Routie ~ спортивный трекер GPS Читы

Routie ~ спортивный трекер GPS Взлом 2.16 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Lukas Petr
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: 449,00 ₽ (Скачать бесплатно)
Версия: 2.16
ID: Glimsoft.Routes


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Routie - простой, быстрый и красивый способ контролировать свои спортивные занятия. Используя GPS в iPhone, приложение отслеживает бег, прогулки, велосипедные поездки, походы на байдарках и многое другое. Вот некоторые из наиболее интересных функций Routie:

○ Интерактивные графики
Красивые графики скорости и высоты для каждого трека.

○ Фотографии
Фото из Routie или камеры iPhone могут добавляться к трассе.

○ Статистика
Общее расстояние, продолжительность и количество маршрутов для каждого вида занятий за последний месяц, за последний год или за все время.

○ Показатели в режиме онлайн
В режиме онлайн вы видите текущую скорость, высоту, преодоленное расстояние, среднюю скорость, общее время и многое другое.

○ Экспорт файлов
Легкий экспорт в GPX, KML или KMZ и использование данных в других сервисах.

○ Карты улиц
Помимо Apple maps вы можете смотреть треки и на Street, Cycle или MapQuest.

○ Характеристики трека
При желании вы можете дать свои названия трекам, занятиям и заметкам. Вы можете добавить свои метки на карте и заголовки фотографиям.

○ Обмен одним прикосновением
Отправить информацию в Фейсбук и Твиттер всего одним нажатием на экран. Даже не надо ничего набирать.

○ Авто-пауза
Трекинг будет автоматически приостановлен, если вы перестали двигаться.

○ Поддержка Pebble
Управление трекингом, просмотр скорости, высоты и расстояния прямо у вас на запястье!

○ Голосовое оповещение
Периодическое голосовое информирование о вашем прогрессе в тренировках.

○ Виджет «Обзор на сегодня»
Отслеживание маршрута, показателей и установка Routie прямо из центра уведомлений.

○ Интеграция с Health
Запись тренировок и дистанций в приложение Health.

○ Значки
Посмотреть отслеживаемые занятия, скорость или расстояние на иконках Routie прямо с главного экрана.

○ Универсальный трекер
Поддерживая широкий спектр фитнес-мероприятий, Routie еще отлично подходит и для путешествий. Это и спортивный, и путевой дневник одновременно.

○ Все данные трекинга
Для каждого из треков вы можете видеть время начало и завершения, расстояние, продолжительность, время движения, время остановок, среднюю и максимальную скорость, максимальную и минимальную высоту и подъем.

○ Возобновление трекинга
В случае если Routie случайно закроется, сеанс трекинга может быть возобновлен при следующем запуске. Это означает, что вы никогда не потеряете данные трекинга.

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание: Продолжительное использование GPS в фоновом режиме может значительно уменьшить срок службы батареи.

Это лишь некоторые возможности Routie, но сила Routie заключается в красивом, простом и функциональном пользовательском интерфейсе. Очень много внимания было уделено каждому элементу. Вы будете довольны тем, как прост, но силен в использовании Routie.
И самое главное, вы получите больше удовольствия во время своих занятий!

История обновлений

• Improved compatibility with iOS 16.
• Fixed track sometimes not appearing when custom maps are used.
• Fixed: occasional crashing that was happening for some users who are using iOS 12.
• Improved compatibility with iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, and iPhone 12 Pro.
• Fixed heart rate monitoring and default selection of paired HR monitor.
• Added option to share and save individual photos taken with Routie.
• Improved handling of Photos authorization on iOS 14.
• Removed Pebble integration since PebbleSDK has been discontinued.
• Fixed accidental dark appearance of the tracking screen.
• Fixed exporting of photos to the main Photo library.
• Compatibility with iOS 13.
• Altitude and speed charts - fixed rendering in landscape on newer devices.
• Fixed live updating of information in map callouts when interacting with a chart.
• Fixed recording sometimes missing new location updates due to lower accuracy.
• Fixed sharing to Facebook.
Routie is now fully compatible with iPhone X!

Plus a few enhancements all around:
- made Save button in Edit Route screen bold
- changed background color of the activity picker
- fixed: annotation subtitle not updating when interacting with the charts
- fixed: broken layout of text annotation upon setting its text for the first time
Improved the way altitude climb is calculated - It's now much more accurate.
This change affects previous tracks as well, they will have their climb updated the moment you open them.
Routie 2.12 brings compatibility with iOS 11, as well as these fine improvements:

• New Outdoor OpenStreetMap. Great for, well.. exploring outdoors!
• Added map controls (Compass and Zoom scale) to the Route recording screen
• Today widget now has a new design
• Fixed: Sharing to Facebook used to fail when route contained panoramas
• Fixed: Heart-rate monitor reconnecting issue
• Fixed: Migration alert falsely appearing on first launch.
• Fixed critical bug accidentally introduced in 2.11 that caused crash during launch on certain iOS 8 devices. - Really sorry about that!
• New 3D Touch Quick Actions!
- Start/Stop tracking
- Take Photo
- View Statistics
- View Last Track
\- All these shortcuts are accessible right from your home screen, just by hard-pressing on Routie icon (available only on iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus)

• Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when trying to sign in with Facebook.
- Fixed occasional server login issue.
- Fixed positioning of export buttons in Sharing screen.

• Enhancements
- Route detail screen now has blurred background and the layout of value displays is improved on larger devices.

As always, if you like this update, please post a review on the App Store. It really helps! Thank you, and - enjoy.
• Compatibility with iOS 9

• New watchOS 2 watch app!
- Now you can measure heart rate using your watch.
- Your workout with Routie is counted towards your daily goals. (Important: You need to both start and stop tracking using the watch for this to work properly.)

• A few minor bugs were fixed:
- Routie no longer asks you to enable Background App Refresh
- Exporting to file now works for all route names
- Voice coaching improvements

Enjoy your tracking!
- Fixed a bug that caused crash when logging in to Facebook for a few users. This one was really sneaky, sorry about that!
- Voice coaching is now slightly faster.
• NEW FEATURES: Voice coaching & Health integration!
You've been heard. Routie now can write your workouts into Health app and inform you about your progress using speech. You can enable both in About -> Settings.

• Bug Fixes: Sharing to Facebook was completely updated and should now work work for everybody.

• Teaser: New app is coming, and this version also lets you opt-in to get notified when it launches.

Enjoy the update :).
Routie for Apple Watch is here!

Control tracking and view tracking values right on your Apple Watch.
With Routie for Apple Watch, you can:
- start and/or stop tracking
- view duration
- view distance
- view current speed
- view current altitude
- view average speed
Also, you can quickly check duration and distance from the Glance.

Bug fixes:
- When exporting a route to file, 'Open in..' is now working for all files under all iOS versions.

Thanks for all the nice reviews, and have fun tracking with Routie!
Minor bug fixes and improvements

• Enhanced the way graph sizes scale vertically on iPhones 6/6+.
• Section headers in My Routes are smaller.
• Page indicators in Tracking screen are now centered properly.
• Fixed bug that caused crash after opening callout of a graph annotation.
• Enhanced the way bars are shown/hidden when tapped in route viewing screen.
• Adjusted positions of Info Popovers for iPhone 6/6+
• Improved the way photos are imported. It now should always import all photos under all circumstances.
• Fixed bug that caused repeated prompting for photos import.
• It's now easier to grab handler for Fullscreen mode.

Thanks to all of you for all those nice comments, they are really appreciated!
Enjoy the new update!
Routie 2.7 is optimized for iOS 8 and brings support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

It also brings Today extension – a notification center widget that lets you:
1) view current distance and duration,
2) start and stop tracking,
3) quickly open Routie app.

As always, if you like the update, please give Routie a rating on the App Store - it really helps a lot!
Fixed bug that in some cases caused tracks not to appear in My Routes. Thanks to all of you who reported it, it really helped me track it down faster.
Обновление Routie 2.6 включает поддержку долгожданного мониторинга пульса.
• Свяжите с вашим любимым Bluetooth 4.0 монитором пульса.
• Смотрите текущую частоту сердечных сокращений во время тренировки.
• Исследуйте интерактивные графики частоты пульса после тренировки.
• Смотрите средний и максимальный пульс во время маршрута.
• Работает с Pebble! Смотрите текущий пульс на ваших часах Pebble.

Кроме того, исправлены некоторые мелкие баги. Если вам нравится это обновление, пожалуйста, сообщите нам в комментариях, это действительно помогает. Спасибо, и счастливого пользования!
你好。Hallo! Здравствуйте! Bonjour!

Apart from English and Czech, Routie is now localised into Chinese, German, Russian and French! We hope it will make the experience better for those of you who speak some of these languages. We are planning to add more soon!

Happy tracking! And please be patient, update 2.6 should be ready within a few weeks.
Routie is now fully localized into Czech.
> Message for Czech users: Čekání je u konce. Stáhněte si update a užívejte si Routie plně v češtině. Pokud budete spokojení, neváhejte ohodnotit na App Store - hodně nám tím pomůžete.

More languages as well as new features are coming soon. If you'd like to see your language added, don't hesitate to send us an email about it.

Happy tracking, and thanks for choosing Routie!
• Bug fixes:
- fixed a bug that caused Routie to crash when saving a track with displayed activity picker
- fixed a bug that might caused random crash during view animation

• Small improvements:
- When editing track properties, keyboard toolbar buttons are now black, and symbols are used for the Previous and Next buttons.

Have fun tracking your fitness activities!
• Bug fixes:
- fixed a bug that sometimes caused crash shortly after starting or saving a track.
- for Pebble users: fixed a bug when tracking was started from Pebble; photo importing to Routie from Camera Roll didn't work.
- cleaned up a bit other parts of the app

\- we are sorry for any inconvenience that might be caused by these errors

If you enjoy using Routie, please take a minute to leave a nice review; it really helps a lot. Plus, it keeps us working on future updates!
** New feature: Pebble integration **
- now you can view current tracking metrics on your Pebble! And not only that, you can also Start / Stop tracking with it - so you can control the whole tracking without pulling your phone out of your pocket.

Bug fixes for iOS 7.1
- fixed a bug with missing tab bar background
- fixed wrong colors in export section and in About screen

Please, let us know how you like this update in the App Store comments

Happy tracking!
• NEW FEATURE: Statistics!
View total count, distance and time tracked, for all of your activities.

- Select time frame (All time, last year, last month).
- Swipe through activities (sorted by track count).

• Fixed graph labels for long distance tracks (10.000+ km).
• Fixed “tap-able” areas of map buttons - if you ever accidentally tapped locating button instead of map type button, you’ll appreciate it won’t happen again.
• Small tweak to how Saving/Sharing works (Share button is now on its own, so it’s now more clear how to Save only and/or how to share).

Thanks to all of you who suggested what should be improved, this update was hugely inspired by it! We also hope you’ll like the new statistics tab!
• NEW FEATURE: Export to file!
You can now export your tracks to GPX, KML or KMZ files, and with those exports do one of the following tasks:
- Open in another app on your device, e.g Google Earth.
- Send them in email as an attachment.
- Access them in iTunes using File Sharing.

• totally revamped Sharing view. Now it's more obvious how the Uploading and Sharing works. Also, new cell called Status will let you copy link to your shared/uploaded track into clipboard or open it in Safari.

• Fixed a bug that could cause sharing or signing in to Twitter to fail (due to recent Twitter api changes).

• Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Please, don't forget to rate Routie in the App Store. This helps us keep working on the updates. Thanks, and happy tracking!

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4.2 из 5
6 Голосов


Надежно. Удобно
Нет ручной паузы, а по автопаузе нет инструкций. Вообще не нашел инструкций. И самое плохое - не кеширует карту. Пока 4. Будет кеш и пауза - будет 5.
Broken app
After latest update app doesnt launches at all on iphone 5. Support doesnt answer by email. Yes, it's old device, but it worked for me, and this app should work with it, that says in the description. But it is not work. Dev say on his site that it not have much time for this app. Not recommend for buying...
Отличное приложение, пользуюсь часто, все до безумия просто и красиво
Хорошая прога! Точно измеряет расстояние, всегда с ней бегаю!
Удачный app
То, что искал. Особо порадовал экспорт.
Нет возможности поделиться треком

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