Flashcards Made Simple Читы

Flashcards Made Simple Взлом 3.8 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Dominik Gyecsek
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 3.8
ID: com.dominikgyecsek.simplecards


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Unlimited free sets and flashcards
Add images, custom text fields, tags, stars, and links to other cards
We don't track you or store any information about you
Sync using your dropbox account, your cards and sets are always available for offline studying
Spaced Repetition
Quick add, and flexible import, and export options
Schedule notifications of flashcards that you want to study so you can study without even opening the application or picking up your phone, if you have an Apple Watch
Flashcard autoplay and auto-pronounce loops over your flashcards for times when you cannot use your hands
Spell, listen, and multiple-choice practice quizzes
Dark mode across the application for night-time studies
Pronunciation using the operating system's built-in voices (the number of languages may vary between devices and operating system versions, pronunciation can be enabled by setting the term's and definition's language in the study set settings)
Analytical charts to track your progress
Global search by keywords in all sets
Flashcard printing
Set daily review goal, and stick to it
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История обновлений

Performance Improvements
Added Italian, Norwegian, and Polish Language support
Fixed Studyset Printing
Improved Pronunciations
Language support for: Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, and German
Yearly subscription option added
Added support for practicing by tags and keywords, even in different studysets
Added printing option for all supported languages
Danish Language
Consoliate dropbox storage option for faster initial sync
Fixed mastered cards showing in studyset practice when there are still new/studying ones
Fixed an issue where when you mastered or hidden a card from the flashcards review, the next card would show again in the next batch
Español & Portuguese language
Fixed an error that prevented some flashcards to be reviewed manually in the notifications practice
Now if you master a word, we will automatically hide that from the current practice
Fixed an issue where cards from a deleted sets would be shown in new cards
We enabled manual backups and imports into a single file instead of cloud backups
Added zoom option for image
We now automatically cache all image thumbnails so they are always read to view
Premium users can now select to cache all images in a given studyset for offline studying
Our web app now support not only Chrome, and Opera, but Firefox, Safari, and Edge as well
New Features
-Clicking on public set links are now opened in the app
-Practice public sets before adding them to your collection

Bug Fixes
-Fixed a bug that prevented Dropbox sync if too many cards were updated before sync
-Fixed a bug that failed to delete cards at set deletion, these cards were deleted from all current in-sync devices, but any newly added device had these cards downloaded, and while they were not visible from the study set list, they were available from due/new card practices. With this update we automatically remove these.

-Made card statistics more compact
We have removed the limit of 10 for schedulable cards, so even free users can schedule up to 50 cards at a time, before having to open the app
Now you can share your study sets with your friends, students, or the whole community using links (sets have to be shared explicitly, we still don't store anything on our server, unless you share them publicly)
Now you will get back to the exact card you were on while practicing, even if you close the app
Option to split up practices into 10/20/30/40/50 rounds, you can hide words from the current practice, and repeat, or load the next chunk once you finished with the current one
Brand new practice types: connect, spell out, and select (with a total of 16 possibilities with hinting in text, or with pronunciation, and term, or definition)
Review view after each practice with insights to keep to your goal, and share your progress
New Statistics design
New Features
We have made auto-playing flashcards more customizable, now you can adjust pauses before term pronunciation, the time before revealing definition, the time before going to the next card, number of term pronunciation, and number of definition pronunciation
We also made it possible to listen to music or podcasts from other apps in breaks, when it's time for the term and definition pronunciation, the music from the other app is lowered, and then increased again once the pronunciation is finished
New Features:
Add multiple images for cards
Add multiple custom text fields for cards
Link cards to other cards
Spanish language
Sort cards by creation date, last revision date, strength, number of revisions, alphabetical term & definition
See the number of mastered, learnt, and studying cards, and tap on them to review just these regardless of spaced repetition (cards last reviewed will show first)
Archive and unarchive cards
Get a daily catch-up notification with your progress
Export flashcards in TXT, JSON, and CSV format
Option to create more uniform printable PDF's of flashcards
Search by tags, strengths, and stars across all studysets

New practice type selector

Bug Fixes
Fixed issue which showed the wrong card details when you edited from a filtered list
Fixed issue which prevented scrolling inside the flashcard editor when the keyboard was showing
New Features:
Hungarian Language
Ability to archive and unarchive cards without deleting them
Start reviewing all learnt, studying, and mastered cards from the home page

More apparent quick actions on the flashcards view
New Features:
-We added a few starter flashcards if you don't have any flashcards yet, or just want to test out the app
-New statistical charts

-Dark Mode improvements
-Design improvements
-More flexible auto-flip times
New Features:
-Now you can set up daily review goals, and see your past streaks, fails, and successes in the statistics tab
-You can now export your dataset in PDF, ready for printing, you can customize the size, borders, paddings, and widths
-New statistical views
New Features:
Help guides

Dark mode improvements
Now you can preview cards before importing to make sure they look as expected

Fixed Bugs:
Fixed cards not getting deleted when you open them from a notification
Now you can open words from notifications
Fixed an issue which prevented notifications from getting delivered when you reinstall the app or install on a new device
Images can now be deleted from cards
Practice statistics fixed
Spaced Repetition Support
Refreshed look
Bug fixes and improvements
New statistical charts, full card history and individual card stats
Faster sync
Quickly change the strength of words and study the less mastered words
Filter by tags and keywords inside of study sets
Easily continue practices
Notification fixes
Easier web app setup
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