Soccer Lifestyle Trivia Взлом 1.2

Разработчик: Ren Ltd
Категория: Игры

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The best soccer trivia quiz on the planet! We don't play any silly games with lives and hearts and energy, if you don't know your stuff, you will get sent off and suspended. This game has yellow cards, red cards and even substitutions, just like a real soccer game! It does not matter if you call it, Soccer or Football, Fútbol, Fußall or Calcio, you will love playing this game.

Soccer Lifestyle - The ultimate trivia game for fans of the beautiful game. Navigate your way through different levels in this futbol quiz. There are over 500 questions, all designed to push your football trivia knowledge. Progress from Sunday League, Semi-Pro, Professional, World Class and Legendary in this football quiz designed to really make you think.

Questions are from categories such as soccer players, soccer coaches, soccer clubs as well as countries and are a combination of multiple choice and True/False.

This soccer quiz immerses you in the full soccer experience. The rules are as follows. You are allowed 3 substitutions in every round, just like in a real soccer game. The substitutions allow you to skip a question. If you get an answer wrong, you will get a yellow card. If you accumulate five yellow cards you will get a red card and you will get sent off. You will then be suspended . You either need to wait for 90 seconds to play again, or you can watch a video to play immediately. At the start of the game, you receive 11 card removers and 3 substitutions. You need to achieve a score of 14/20 to pass a round. If you score 13 or less, you will fail the round and you will have to replay it. You can refill your substitutions by watching a video. You can purchase more card removers in the locker room. You can check your progress under your profile section.