SeismicityAR, developed by the Fossett Laboratory for Virtual Planetary Exploration, provides a 3D representation of earthquake locations using ARKit on iOS. Earthquake locations are provided by the USGS NEIC/PDE catalog (https://earthquake.usgs.gov).
The use of 3D visualization is particularly important to provide true relationships between earthquake locations that may be misconstrued on 2D projections.
A user is able to display earthquakes colored by depth for a particular region (using the AR globe), time range (1970-present), magnitude, depth range (using UI sliders). After the events have been displayed the user can then subsample using the same UI sliders, visualize in 2D, 3D, and time-vs-magnitude. By tapping on an earthquake location, the user will be presented with information for that event and a link to the USGS event webpage that can provide more details.
This app has been developed by the Fossett Laboratory for Virtual Planetary Exploration (virtual planet.wustl.edu).