PSU Wear-IT Читы

PSU Wear-IT Взлом 1.25.8 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: The Pennsylvania State University
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 1.25.8
ID: edu.psu.wearit


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The Wear-IT application and the associated framework are designed to allow scientific, clinical, and academic researchers to design data collection protocols that minimize the amount of effort that a study requires of its participants.

Featuring real-time responsiveness and adaptive, context-dependent assessments and interventions, Wear-IT uses passive data collection approaches in combination with active, low-burden surveys to balance participant effort and hassle against the quality of the data available. Wear-IT can be installed on participants' own phones or shared devices, and integrates with wearable and emplaceable devices from a variety of manufacturers.

Wear-IT is designed with participant privacy and burden at the forefront, and is built to open new opportunities to understand and improve people's day-to-day lives. Wear-IT’s demo does not collect data and is available to anyone. To collect real scientific data involving human subjects, ethical oversight from an accredited institutional review board is required, including comprehensive informed consent.

Contact the developers to collaborate or participate!


-Surveys are managed on a web server and deployed to the phone.
-Surveys can be triggered by Location, Schedule, User, with more triggers on the way!
-Surveys have varying levels of user interaction, including No Interaction (i.e. Location triggered), minimal (i.e. Tap a button every time you experience a craving), to traditional Survey with questions.
-Includes Scheduler tool so user can select a time that is convenient for them
-Question Types:
- Informational (i.e. Display instructions)
- Time Picker
- Time Picker with Multiselect Options
- Scalable Slider with Configurable precision (i.e. Indicate how you feel on a scale of 0.00 to 10.00, OR How many servings of vegetables did you consume in half-serving increments.)
- Unit Slider (i.e. How many books did you read this summer, 0 Books to 10 Books)
- Time Scale slider (i.e. How long is your commute, 0 minutes to 2 hours?)
- Multiple Slider - Group many slider questions onto one page
- 2 Dimensional Grid - The user selects a point to indicate their feeling in 2 separate dimensions (i.e. Affect vs. Activity)
- Multimedia - The user can take a video or still picture using the front camera or back camera
- Multiple Choice/Multiple Select
- Image Display - Display an image to ask questions about it
- Free Response - The user can enter text (i.e. a list of medications)
- Conditional logic based on threshold (i.e. Display a different question if they answer Yes or No, or above or below a certain threshold)
- Conditional Question Loops
- Numeric Entry - Enter a number constrained to a set of numbers
- Dynamic multislider: Several sliders on one page populated dynamically
- Dynamic lists: Populate multiple select and multiple choice questions with the results of other questions
- Mobile Cognitive Testing: Deploy research-driven ambulatory cognitive assessments using the m2c2 framework
-All question types and surveys able to be scheduled, i.e. Every Day, Every Other Day, Once a week on Friday, etc..
-Weighted Microrandomization - Automatically pick questions from a question bank with weighted probabilities
-Support for UTF-8 character sets
-Support for fixed start dates for studies
-End of burst survey type (Ends the burst upon successful completion of the survey.)
-Binary branching: Branch based on a binary choice
-Multiple branching: Branch based on multiple choices in one question
-Pipetext: Store and retrieve data from user input and other sources for use in subsequent questions
-Actions: Use the results of survey questions to fine tune how the app operates
-Link to alternative servers (QR code onboarding only)
-Blind trials
-Survey availability window independent of notifications
-Resume Study based on date of first survey submission or selection of a particular day

История обновлений

Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Fixes a bug where duplicate entries of a survey might appear in some circumstances in the notifications area.
Bug Fixes;

Restricts video download to metered connections.
New Feature:

New Action: schedule_survey- Now you can use an Action to schedule a survey. For example, you can have a user watch a video and schedule a survey for followup questions specific to that video.

Also, bug fixes.
Bug fixes
New Functionality:
-New Action: replace_ds_key: Now you can replace a keyed value in the apps internal datastore. This can lead to some interesting conditions. For example: Suppose you want your users to answer questions about a video, but ONLY AFTER watching the video, but you only want them to answer the questions a maximum of ONCE per video. Now you can totally do that by setting one value in the datastore before they watch the video, and then check for the presence of that value to decide whether to display the questions, and then using replace_ds_key to replace the value after answering the questions.
New Feature:
-Adds an Action to retrieve values from the datastore to populate question text. So for example, if you present your user with a choice of several movies to watch, you can store the title of the one they chose to watch and then later on you can ask "How did you like watching movie-title?" instead of the more generic "How did you like watching the movie?"
New features:

-Adds no-notification Survey Type
-Adds no-notification-persistent Survey Type

Two new survey types with no accompanying notifications. Both new surveys have alerts that sit in the Notifications area which the user must enter the app to see. The difference is that 'no-notification' surveys disappear after the user completes the survey, whereas 'no-notification-persistent' surveys are always available. 

There are 2 important uses for these survey types: First, you can now offer multiple schedule-configurable self-elect surveys to your users. Previously there was only the option to have one self-elect survey per burst. Now you can have as many as you want, and they can be configured to appear and disappear from the notification area (and hence be available) according to a schedule. The second use is to provide a survey that acts as a sort of reference library for users. For example, if you have a series of images, videos, text panels, or survey questions you want the user to be able to refer back to whenever they want (or, as per above, according to a schedule) that is now possible.

-Adds ‘has_stream’ Action to designate a video stream is available for Multimedia Video type

This is a convenient way to denote that streaming video is available for the Multimedia Video type. The reason you might want to add streaming capabilities is because not everybody has the bandwidth or disk space to download a lot of videos.

Bug fixes:

-Fixes issue with video download for Multimedia Video type when using local development environment.
Fixes a display issue for Numeric Picker type on smaller screens; Fixes bug in default values for Numeric Picker type.
New question type: Numeric Picker: Use up to 3 wheels to select numbers between 0 and a specified maximum
Features: Configurable Units, number of wheels (up to 3), default value

New feature: Block level Actions: Actions are executed when block loads. Apply to every item in the block. The first action in this feature set is called skip_block_if, and, as the name implies, allows the user to skip the block based on comparison with a value stored in the data store. This would be used when you want to show or hide a block based on a response from the user, either in the same survey or in a different survey. Because this uses the datastore, the value used to make the comparison can either persist throughout the entire study, or be reset from survey to survey, or even after a certain threshold is met (i.e. If the user answers a question 5 times, no longer show that question to them in subsequent surveys)
Changes 'max attempts' message for cogtests: Now when the allowed max attempts for a cognitive test is 1 attempt, the 'Max attempts reached' message will be suppressed.

Adds block level skipping based on data store values: Now you can store values from specific questions and use the results to skip followup questions at the block level. Previously you could only skip single items based on stored values.
Fixes a bug where conditional items may not appear in the correct order if the user taps them out of order.
Fixes a bug introduced in the last update;

New features:
-Customize study support phone number
-Show/hide Contact Us link on menu per study
Bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Fixes a bug where a conditional item that has not been ignored does not display when condition has been met.
Updated Cognitive test instructions; Bug fixes and performance enhancements.
Fixes a bug where notification dates might be set incorrectly when a date other than the current is selected for the study start date in onboarding.
Fixes a bug where the user might lose the prompt for the intake survey if prompted for another survey right before it notifies.
Fixes a bug where the survey start time recorded by the app might be duplicated if the network connection is weak and multiple surveys need to be uploaded.
Collects 4 new items of metadata for each survey: App Version, Session ID, Survey Start Date, Network Type Used During Submission (Cellular vs Wifi)*

Note: While the app only collects the generic network type, it uses a library that may access the wireless SSID the device is connected to. This information is NOT saved or sent to the server, only the type of network is recorded.
Fixes a bug where surveys uploaded with a weaker network connection were getting duplicate timestamps.
The bug fix yesterday introduced another bug. This fixes the bug fix's bug fix.
Fixes a bug where sliders were not rounding properly if the slider step was not a factor of 10.
Fixes some bug and formatting issues.
New Feature: Users can now choose resume a study by selecting Burst->Week->Day to resume on a particular day (in addition to the existing resume functionality which tries to automatically resume based on the date the first survey was submitted)
Fixes a bug where notifications might persist when a user has taken a survey and there are network issues;
Fixes a bug where burst start dates are not displayed when user is attempting to resume study with new participant ID

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