ReactionFlash Читы

ReactionFlash Взлом 4.2 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Elsevier Limited
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 4.2
ID: ch.reaxys.reactionflash


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Want to refresh your memory on named chemical reactions before an exam or a group meeting? Get all the details with ReactionFlash(R) as a great way to learn named reactions, understand their mechanisms and view examples published in peer-reviewed literature.

Designed and developed in consultation with Professor Dr. Erick M. Carreira of ETH Zürich, the app covers over 1'100 named chemistry reactions. Professor Carreira has helped ensure that we have all the fundamental reactions that should be part of every chemist’s toolkit: from the best-known ones to the ones only Nobel Prize winners remember!

The app is designed like a set of flash cards so it can be used as a learning tool as well as a reference. Each ‘card’ shows the reaction, its mechanism and examples from peer-reviewed, published literature. It also has a quiz mode that lets you test your knowledge.

Linking into Reaxys enables you to find the most recent examples of each reaction, many with experimental details. Reaxys delivers experimental facts from the literature, enabling researchers to find the best synthetic routes and conditions. Find out more at

Download the app now and see if you know all the named reactions!

- Learn named reactions
- Review and understand mechanisms
- Explore examples published in peer-reviewed literature
- Take the ReactionFlash quiz and see how much you know

If you need support, please contact us at [email protected].

Reaxys and ReactionFlash are trade marks of Elsevier Limited, used under license.
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История обновлений

Added new Named Reactions and corrected errors in content
Minor bug fixes on display of Examples with long description of reaction conditions.
We added new Named Reactions and now cover over 1'100 entries.
Implemented all content recommendation we received by you and your peers.
We also added names under which Named Reactions are also known (in parenthesis under the main Named Reaction name) - which are also searchable.
Minor bug fixes improving a small number of drawings
Fixed a problem on devices running iOS 12 or elder
Share with friends: You now are able to share 1 or more Named Reactions with friends - driving their attention to these Named Reactions.
Translate: When pressing and holding a reaction text below the name of the reaction you now get the option to Translate the text into the language of your choice.
Filter your Sets (within a set) = Named Reactions from the Set you selected which are
- Not Viewed: you have not seen yet
- Viewed - Not Tested: you have seen but they were not shown in the Quiz yet
- Tested - Not Mastered: you were presented in the Quiz but you were not able to provide the correct answer at your first attempt
- Mastered - You were able to provide the correct answer at your first attempt when presented the Named Reaction in the Quiz

Updated Content: We added 37 new Named Reactions and update over 20 of them.

Do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Addition of new Named Reactions and additional Examples - most of them proposed by you or your peers.
Introduction of the Refresher Set - allowing you to train Named Reactions to which you did not succeed to answer correctly on the first attempt in the quiz.
Correction minor application issues.

Do not hesitate to contacting us at [email protected].
- Content: we added new Named Reactions - most of them proposed by you or your peers.
- Minor Bug Fixes

Do not hesitate to contacting us with any recommendation at [email protected].
Fixes a bug when importing the Favorites from ReactionFlash 2.x.
It furthermore provides:
- Both Orientations: view all content and use all the functionalities in portrait or landscape mode.
- Sets on Named Reactions: create personalized sets of Named Reactions or use predefined sets based on difficulty or transformation type.
- Shuffle: review Named Reactions randomly in addition to the alphabetical order.
- Support for Light and Dark Mode
- Novel Content: we added new Named Reactions - most of them proposed by you or your peers.

Do not hesitate to contacting us with any recommendation at [email protected].
This major update brings you the following improvements:
- Both Orientations: view all content and use all the functionalities in portrait or landscape mode.
- Sets on Named Reactions: create personalized sets of Named Reactions or use predefined sets based on difficulty or transformation type.
- Shuffle: review Named Reactions randomly in addition to the alphabetical order.
- Support for Light and Dark Mode
- Novel Content: we added new Named Reactions - most of them proposed by you or your peers.

Do not hesitate to contacting us with any recommendation at [email protected].
Fixed an issue when being in Search mode.
Thank you for sending us a message to [email protected] with any issue you find or any suggestion you may have.
Corrected a navigation issue and a situation where heteroatoms were not displayed correctly
Do not hesitate to sending us any comment/suggestion to [email protected].
We corrected a layout issue. At the same time we added several new Named Reactions.
Please send a message to [email protected] with any comment or if you find a Named Reaction which is missing in ReactionFlash.
This version covers updates to the ReactionFlash content and some minor bug fixes.
Please send a message to [email protected] with any info on any reaction you find missing in ReactionFlash.
ReactionFlash now covers over 1'000 Named Reactions. All reactions suggested by you and your peers were added.
We also corrected some minor issues.

Would you want to help us improve the user experience as we have some new ideas? If so, please send a message to [email protected].

ReactionFlash now covers over 1'000 Named Reactions. All reactions suggested by you and your peers were added.
We also did some minor improvements in the User Interface.

Would you want to help us improve the user experience as we have some new ideas? If so, please send a message to [email protected].
We added a significant number of new Named Reaction - to get us up to over 950 Named Reactions - multiple of them suggested by folks like you.
Do send us any suggestion you may have to [email protected].
ReactionFlash now covers 875 Named Reactions.
Due to this large number of reactions we decided to redesign the storage of the data on your device resulting in a reduction of the app size by 50%.
You now can zoom a Reaction, a Mechanism or the Examples by pinching - the same way as you would do with any photo. The double tap for the zoom continues to be supported.
We also added most of the reactions mentioned by you or your peers.
Please do not hesitate to send us your suggestions and comments to [email protected]
ReactionFlash now contains over 800 Named Reactions. We especially focused on adding reactions recommended by you or your peers.
Please do not hesitate to send new suggestions and your comments to [email protected]
The ReactionFlash Team
Make the app compatible with iOS 12
Update Terms & Conditions
Fixed a bug causing an app crash when filtered list was empty.
You now have the possibility to press and hold on a reaction text to copy it. This allows you to paste such text into a translation application, a functionality introduced especially for users who are not so familiar with English.
We also extended the content to 750+ Named Chemical Reactions with many mechanism which were developed in collaboration with Prof Carreira's team.
We particularly focused on adding Named Reactions which were suggested by you or your peers. Please continue to suggest enhancements and Named Reactions we should add in a next release.
This updated version now contains 700+ Named Chemical Reactions with many mechanism which were developed in collaboration with Prof Carreira's team.
We particularly focused on adding Named Reactions which were suggested by you or your peers.
Please continue to suggest enhancements and Named Reactions we should add in a next release.
We corrected an orientation problem and applied fixes related to how reactions flagged as favorites behave.
We improved the sort order to allow Named Reactions with derivative names to be listed close to each other (e.g. [1,2]- Wittig Rearrangement and Wittig Olefination).
In addition we corrected a bug occurring unter iOS 11 when launching the Settings Page.
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5 из 5
12 Голосов


Великолепное приложение
Vlad smart,
Nive app
Thanks for this app, helps in preparation. But there are a lot of the reactions to be added!
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