Shakespeare Читы

Shakespeare Взлом 8.5.2 + Чит Коды

Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 8.5.2
ID: com.readdle.Shakespeare


Game screenshot Shakespeare mod apkGame screenshot Shakespeare apkGame screenshot Shakespeare hack


See what these users are saying about Shakespeare Pro:

“It’s really great!”
—Kenneth Branagh, actor and director

“‘The app’s the thing.’ Hamlet was almost right. Great to see Shakespeare Pro superplaying with Shakespeare’s plays.”
—David Crystal, Linguist and Author of Shakespeare's Words

“The Shakespeare Pro qpp is simply terrific and filled with loads of wonderful information!”
—Ken Ludwig, Tony and Olivier Award Winning Playwright

Shakespeare™ is a free app with the complete works of Shakespeare (41 plays, 154 sonnets and 6 poems, including apocrypha) and a searchable concordance to find the exact word or phrase you’re looking for (with “relaxed” searching to find words close to your search term).

Even though it’s free, the Shakespeare app is packed with these impressive features:

••• CUSTOMIZE YOUR READING EXPERIENCE by choosing from a variety of color combinations, change the font family and size, and jump around to different scenes.

••• QUALITY TEXTS are a top priority and our team spent years compiling and editing the best references available. In the updated editions, the text is even more clear and each individual character is uniquely identified—all 1,155 of them.

••• DETAILED SCENE BREAKDOWNS give you an overview of the scenes within each play, their locations, and the characters present in each.

••• SEARCH THE WORKS by just typing in a word or phrase.

••• MODERN TRANSLATIONS and lexicons to help you better understand Elizabethan English (available as extra add-ons).

••• BARDFIND™ is the easiest way to find a Shakespeare theatre or venue anywhere in the world.

If you’re looking for line numbers, the integrated Shakespeare’s Words glossary, a gallery of Shakespeare portraits, random quote generator, Shakespeare facts, check out Shakespeare Pro for these and other great features. If you’re a student, professor, actor, or just plain love the Bard, this must-have app ensures you have the complete works at your fingertips.

Like the new features? Having trouble and need support? Let us know at [email protected] or at

Works contained: All’s Well That Ends Well, Antony and Cleopatra, As You Like It, The Comedy of Errors, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, Double Falsehood, Edward III, Hamlet, Henry IV (Parts 1 & 2), Henry V, Henry VI (Parts 1-3), Henry VIII, Julius Caesar, King John, King Lear, Love’s Labours Lost, Macbeth, Measure for Measure, Merchant of Venice, Merry Wives of Windsor, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello, Pericles, King Richard II, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, Sir Thomas More, Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest, Timon of Athens, Titus Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida, Twelfth Night, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Two Noble Kinsmen, The Winter’s Tale, Sonnets, Venus & Adonis, Rape of Lucrece, A Lover’s Complaint, Passionate Pilgrim, Phoenix & Turtle, To the Queen
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История обновлений

We've incorporated your feedback into this update, which includes:

• NEW! Improvements to the new modern spelling search of Folios and Quartos: just enter the modern spelling of a word and find all alternate spellings where it's located. For example, search for "color" and find "colour", "cullor", and "collour".
• NEW! If you have the add-on for modern translations, you can now adjust their visibility to minimize distraction.
• NEW! Expand and collapse the character descriptions on Dramatis Personae pages to see just a list of characters in the play
• NEW! Search by both languages and dialects used throughout the works
• General bug fixes, dark mode and small usability improvements

Did you miss a recent update? Here are a few of the new things we added:

• NEW! Modern spelling search of Folios and Quartos: just enter the modern spelling of a word and find all alternate spellings where it's located. For example, search for "color" and find "colour", "cullor", and "collour".
• NEW! Better images galleries for portraits of Shakespeare and browsing manuscripts
• NEW! "Loose" searching now enabled you to find what you're looking for even if you've misspelled a word.
• NEW! Use the sonnet tag filter to filter and organize the sonnets by thematic tags
• NEW! Added Quartos for King Richard II, Romeo & Juliet, King Lear, and Hamlet
• NEW! Search additional lexicons: In addition to Schmidt's Lexicon, you can now search Onions' Glossary and Dyce's General Glossary
We've incorporated your feedback into this update, which includes:

• NEW! Improvements to the new modern spelling search of Folios and Quartos: just enter the modern spelling of a word and find all alternate spellings where it's located. For example, search for "color" and find "colour", "cullor", and "collour".
• NEW! If you have the add-on for modern translations, you can now adjust their visibility to minimize distraction.
• NEW! Expand and collapse the character descriptions on Dramatis Personae pages to see just a list of characters in the play
• NEW! Search by both languages and dialects used throughout the works
• General bug fixes, dark mode and small usability improvements

Did you miss a recent update? Here are a few of the new things we added:

• NEW! Modern spelling search of Folios and Quartos: just enter the modern spelling of a word and find all alternate spellings where it's located. For example, search for "color" and find "colour", "cullor", and "collour".
• NEW! Better images galleries for portraits of Shakespeare and browsing manuscripts
• NEW! "Loose" searching now enabled you to find what you're looking for even if you've misspelled a word.
• NEW! Use the sonnet tag filter to filter and organize the sonnets by thematic tags
• NEW! Added Quartos for King Richard II, Romeo & Juliet, King Lear, and Hamlet
• NEW! Search additional lexicons: In addition to Schmidt's Lexicon, you can now search Onions' Glossary and Dyce's General Glossary
Another great update to the best Shakespeare app! This update includes:

• NEW! Better images galleries for portraits of Shakespeare and browsing manuscripts
• General bug fixes and small usability improvements for iOS 15 and the new iPad mini

In addition, if you've upgraded to Shakespeare Pro, you'll get the following new features and improvements:

• NEW! Modern spelling search of Folios and Quartos: just enter the modern spelling of a word and find all alternate spellings where it's located. For example, search for "color" and find "colour", "cullor", and "collour".

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

Did you miss a recent update? Here are a few of the new things we added:

• NEW! "Loose" searching now enabled you to find what you're looking for even if you've misspelled a word.
• NEW! Use the sonnet tag filter to filter and organize the sonnets by thematic tags
• NEW! Added Quartos for King Richard II, Romeo & Juliet, King Lear, and Hamlet
• NEW! Search additional lexicons: In addition to Schmidt's Lexicon, you can now search Onions' Glossary and Dyce's General Glossary
Another great update to the best Shakespeare app! This update includes:

• NEW! Now browse the home screen of plays in "icon mode" rather than list mode. Change this option in the settings to whatever your preference is
• NEW! Use the sonnet tag filter to filter and organize the sonnets by thematic tags
• NEW! MLA citation—just select some text and choose the MLA option to create a citation for you to copy.
• Improvements to dropcaps and other typography to make the works a little more readable
• General bug fixes and small usability improvements, improvements to dark mode

In addition, if you've upgraded to Shakespeare Pro, you'll get the following new features and improvements:

• NEW! "Loose" searching now enabled you to find what you're looking for even if you've misspelled a word.
• NEW! Added Romeo & Juliet, First Quarto
• NEW! Statistics added for each character for the most common words a character speaks in the whole play and number of times these words are spoke by other characters to provide insight into what they might be thinking or feeling
• NEW! Toggle character and scene statstics on the Scene Breakdowns and Dramatis Personae for easier skimming/reading

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

Did you miss a recent update? Here are a few of the new things we added:

• NEW! Added King Richard II First Quarto.
• NEW! Every scene now has scene times to help you make sense of time, either based action in the plays or historical events. This is the first time any edition has tackled this complex subject.
• NEW! Search improvement: now set a custom search proximity to find words nearer or farther from each other
• NEW! Search filters for Elizabeth, Jacobean, or apocrypha works
• NEW! New quartos added for King Lear, Hamlet, and King Richard 2—plus an improved compare tool on iPad
• NEW! Search additional lexicons: In addition to Schmidt's Lexicon, you can now search Onions' Glossary and Dyce's General Glossary

A small, but good release which includes:

• General improvements and bug fixes
• NEW! Added King Richard II First Quarto (Pro)
• Improvements to the lexicons and popover timing (Pro)

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

Did you miss the last update? Here are a few of the new things we added:

• NEW! Every scene now has scene times to help you make sense of time, either based action in the plays or historical events. This is the first time any edition has tackled this complex subject.
• NEW! Search improvement: now set a custom search proximity to find words nearer or farther from each other
• NEW! Search filters for Elizabeth, Jacobean, or apocrypha works
• NEW! New quartos added for King Lear, Hamlet, and King Richard 2—plus an improved compare tool on iPad
• NEW! Search additional lexicons: In addition to Schmidt's Lexicon, you can now search Onions' Glossary and Dyce's General Glossary
This release fixes a few small issues, including an issue with printing. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any issues or suggestions.

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

Did you miss the last update? Here are a few of the new things we added:

• NEW! Every scene now has scene times to help you make sense of time, either based action in the plays or historical events. This is the first time any edition has tackled this complex subject.
• NEW! Search improvement: now set a custom search proximity to find words nearer or farther from each other
• NEW! Search filters for Elizabeth, Jacobean, or apocrypha works
• NEW! New quartos added for King Lear, Hamlet, and King Richard 2—plus an improved compare tool on iPad
• NEW! Search additional lexicons: In addition to Schmidt's Lexicon, you can now search Onions' Glossary and Dyce's General Glossary
And the big updates just keep coming! In addition to a few bug fixes, recent updates have included the following:

• NEW! Every scene now has scene times to help you make sense of time, either based action in the plays or historical events. This is the first time any edition has tackled this complex subject.
• NEW! Search improvements to find alternate spellings
• NEW! Search improvement: now set a custom search proximity to find words nearer or farther from each other
• NEW! Search filters for Elizabeth, Jacobean, or apocrypha works
• NEW! Improved readability of search results
• NEW! New quartos added for King Lear, Hamlet, and King Richard 2—plus an improved compare tool on iPad
• NEW! More statistics for soliloquies and scene breakdowns showing amount of time in each scene location
• NEW! Added a modern translation for Phoenix & Turtle and made some other translation improvements
• NEW! Search additional lexicons: In addition to Schmidt's Lexicon, you can now search Onions' Glossary and Dyce's General Glossary
• Many small bug fixes and improvements

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

In case you missed our recent HUGE releases with tons of new goodness, here's what was included:

• NEW! Want a different app icon? You can now change it in the settings.
• NEW! The First Quarto of Hamlet is now included. Use the Compare view to compare it with other editions (iPad).
• NEW! Help is here! A new help section is included, which will be expanded further in an upcoming update.
• NEW! Modern translations now available! Read paraphrased lines to better understand Elizabethan English.
• NEW! The apocrypha play Arden of Faversham has been added. Get character descriptions, scene breakdowns and more.
• NEW! Additional search parameters added to search only Romance, Roman, Problem Plays.
• NEW! An interactive Monarch Family Tree is in the Study section to show royal lineage from William I to present day.
• NEW! Along with reciting quotes, Siri will now insult you with Shakespearean style.
• NEW! Added study materials for Rhetorical Devices and Chain of Being.
• NEW! We added the OpenDyslexic font as an option for those with dyslexia wanting to make texts more readable.
• NEW! Additional quotes added to Quote of the Day.
• NEW! Added to the plays where characters change their names (accession, disguises, etc.).
And the big updates just keep coming!

• NEW! Every scene now has scene times to help you make sense of time, either based action in the plays or historical events. This is the first time any edition has tackled this complex subject.
• NEW! Search improvements to find alternate spellings
• NEW! Search improvement: now set a custom search proximity to find words nearer or farther from each other
• NEW! Search filters for Elizabeth, Jacobean, or apocrypha works
• NEW! Improved readability of search results
• NEW! New quartos added for King Lear, Hamlet, and King Richard 2—plus an improved compare tool on iPad
• NEW! More statistics for soliloquies and scene breakdowns showing amount of time in each scene location
• NEW! Added a modern translation for Phoenix & Turtle and made some other translation improvements
• NEW! Search additional lexicons: In addition to Schmidt's Lexicon, you can now search Onions' Glossary and Dyce's General Glossary
• Many small bug fixes and improvements

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

In case you missed our recent HUGE releases with tons of new goodness, here's what was included:

• NEW! Want a different app icon? You can now change it in the settings.
• NEW! The First Quarto of Hamlet is now included. Use the Compare view to compare it with other editions (iPad).
• NEW! Help is here! A new help section is included, which will be expanded further in an upcoming update.
• NEW! Modern translations now available! Read paraphrased lines to better understand Elizabethan English.
• NEW! The apocrypha play Arden of Faversham has been added. Get character descriptions, scene breakdowns and more.
• NEW! Additional search parameters added to search only Romance, Roman, Problem Plays.
• NEW! An interactive Monarch Family Tree is in the Study section to show royal lineage from William I to present day.
• NEW! Along with reciting quotes, Siri will now insult you with Shakespearean style.
• NEW! Added study materials for Rhetorical Devices and Chain of Being.
• NEW! We added the OpenDyslexic font as an option for those with dyslexia wanting to make texts more readable.
• NEW! Additional quotes added to Quote of the Day.
• NEW! Added to the plays where characters change their names (accession, disguises, etc.).
Yet another great update with plenty of "under the hood" improvements to run faster and better. Here's what's new:

• NEW! See male and female soliloquies on Scene Breakdowns
• NEW! Promoted Edward III and Sir Thomas More to first class
• Fixed an annoying scrolling bug
• Improvements to the Help guide
• Fixed a handful of bugs and added some small usability fixes

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

In case you missed our recent HUGE Pro releases with tons of new goodness, here's what was included:

• NEW! Want a different app icon? You can now change it in the settings.
• NEW! The First Quarto of Hamlet is now included. Use the Compare view to compare it with other editions (iPad).
• NEW! Help is here! A new help section is included, which will be expanded further in an upcoming update.
• NEW! Modern translations now available! Read paraphrased lines to better understand Elizabethan English.
• NEW! The apocrypha play Arden of Faversham has been added. Get character descriptions, scene breakdowns and more.
• NEW! Additional search parameters added to search only Romance, Roman, Problem Plays.
• NEW! An interactive Monarch Family Tree is in the Study section to show royal lineage from William I to present day.
• NEW! Along with reciting quotes, Siri will now insult you with Shakespearean style.
• NEW! Added study materials for Rhetorical Devices and Chain of Being.
• NEW! We added the OpenDyslexic font as an option for those with dyslexia wanting to make texts more readable.
• NEW! Additional quotes added to Quote of the Day.
• NEW! Added to the plays where characters change their names (accession, disguises, etc.).
Yet another great update with plenty of "under the hood" improvements to run faster and better. Here's what's new:

• NEW! See male and female soliloquies on Scene Breakdowns
• NEW! Promoted Edward III and Sir Thomas More to first class
• Fixed an annoying scrolling bug
• Improvements to the Help guide
• Fixed a handful of bugs and added some small usability fixes

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

In case you missed our recent HUGE Pro releases with tons of new goodness, here's what was included:

• NEW! Want a different app icon? You can now change it in the settings.
• NEW! The First Quarto of Hamlet is now included. Use the Compare view to compare it with other editions (iPad).
• NEW! Help is here! A new help section is included, which will be expanded further in an upcoming update.
• NEW! Modern translations now available! Read paraphrased lines to better understand Elizabethan English.
• NEW! The apocrypha play Arden of Faversham has been added. Get character descriptions, scene breakdowns and more.
• NEW! Additional search parameters added to search only Romance, Roman, Problem Plays.
• NEW! An interactive Monarch Family Tree is in the Study section to show royal lineage from William I to present day.
• NEW! Along with reciting quotes, Siri will now insult you with Shakespearean style.
• NEW! Added study materials for Rhetorical Devices and Chain of Being.
• NEW! We added the OpenDyslexic font as an option for those with dyslexia wanting to make texts more readable.
• NEW! Additional quotes added to Quote of the Day.
• NEW! Added to the plays where characters change their names (accession, disguises, etc.).
Another great update so soon? You bet. Here's what's new:

• NEW! Want a different app icon? Pro users can now change it in the settings.
• NEW! The First Quarto of Hamlet is now included for Pro users. Use the Compare view to compare it with other editions (iPad).
• NEW! Help is here! A new help section is included, which will be expanded further in an upcoming update.
• Improvements to the Compare view (iPad) when comparing two different editions of a play.
• Fixed a handful of bugs, fixed an issue with the Monarch Tree, small usability fixes

In case you missed our recent HUGE release with tons of new goodness, here's what was included:

• NEW! Modern translations now available! Read paraphrased lines to better understand Elizabethan English.
• NEW! The apocrypha play Arden of Faversham has been added. Get character descriptions, scene breakdowns and more.
• NEW! Additional search parameters added to search only Romance, Roman, Problem Plays.
• NEW! Now you can have the Quote of the Day as a home screen widget.
• NEW! An interactive Monarch Family Tree is in the Study section to show royal lineage from William I to present day.
• NEW! Along with reciting quotes, Siri will now insult you with Shakespearean style.
• NEW! Added study materials for Rhetorical Devices and Chain of Being.
• NEW! A small scene "badge" shows which scene you're currently reading.
• NEW! We added the OpenDyslexic font as an option for those with dyslexia wanting to make texts more readable.
• NEW! Additional quotes added to Quote of the Day.
• NEW! New and updated statistics for more accuracy.
• NEW! Added to the plays where characters change their names (accession, disguises, etc.).
• Improved consistency,search-ability, and usability with notes and notebooks
• Fixed a handful of bugs, updated some older icons, fixed an issue with search crashing

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!
This is a HUGE release with tons of new goodness! This minor update includes a few minor fixes and the following:

• NEW! Modern translations now available! Read paraphrased lines to better understand Elizabethan English.
• NEW! The apocrypha play Arden of Faversham has been added. Get character descriptions, scene breakdowns and more.
• NEW! Additional search parameters added to search only Romance, Roman, Problem Plays.
• NEW! Now you can have the Quote of the Day as a home screen widget.
• NEW! An interactive Monarch Family Tree is in the Study section to show royal lineage from William I to present day.
• NEW! Along with reciting quotes, Siri will now insult you with Shakespearean style.
• NEW! Added study materials for Rhetorical Devices and Chain of Being.
• NEW! A small scene "badge" shows which scene you're currently reading.
• NEW! We added the OpenDyslexic font as an option for those with dyslexia wanting to make texts more readable.
• NEW! Additional quotes added to Quote of the Day.
• NEW! New and updated statistics for more accuracy.
• NEW! Added to the plays where characters change their names (accession, disguises, etc.).
• Improve consistency,search-ability, and usability with notes and notebooks
• Fix a handful of bugs, updated some older icons, fixed an issue with search crashing

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

Note: The Shakespeare Passport program was deprecated in 2020.
This is a HUGE release with tons of new goodness!

• NEW! Modern translations now available! Read paraphrased lines to better understand Elizabethan English.
• NEW! The apocrypha play Arden of Faversham has been added. Get character descriptions, scene breakdowns and more.
• NEW! Additional search parameters added to search only Romance, Roman, Problem Plays.
• NEW! Now you can have the Quote of the Day as a home screen widget.
• NEW! An interactive Monarch Family Tree is in the Study section to show royal lineage from William I to present day.
• NEW! Along with reciting quotes, Siri will now insult you with Shakespearean style.
• NEW! Added study materials for Rhetorical Devices and Chain of Being.
• NEW! A small scene "badge" shows which scene you're currently reading.
• NEW! We added the OpenDyslexic font as an option for those with dyslexia wanting to make texts more readable.
• NEW! Additional quotes added to Quote of the Day.
• NEW! New and updated statistics for more accuracy.
• NEW! Added to the plays where characters change their names (accession, disguises, etc.).
• Improve consistency,search-ability, and usability with notes and notebooks
• Fix a handful of bugs, updated some older icons, fixed an issue with search crashing

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

Note: The Shakespeare Passport program was deprecated in 2020.
This is a HUGE release with tons of new goodness!

• NEW! Modern translations now available! Read paraphrased lines to better understand Elizabethan English.
• NEW! The apocrypha play Arden of Faversham has been added. Get character descriptions, scene breakdowns and more.
• NEW! Additional search parameters added to search only Romance, Roman, Problem Plays.
• NEW! Now you can have the Quote of the Day as a home screen widget.
• NEW! An interactive Monarch Family Tree is in the Study section to show royal lineage from William I to present day.
• NEW! Along with reciting quotes, Siri will now insult you with Shakespearean style.
• NEW! Added study materials for Rhetorical Devices and Chain of Being.
• NEW! A small scene "badge" shows which scene you're currently reading.
• NEW! We added the OpenDyslexic font as an option for those with dyslexia wanting to make texts more readable.
• NEW! Additional quotes added to Quote of the Day.
• NEW! New and updated statistics for more accuracy.
• NEW! Added to the plays where characters change their names (accession, disguises, etc.).
• Improve consistency,search-ability, and usability with notes and notebooks
• Fix a handful of bugs, updated some older icons

If you're using Shakespeare in an interesting way, please share your story with us by opening "Share my Story" in the menu. We'd love to hear from you!

Note: The Shakespeare Passport program was deprecated in 2020.

This update contains:

• Fixed a bug with notes and sharing notebooks
• Minor improvements

If you missed any of our recent updates, they contained the following:

• NEW! Customized quote of the day: quotes are now related to many international holidays and random on other days.
• NEW! Use the lexicon to look up words in addition to the built-in dictionary
• NEW! Import bookmarks and notebooks from iCloud
• Minor bug fixes, bookmarks improvements, and dark mode improvements
• NEW! Export any of Shakespeare's plays as a script to the Scriptigo app (find it on the App Store!)
• NEW! The Spanish Tragedy is now included in the app in the apocrypha section, complete with character descriptions and more.
• NEW! A collection of over 300 quotes are now in the Study section, sortable by speaker and play.
• NEW! Now you can read the original First Quarto of Double Falsehood

Of course, if you have any trouble get in touch with us at [email protected].
This update contains:

• NEW! Customized quote of the day: quotes are now related to many international holidays and random on other days.
• NEW! Use the lexicon to look up words in addition to the built-in dictionary
• Minor bug fixes, bookmarks improvements, and dark mode improvements

If you're a Pro user, this update also contains:

• NEW! Import bookmarks and notebooks from iCloud

If you missed any of our recent updates, they contained the following:

• NEW! Export any of Shakespeare's plays as a script to the Scriptigo app (find it on the App Store!)
• NEW! The Spanish Tragedy is now included in the app in the apocrypha section, complete with character descriptions and more.
• NEW! A collection of over 300 quotes are now in the Study section, sortable by speaker and play.
• NEW! Now you can read the original First Quarto of Double Falsehood

Of course, if you have any trouble get in touch with us at [email protected].
This update contains various minor improvements to dark mode.

If you missed any of our recent updates, they contained the following:

• NEW! Export any of Shakespeare's plays as a script to the Scriptigo app (find it on the App Store!)
• NEW! The Spanish Tragedy is now included in the app in the apocrypha section, complete with character descriptions and more.
• NEW! A collection of over 300 quotes are now in the Study section, sortable by speaker and play.
• NEW! Now you can read the original First Quarto of Double Falsehood

Of course, if you have any trouble get in touch with us at [email protected].
This update contains various minor improvements and bug fixes.

If you missed any of our recent updates, they contained the following:

• NEW! Export any of Shakespeare's plays as a script to the Scriptigo app (find it on the App Store!)
• NEW! The Spanish Tragedy is now included in the app in the apocrypha section, complete with character descriptions and more.
• NEW! A collection of over 300 quotes are now in the Study section, sortable by speaker and play.
• NEW! Now you can read the original First Quarto of Double Falsehood

Of course, if you have any trouble get in touch with us at [email protected].
The updates keep getting better and better! This version contains the following:

• NEW! Export any of Shakespeare's plays as a script to the Scriptigo app (find it on the App Store!)
• Improvements to Dark Mode, other small bugs

This is the last version to support iOS 11 so update your device now to receive future updates.

If you missed our last HUGE update, it contained the following:

• NEW! The Spanish Tragedy is now included in the app in the apocrypha section, complete with character descriptions and more.
• NEW! A collection of over 300 quotes are now in the Study section, sortable by speaker and play.
• NEW! Now you can read the original First Quarto of Double Falsehood
• iOS13 compatibility and many small improvements and bug fixes

Of course, if you have any trouble get in touch with us at [email protected].
This is a HUGE update to bring iOS 13 compatibility to Shakespeare Pro as well as a few new features for Pro users, including:

• NEW! The Spanish Tragedy is now included in the app in the apocrypha section, complete with character descriptions and more.
• NEW! A collection of over 300 quotes are now in the Study section, sortable by speaker and play.
• NEW! Now you can read the original First Quarto of Double Falsehood
• A lot of small usability improvements and bug fixes

Of course, if you have any trouble get in touch with us at [email protected].

If you missed our latest releases, here are a few highlights for Pro users:

• NEW! Ask Siri to recite a random sonnet from the collection of 154 sonnets
• NEW! Ask Siri to recite a random quote from a collection of over 400 quotes.
• NEW! The First Quarto of King Lear is now included. The Shakespeare Pro app already contains the entire First Folio in original spelling, but now we've added an important Quarto.
• NEW! Comparison view: You can view any First Folio version side by side with the modern of the play. Even compare Folio and Quarto in the same view.
• NEW! Use any play as a cue script: just choose your character in the Character Highlighting settings.
• NEW! New settings to show/hide the top & bottom bars on iPad

This is a small update to fix a bug with the Quote of the Day. If you have any trouble get in touch with us at [email protected].

For Shakespeare Pro users, we've added the Sir Thomas More facsimile. If you're a Pro user, here are some of our latest highlights:

• NEW! Ask Siri to recite a random sonnet from the collection of 154 sonnets
• NEW! Ask Siri to recite a random quote from a collection of over 400 quotes.
• NEW! The First Quarto of King Lear is now included. The Shakespeare Pro app already contains the entire First Folio in original spelling, but now we've added an important Quarto.
• NEW! Comparison view: You can view any First Folio version side by side with the modern of the play. Even compare Folio and Quarto in the same view.
• NEW! Use any play as a cue script: just choose your character in the Character Highlighting settings.
• NEW! New settings to show/hide the top & bottom bars on iPad
A lot of great new features included in this update! Keep your suggestions coming!

• NEW! Ask Siri to recite a random sonnet from the collection of 154 sonnets
• NEW! Ask Siri to recite a random quote from a collection of over 400 quotes.
• Greatly improved and faster play viewing and navigating, under the hood improvements
• Printing improvements
• Minor bug fixes and usability improvements

For Shakespeare Pro users:

• NEW! The First Quarto of King Lear is now included. The Shakespeare Pro app already contains the entire First Folio in original spelling, but now we've added an important Quarto.
• NEW! Comparison view: You can view any First Folio version side by side with the modern of the play. Even compare Folio and Quarto in the same view.

If you missed our last release, here are a few highlights:

• NEW! Use any play as a cue script: just choose your character in the Character Highlighting settings.
• NEW! New settings to show/hide the top & bottom bars on iPad
Only fixed a bug with sonnet audio in this release, but if you missed our last release, here are a few highlights:

• NEW! Use any play as a cue script: just choose your character in the Character Highlighting settings.
• NEW! New settings to show/hide the top & bottom bars on iPad
Only minor bug fixes in this release, but if you missed our last release, here are a few highlights:

• NEW! Use any play as a cue script: just choose your character in the Character Highlighting settings.
• NEW! New settings to show/hide the top & bottom bars on iPad
A major-minor release with general improvements and bug fixes. For users with Shakespeare Pro:

• NEW! Use any play as a cue script: just choose your character in the Character Highlighting settings.
• NEW! New settings to show/hide the top & bottom bars on iPad
• Minor bug fixes and improvements
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Upgrade to Shakespeare Pro
(Get a glossary, search, line numbers & more)
899,00 ₽
EB216913373✱✱✱✱✱ 3DC3F31✱✱✱✱✱
Schmidt's Lexicon
(Lexicon by Alexander Schmidt (1874))
179,00 ₽
EB596071757✱✱✱✱✱ 928D160✱✱✱✱✱
Schmidt's Lexicon
(Additional lexicons and word definitions)
279,00 ₽
EB596071757✱✱✱✱✱ 928D160✱✱✱✱✱
Modern Translation (All Works)
(Modern Translation of all the works)
1 790,00 ₽
EB413802553✱✱✱✱✱ B15EE6D✱✱✱✱✱
Modern Translation (AWEW)
(Modern Translation of All's Well)
99,00 ₽
EB215197133✱✱✱✱✱ 23C4EC3✱✱✱✱✱
Modern Translation (CoE)
(Modern Translation of Comedy of Errors)
99,00 ₽
EB147437767✱✱✱✱✱ A11A4D0✱✱✱✱✱
Modern Translation (AC)
(Modern Translation of Antony & Cleopatra)
99,00 ₽
EB429531901✱✱✱✱✱ 3FCDE29✱✱✱✱✱
Modern Translation (AYLI)
(Modern Translation of As You Like It)
99,00 ₽
EB531553144✱✱✱✱✱ C888EE0✱✱✱✱✱
Modern Translation(Coriolanus)
(Modern Translation of Coriolanus)
99,00 ₽
EB971767950✱✱✱✱✱ B713B6B✱✱✱✱✱
Modern Translation (Cymbeline)
(Modern Translation of Cymbeline)
99,00 ₽
EB953518149✱✱✱✱✱ A2F298D✱✱✱✱✱

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5 из 5
12 Голосов


Гениальное приложение!
You taught me language, and my profit on 't. Is I know how to curse.
...для тех, кто долго искал Шекспировские тексты в скудных русских (наискуднейших) библиотеках электронных книг. пусть и на англицком, хотя бы так:)
Обожаю Шекспира)
Спасибо за подленник в приложении.
Thank's for authors.
Думка умка,
Перевод бы
Приложение с большим потенциалом, переведете тексты или добавите возможность выбора языка буду готов задонатить. Любители Шекса оценять.

P.s хотелось бы сонеты в переводе Маршака!!!! Ибо остальное ...
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А перевода на русский то нет!
Не открывается!
Приложение после загрузки iOS 6 не открывается!
объясните чайнику: можно ли читать эти книги без интернета и не снимают ли хоть копейку за чтение.
заранее спасибо
Guys, what's wrong with the app?! After the last update that prbly was intended to make the app with the 3.0 OS, it just doesn't launch. Fix it pls.
на ихнем даже интереснее будет
Shakespeare's presentation needs design!
Thank you for the free presentation of the immortal texts, but the Bard's lines merit better treatment. An ascetic design would suite better some XX century poetry than the Renaissance genius. The design makes it boring to read, though Shakespeare is far from being boring as an author... Pity.

Другие приложения этого разработчика