A few little tweaks to improve interface performance.
Squashed a few bugs relating to the following questions:
i) Nth term linear sequence
ii) Choosing appropriate operations
Fixed a few bugs.
For students there have been a few question bugs squashed.
For staff you can now set homework tasks to multiple groups.
New revision schedule monitor for staff. This will allow you to look at the progress students are making with their individual revision plans. This new feature can be found under "Class analysis".
Further PowerPoint resources have been tagged to the app questions.
Individual questions have now been added to the FF menu under "Paper QLA".
Bug fixes.
For students:
Introducing the new student home screen; all the best bits and more.
Introducing the revision schedule that can be produced either from the PLC list or from any paper QLA.
New questions on area under a graph, algebraic proof and interpreting a frequency polygon.
For staff:
Consultation tool (similar to the student home screen) has been added to "Class analysis".
Intervention quadrant has been added to "Class analysis" to highlight effort/achievement stats held within the app.
Fix for "Class analysis" buttons.
For students:
Introducing the new student home screen; all the best bits and more.
Introducing the revision schedule that can be produced either from the PLC list or from any paper QLA.
New questions on area under a graph, algebraic proof and interpreting a frequency polygon.
For staff:
Consultation tool (similar to the student home screen) has been added to "Class analysis".
Intervention quadrant has been added to "Class analysis" to highlight effort/achievement stats held within the app.
Support for older devices restored.
"What would I do to answer this question?" added to iterative process, functions and stratified sampling.
Staff feature - Bulk add/edit link has been integrated into the app again.
Fix for the working out in the area of a composite shape question.
Fix for staff scoreboard.
Staff feature - Bulk add/edit link has been integrated into the app again.
Fix for the working out in the area of a composite shape question.
Bug fixes for certain questions (text not visible and general maintenance).
What do you do when you get an answer wrong? Watch a video? View the PowerPoint? How about learn from the method of a teacher? Well... now you can! Starting with version 5.04, you will be able view the "What would I do to answer this question?" section anytime you get an answer wrong.
A few little improvements to get the app ready for September 2019. The changes in this update mainly relate to the way that staff will interact with your account information making your data more secure.
Includes a few lines of code so that I can push out tests based on predicted topics (focus on year 11) at login.
In this update you will find predicted topics for each exam board (Edexcel, AQA and OCR) and tier. After paper 2 has been sat, paper 3 topic areas will not require another update as they will change at login once the tests have been generated.
New message relating to passwords has been added to the "Edit your profile" section within the student account.
Corrections have been made to a few questions that weren't behaving.
The daily challenge has now been amended to only draw upon the designated tier. This had not been happening each time in the previous release.
Dark mode has been added to the Paper QLA covey board.
A little tweak to the way we log attempts to particular questions. You won't notice any difference but it will have a positive impact on what staff can see from the app.
Also changed the typo in the expression, formula and identity question (previously identify instead of identity).
Added a new question into the missing value problem relating to the mean. Saw a previously missed opportunity to ask another question about the same PLC.
Fix for the product rule and trig exact value questions.
Removal of the "League table" button from the passwords screen under the staff account. This should now only appear under "Scoreboard".
Fixed an issue that caused a topic screen to appear white when returning from answering a question.
Fix for the product rule question.
Removal of the "League table" button from the passwords screen under the staff account. This should now only appear under "Scoreboard".
Student login - Daily challenge will now provide more variation in the questions produced as the daily challenge.
Staff login - The toggle is now easier to press. I have also introduced a weekly league table. This will be backed up every Sunday so you have the previous weeks results. An option to produce certificates will appear as an option on the backup screen. To get to the league table, go to "Scoreboard" then select a year group.
Resolved issues relating to the scoreboard not showing correctly in some schools:
- staff now get the correct background shown for students potentially completing the same question again and again to earn engagement points. The highlighting of students on the scoreboard should be used to investigate what they have been up to rather than ruling them out of any prizes if you have a reward system in place.
- students now see their position within the scoreboard more clearly.
A few bugs have been squashed.
Thank you to everyone who provides meaningful feedback that helps to make this app get better and better.
PowerPoint files have now been added to certain PLCs to try ensure that every PLC has at least a video or a PowerPoint to support the learning
I have also added the following questions:
I can identify graph transformations
I can interpret trigonometric graph transformations
I can use the product rule
I can evaluate the coordinates needed to plot a frequency polygon
I can identify key features of an exponential graph
I can identify a sketch of a trigonometric graph