Dashboard Updated
We've redesigned our dashboard to provide a better overview and faster access to the key features.
Weekly and monthly targets introduced: Set a weekly and monthly practice target and be notified if your practice effort should be increased.
Statistics have moved to their own page to provide more space for our dashboard features and a better overview for the statistics themselves.
Added "New Piece Practice - Short" to the workout setup assistant
Added the workout setup assistant to the "Workout Setup" page.
Fixed an issue in playlists
Fixed an issue when changing parts in workout setup
Fixed sidebar menu layout
Fixed selection / navigation of last month in yearly statistic
Minor UI fixes
Fixed an issue when showing the logbook
Fixed grouping of playing times in dashboard and piece statistics
Fixed a crash when creating new workouts or adding parts to workouts
Fixed a crash within the startup assistant
Fixed an issue when scrolling through log entries, some entries were not show properly
Fixed collapsing of the notes header
Fixed an issue when touching or rotating the device screen while viewing PDF music sheets
Fixed iOS sheet viewer not loading when selected in app settings
Fixed adding and selecting references for individual pieces
Minor UI changes: Material font icons introduced
Added a button to create new pieces within the composer view
Introduced a short delay when searching for pieces in the assistant, required when searching the MusicBrainz database
Fixed starting "Create new piece" assistant within the repertoire search assistant
Fixed search within internal library when only a composer is edited in assistant
Fixed an issue when trying to search for a composer only within the assistant
Fixed navigation issues and missing navigation buttons in assistants
Fixed starting a workout upon assistant completion
Fixed an issue when trying to reattach a music score already attached to a different piece
App initial navigation to last selected playlist fixed
Fixed adding music scores from local device
UI adaptations for smartphone screen size and orientation
Fixed a navigation issue in the add sheet assistant
Added an option to skip adding pieces in the startup assistant when repertoire is available
Fixed navigation issues related to workout handling and resuming
Minor UI fixes
Previous release:
With this update we start introducing smart assistants and other UI improvements to make the user experience of Play 'n' Practice even more enjoyable
Added assistant for start-up (automatically started upon first app execution or reachable via the about/info view)
Added assistant to search and add new pieces
Added search for music score on the internet
Improved UI for repertoire list and piece details, added large buttons for info and main functions
With this update we start introducing smart assistants and other UI improvements to make the user experience of Play 'n' Practice even more enjoyable
Added assistant for start-up (automatically started upon first app execution or reachable via the about/info view)
Added assistant to search and add new pieces
Added search for music score on the internet
Improved UI for repertoire list and piece details, added large buttons for info and main functions
Improved overall performance of repertoire handling
Fixed a workout issue when a piece did not have any key defined
Fixed an issue where workout part definition for 'longest not played' was showing irrelevant settings
Fixed a crash when deleting a composer with works in the repertoire
Fixed an issue when searching for composers
Fixed an issue when showing workout pages in logbook
Fixed a crash when navigating back from some views
Fixed sorting in composer list
Fixed freezing of PDF sheet viewer when loading sheet music during a workout
Fixed a problem persisting changes on the key of a piece in the piece detail view
Fixed genre category listing in the repertoire view when searching or switching to repertoire only pieces
Fixed the composer view in repertoire, now all composers should be shown when switching to repertoire only
Improved navigation persisting the previous status of the app, when Play 'n' Practice is restarted, including navigation to the last playlist
Improved startup performance
Fixed behavior when tapping on chart to navigate in piece statistics
Fixed date format of list when showing yearly data in piece statistics
Fixed an issue when returning to sheet music view from background
Unified behavior of dashboard and piece statistics
Fixed issues when changing time span for statistics in dashboard
Fixed crash when selecting piece related statistics
Added selectable time span for practice time charts in the dashboard
Improved UI when loading sheet music
Fixed an issue switching to background when the sheet music viewer was active
Fixed issues within the recording views
Fixed recording player visualization
Minor UI improvements
Added support for musicXML sheet music. Add a reference to your preferred score in musicXML format and enjoy new ways to practice your instrument.
Added a new workout part type (Excerpt). Select individual measures of your musicXML sheet music and show them in the new inline viewer during a workout.
Fixed an issue when returning back from the PDF sheet music viewer.
Fixed a crash when stopping a workout and setting a rating or note
Fixed jumping to the right page number on a score
Add new pieces to repertoire, when app is first started fixed
Introduced default setting for notes font and size
Fixed crash when trying to start a workout with pieces which were previously deleted
Minor UI improvements
Shortcut to piece and workout details from notes entries in logbook introduced
Adding multiple pieces to a playlist at once supported, new pieces are added at the end of the playlist
Improved handling of background operation when switched on, should further improve stability during background operation
Add a piece to repertoire has been fixed, list now shows all pieces in the builtin database
Fixed issues in repertoire tab views
Fixed handling of "Repertoire only" switch in repertoire views
Switch the checkbox "Keep app active in background" to prevent Play'n'Practice from being stopped during a running workout.
Adding a piece from MusicBrainz, adds a web reference to the MusicBrainz information, now you can browse additional information related to the piece you added via MusicBrainz.
Return to workout originator view after completion fixed (works after app termination as well)
Today button introduced to navigate to current week/month/year in practice chart
Added access to works (mainly classic music) in MusicBrainz
Loading pieces from MusicBrainz database fixed
Minor UI fixes:
Label positions in charts improved for better readability
Workout summary no longer shows pieces that were not played during the workout
Dashboard background color adapted to general UI color scheme