Rock Backing Tracks Creator Взлом 4.2

Разработчик: Ingo Wandschneider
Категория: Музыка

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Rock Backing Tracks Creator is easy to use, sounds excellent and makes lots of fun.

This is an all new version with unlimited access to our free rock style database (Rock House)

Paste, write down your rock chords (or whole lead sheets with your text) easily or tap a button for popular chord progressions and let them play by professionell musicians.

Chords are automatically detected.

You got no idea for a song or chords to play? Create a new track with the tap of your fingers. Download a rock style and your ready. Download single instruments or complete bands to create your song.

Save, duplicate your track and export it to process it in Garage Band, Logic, e.g.. Change the style of your song easily without loosing the excellent sound quality. It is remarkable, that we are not working with synthetic midi- sound. These are all recordings by professional musicians.

We developed a expert system, that is based on proven information of artists. We even developed a new sound engine, to let Rock Backing Tracks Creator sound like real musicians.

If you need a band to play your song, than is the must have app for you.

Rock Backing Tracks Creator sounds fantastic und makes lot of fun, even if you just want to hear to music. Just download your favorite rock style, press a button to create a complete structured song and play. Ideal for developers, artists, for everyone who needs backing tracks or soundtracks.

Rock Backing Tracks Creator is perfect for:

- the creation of backing tracks for musicians
- to play chords of songbooks by a whole band (just paste the lead sheet)
- to play ambient music
- to improve your solo skills
- to learn improvisation
- to create music for videos and games

At least we want you to be satisfied. Contact us, if you got any problems and make a wish.