Some bugs fixed
Hotfix for the bug related to not being able to enter text in some text input fields in the editor.
Ability to edit colliders of game objects.
Some optimizations.
Exporting projects are now done to Unity 2019.
Bug fixes.
Set colors using hexadecimal codes.
Bug fixes.
Compare counters in the event manager conditions and actions
Ability to do multiplication and division operations in the event manager
Some optimizations
Bug fixing
Better control of particles - you can set them behind and in front of an object, and control particle size via actions in the event manager.
Fixed a bug related to cloned objects and related events.
Minor bug fixes.
Happy making!
Load external web pages by URL.
In the Event Manager say WHEN something happens DO System / Load URL / and enter the URL you want to have loaded.
Lots of runtime optimizations, so your projects run faster and load better on lower end mobile devices.
Bug extermination.
We added a new “Swipe” gesture that you can use for touch devices. So now you can make your own version of “Fruit Ninja!”
Effects can now be added to objects in the background layer.
We improved the Bullet and Stay in Frame behaviors.
Box is now the default collider for objects (used to be polygon). You can alter the collider under the “Appearance” menu.
The Leaderboard option now has “descending” as the default sort order.
We fixed the way backgrounds were stretched in landscape mode.
And some other minor bug fixes.
A new “slider” behavior under “interface and text.” Especially cool for controlling arduino voltages!
An object “hierarchy view” in the global settings area: use the hierarchy to instantly select any object in your scene and edit properties. Handy for small or invisible objects!
“Clear Cache” deletes temporary files and reduces the need to download assets multiple times.
Bug fixes.
Four new effects categories with 64 new cool effects you add to your scene: Combat , Explosions, Environment, Sparkles.
Better run time performance on your projects.
A vast number of bug fixes.
- New global variable types: angle and position.
- A “random global variable” option: with one toggle your global variable can be randomized and used to control events.
- A massive amount of optimization so projects run more smoothly and perform better on low-end devices.
- Some clean up of messy UI here and there.
- A magic bean was added. If you plant it you’ll get a magic beanstalk.
СОРЕВНОВАНИЯ: Добавь Таблицу Рекордов и соревнуйся со своими друзьями.
СИСТЕМА ЧАСТИЦ: Попробуйте добавить объекту ваши собственные эффекты при помощи настраиваемой системы частиц.
ПЕРЕМЕННЫЕ: Используйте переменные для создания более компактной логики игры.
Исправлены ошибки. Улучшена система экспорта проектов.
- Completely revamped interface! (see for yourself)
- Improved building on phones and smaller screens.
- Use GIPHY in your games.
- Easier navigation
- French language support.
- Export your games as stand-alone apps
АНИМИРОВАННЫЕ СПРАЙТЫ: Откройте библиотеку и нажмите GIF. Просмотрите более миллиона анимированных «наклеек» Гифи, которые вы можете добавить на вашу сцену. Или сделайте и загрузите свой собственный анимированный спрайт в формате GIF. Управление анимацией спрайта с помощью поведения GIF и Event Manager.
НОВЫЙ ИНТЕРФЕЙС РЕДАКТОРА: основные элементы управления находятся в верхней части сцены, что дает вам больше места для создания на холсте.
ИЗМЕНЯЕМЫЙ ХОЛСТ: новый «глобальный инспектор» в левом верхнем углу редактора дает вам дополнительный контроль над размером вашей сцены. Нажмите «меньше» или «больше», чтобы изменить размер.
РЕЖИМ ПОРТРЕТА: Создавайте проекты в портретной ориентации для мобильных телефонов. После нажатия «Создать новый» вам будет предложено указать ориентацию. Вы можете переключаться между Альбомной и Портретной ориентацией в Глобальном инспекторе.
Исправлена ошибка соединения с Arduino.
Загружайте свою музыку и звуковые эффекты: нажмите на “+” в редакторе и следуйте инструкциям.
Теперь вы можете добавить звук или музыку к объекту и управлять проигрыванием звуков в Инспекторе Событий.
Прокручиваемая текстура: добавьте на картинку поведение “Прокручиваемая текстуру” и вы получите движущийся бэкграунд!
Теперь вы можете сворачивать блоки событий в Инспекторе Событий, для этого просто нажмите на стрелку над блоком события. Так же вы можете свернуть все события, для этого нажмите на стрелку сверху в центре Инспектора Событий.
Вы можете экспортировать проект в Unity3d, и собрать собственный проект для любых платформ.
Посетите www.getready.io/unity для получения подробной информации.
Исправлена ошибка при создании профиля игрока.
Ready теперь поддерживает русский язык. Чтобы изменить язык, откройте выпадающее меню в левой верхней части и выберите Set Language/Сменить язык.
You can now control Arduino devices from your iPhone. Visit http://www.getready.io/arduino for instructions.
Basic (free) users now have permission to upload assets. You can now upload your own images, and share your custom projects with the world! Tap “Create New” then “+” to add an object and “Upload Artwork” to select your own image. Happy making!
Deeper integration with Arduino: Ready detects board compatibility and automatically prepares your board directly from the app, and has more fine-grained voltage controls for controlling Arduino motors.
This update has several new features.
1. Google sign in and sign up: If you have a Google-based account, you can now use those credentials to create a new account and log in. Note: this method won’t work with existing accounts made using the old sign-up method.
2. Preparation for Arduino and robotics programming: A new “Arduino” behavior is available in the application under “Interface & Text” / “Arduino”. Tap “+” in the canvas to access and program Arduino devices using Ready. For more information on Ready for Arduino, visit http://www.getready.io/arduino.
3. A new app loading screen and icon reflecting Ready’s expansion into robotics programming.
Happy Making!
Team Ready
We've redesigned Ready Maker to combine "My Workshop" and "Community" in one area. It's now faster to switch between "My Projects," "Featured," and "My Likes."
We also introduced a new, powerful global behavior called "Listener." This means you can now program against keyboard, joystick, and trackpad/mouse events in your projects. You'll find the listener function inside the "System" object in the Event Manager programming area.
So for example, you can now say WHEN System / Listener / Scroll Up / Speed DO.... some other event. This will trigger an event when someone scrolls up using a mouse or trackpad.
Listener is cool when combined with external hardware, like Makey Makey. Please note: any project with listener in it won't detect most of these actions on mobile, as mobile devices don't (usually) have keyboards, mice, and other little critters. Mobile users will get a warning about this. So you should be a good programmer and think about clever ways to switch your controls between keyboard or tap gestures when you're making a multi platform project.
Happy making!
You can now link from one Ready project to another!
In the Event Manager, create an event WHEN something happens DO System / System / Load Project and select the project you want the user to load. This allows for the creation of complex games with multiple levels, where each level is a linked project from the prior level.
We also fixed an annoying issue with the "Control Pad" behaivor- it was too small on mobile, so you can now expand it. And on desktop, when you disable the Control Pad behavior, keyboard input will now be ignored. Which is what should happen when you turn something off!
Happy making!
We added some more information about the Ready Maker subscription in the app itself. We also fixed a glitch with classes not behaving properly in the Event Manager. Happy making!
Ready now gives you a built in help system. Follow step-by-step video instructions on how to build! You can open and close the help system from inside the Ready editor and community area. The help system includes integrated chat, so you can ask for help and get a live response. This version also supports WebGL functionality, so your projects play better in desktop browsers.