POSCORAD allows patients to self assess the severity of their eczema. This app is available in 24 languages.
The PO-SCORAD App was designed and developed by the Eczema Foundation based on the SCORAD Tool, with the assistance of Professor Jean-François Stalder.
Fondation Eczéma
(Eczema Foundation )
Hôtel Dieu Saint Jacques
2, Rue Viguerie
31 025 Toulouse
•Publication Director
Doctor Georges Farah – President, Eczema Foundation
Scoring of eczema symptoms that Users enter into the App to calculate the PO-SCORAD Index based on the following criteria: extent of the eczema, intensity of the eczema, severity of the itching and sleep disturbance. Each criterion is assigned a weighting coefficient.
Eczema symptom scoring tool that produces the PO-SCORAD Indexes, developed and validated in 1990 by a panel of experts, the European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis.
The App and the PO-SCORAD Index do not provide medical advice, are not a tool to diagnose eczema and in no way constitute a substitute for a medical visit which, alone, can allow for a diagnosis to be made and a treatment protocol to be put in place suited to each individual's needs. The PO-SCORAD Index is calculated based on Scores resulting from self-evaluations. The PO-SCORAD Index is therefore the result of self-evaluation scoring that provides an overview of the severity of the eczema.
The App's Information must not be used to provide a medical opinion and replace a visit to a healthcare professional. The Information the App provides is intended to improve - not replace - the relationship that exists between a patient and his or her doctor.
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