPad.
• Preview color adjustment presets by simply hovering your Apple Pencil over the presets bar.
• When cropping, hover your Apple Pencil above a photo to see the crop grid and cropped area preview, or lift it to see the final crop.
• Double-tap your Apple Pencil for the Repair brush size slider to appear.
• You can also use the Left Bracket ([) and Right Bracket (]) keys to quickly increase or decrease the Repair brush size.
• When you double-tap the Apple Pencil, the comparison slider now always appears right where you hold the Apple Pencil.
• LUTs are now fully supported in Pixelmator Photo and work just the way they do in Pixelmator Pro on Mac.
• Use LUTs to instantly change the colors of images with presets created in Pixelmator Photo, Pixelmator Pro, or other apps.
• Easily convert LUT files into editable color adjustments with the power of machine learning.
• Convert color adjustments into LUTs to use in compatible design or video apps, or share with anyone who doesn't own Pixelmator Photo.
• Take advantage of the Extended Dynamic Range Mode when editing RAW images.

Have any feedback about this update or Pixelmator Photo in general? Let us know at!
Pixelmator Photo 2.0.16 fixes an important issue that would prevent the color picker from working correctly, and adds a few other minor fixes.

Have any feedback about this update or Pixelmator Photo in general? Let us know at!
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Не хватает только пары функций для фотографов
Удаление хроматических аберраций и автоматическое исправление дисторсии объективов.
Радиальный фильтр
Все замечательно но ужасно не хватает радиального фильтра ! Если вы его добавите то просто уничтожите Lightroom с его подпилочной моделью!
Пришел с Андройда
Пришел я значит с андройда, где пользовался всю жизнь взломанными программами от adobe. А тут такой халявы и нет. Приуныл, поизучав обзоры на ютубе вышел на эту программу. На air 3 все очень хорошо работает. Никаких проблем я не обнаружил.
Что не нравится:
- нет быстрого отбора фотографий. Скинул 600 снимков и какой из них норм а какой нет, придется понимать с помощью другой проги.

- нет обучающих роликов и статей на русском.

- сложная пакетная обработка. Не понятно как ею пользоваться.

- есть вылеты при долгой работе.

- название программы какое то не серьездное.

В остальном все хорошо. Если вы не профессиональный фотограф который зарабатывает деньги с помощью фотографий то вам не нужен лайтрум с подпиской в 350 руб в месяц. Вам нужен пиксельматор за 400р и все. Ваши потребности будут закрыты на 120%. А когда вы станете настоящим фотографом и начнете зарабатывать вы купите подписку на лайтрум. А пока пиксельматор.
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Не всё как хотелось бы
Можно ли сделать режим где было бы видно и фотографию оригинал и её же с наложенным эффектом. В версии для mac os тоже нету такой фишки.... Вообщем сильно этого не хватает. Режим для сравнения.
Скажите, зачем приложение автоматически убирает шум у Raw изображений?.. я хочу сохранить шум матрицы, когда снимаю в таком формате, а не вот это вот всё..
Проблема пакетной обработки изображений.
При попытке пакетной обработки: фильтр + экспорт, выводит просто белые изображения.
Вообще не похож на десктопное
Слоев нет, pxd не открывает, даже текст нельзя добавить на фото. Только цветокоррекция обрезка и клон участков фото, пусть и на ML
Alexey Chepel,
Не поддерживает семейный доступ
Не поддерживает семейный доступ - как так ?
Семейный доступ не работает.
Скатились до того, что бы сохранить нужно заплатить. А ведь было достойное приложение. За жадность 1.
Подписка после покупки
Вообще ох….ли, покупал приложение, так как оно изначально было платное, но цена и функционал полностью устраивали. А теперь вы ещё и подписку бахнули? Да ещё и дороже Lightroom? Да уж, полный п…ц!

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