Our team of writers are PMP certification holders who have carefully created practice question and detailed explaination with your success at the exam in mind.
Do one or two stages everyday, and you will pass the exam for sure. (Pass4Sure)
[App Features]
- Retry taken exams with a single tap as many time as you want.
- Mark and review questions as you want.
- Save data automatically, so you can continue unfinished exam anytime.
- Get answers and detailed explanation immediately
- Swipe left/right to next and previous questions. You can also strike and unstrike the options by swift left/right them.
- Overwhelm 220 stages, each has 20 questions. Pass a certain score and earn stars. Earned stars will be display in statistics page.
- Statistics page help you understand your current standing.
- Absolutely free, all of 4400 questions, you pay nothing at all.