QuranMyBook is a web and a mobile app that teaches the Holy Quran in many languages.
To make using the app as simple as possible, the team has provided a tutorial that is automatically launched when the user accesses the webpage. The user can always return to the Read me File (Tutorial) which summarizes briefly how QuranMyBook can be used.
The read me file takes the language of the browser, yet it allows the user to choose another language if the user prefers to. Once the user confirms the language of the tutorial, the app and the Quran translations are set to the language the user chose. The tutorial takes the user to eight more steps explaining all the app. The user can always skip the tutorial.
The user automatically starts at the main page once the user accesses the app, which shows a cover of the Holy Quran. At the top left an icon representing QuranMyBook, clicking on it takes the user back to this main page.
The app provides different ways of traversing the Quran. The user can find the exact content faster throughout the side navigation menu. The user has 3 options of navigation. First, the user can select a certain verse (ayah). Second, the user can select a certain chapter (surah), third the user can select a part (juz), the Quran has 30 parts.
On the header a search bar. The user can search but only in the original scripture, Arabic.
Another way of traversing the Holy Quran is by simply turning page by page like reading a normal book. Since Quran is a book written in Arabic, the user reads from right to left. The user can go to next and previous page by clicking on the corresponding arrows.
From main page, clicking on the arrow takes the user to the first page of the Holy Book. The header gets updated with the surah name and juz number which both help the reader keep track of where he reached, another feature that helps keeping track in the progress bar at the footer.
The Quran page shows the original content of Quran in Arabic only. The application automatically selects and reads verses (ayahs) one by one, first Arabic then the language the user chose. The user can click on an ayah to read and listen.
The ayah drawer that appears on the right has many options. On hovering on one of the icons of these options, the explanation of that option appears. This is a brief explanation of each option. Option one, default option which was selected for the user; it shows ayah text in Arabic, Ayah audio in Arabic then selected language. Option two, ayah text in Arabic and ayah translated text in selected language. Option three, bookmarking an ayah which will be saved in a list that can be accessed through the side navigation menu. Option Four, tafsir which is the exegesis text of Quran in the language selected by the user. Option five, allowing the user to learn pronouncing the ayah in Arabic by reading the transliteration in your language. Last option, instead of the user reading, he/she listens to the exegesis of Quran.
Finally, the side navigation menu has settings options which allow the user to choose a reciter, fonts styles and sizes, and language options.