SatelliteSkill5 is an interactive augmented reality experience to give students a one-stop-shop about Satellites, how do they work? what data do they collect? and how is it useful?
This STEM outreach project was created to give students a new and interactive experience where they can learn about Satellites and their applications using interactive and immersive augmented reality tools. Our App is designed as a self-contained, self-paced learning experience, giving the user the tools, they need to go deep into the world of Satellites.
Through the SatelliteSkill5 app, students will learn: (i) how information about Ireland is collected by satellite, (ii) why it is useful and (iii) how can it be used to solve challenges in Ireland today with a focus on the United National Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Upon completing different challenges in the App, students ‘unlock’ related free, real-world data sets for Ireland through the ArcGIS for Schools programme that they can then use to complete their CBA. Because it is focused on the SDGs it is particularly relevant to students working on Science in Society (CBA2) and Geography in the News (CBA1) but has clear benefits to any student exploring a topic of interest, developing a hypothesis, collecting, and analysing data and then presenting their results in an innovative ‘StoryMap’.
More info at https://5sdiscover.maynoothuniversity.ie/
This project is funded by Science Foundation Ireland and Esero Ireland and is supported by: Maynooth University, TU Dublin, Ordnance Survey Ireland, Esri Ireland and the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland.