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Each circle will have 1 tree placed from the center of rotation and on each circle there will be an animal. The player's task is to touch the circle when the tree rotates on the animal.
The circle will hover in the screen.
When the rules are correct, the gyro will lose the circle + 1 point. bad then the animal explodes and minus 1 life cycle variable is lost
When removing all the circles on the screen, it will clear that game screen and move to the new screen. will add 1 to 2 circles to increase the difficulty.
Win condition: can't enter wheel when tree and animal touch.
Loss status: Wrong more than 5 times or 60 seconds out
How to play: go through the circle to play
There are 3 modes:
Easy: Large sized circles, starting with 5 circles
Normal: Medium sized circle, starting with 10 circles
Hard: Medium sized circles, starting with 15 circles. This mode will randomly count down the animals. if k touches it before, it will explode.
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