SOS4DR app is dedicated to doctors community to keep them out or help them in difficult situations. Once a doctor faces any difficulty/danger or anywhere where he/she needs help this app is ideal to get immediate response. Aim of this APP is to notify all Doctors community once some of them is not in pleasant situation.
Now a days, due to certain unexpected condition, doctors are facing difficulties. If we see news paper, we can observe there are some violence’s in Hospital and Nursing Home and Doctor is target. End of the day, Doctors are also human and they have family too. SOS4Dr APP is not a safe guard but let the community know when some of them are in danger.
Users :
Our users are doctors. Doctors need registration with the forum ("West Bengal Doctors Forum") to use SOS4DR APP. Activation of SOS4DR APP is subjected to
document verification and validation.
How It Works:
Once the APP is activated, users can send the notification to the community when they need help due to unexpected situation arise.
The notification will capture user’s current Google location and all active users will get notification.
This information is also shared in forum’s social media site so that community member can also notice one of their members are raising SOS alert.
If in any cases, data service is not working, notification will sent thru SMS. In this case SMS alert will be sent to selected predefined persons.
Key Features
1. Live SOS Notification : SOS4DR app notification will be sent instantly to entire community.
2. Location Tracking : SOS4DR app will capture google location of mobile while send.
3. Social Media Integration : Social Media integration with SOS. Once SOS sent, notification will be posted to Facebook community.
4. Offline SOS : If internet connection not available, SOS sent through mobile network to the user selected members.
5. Search for Doctor(s): You can see other doctor live location track. And also you can manage radius of map for showing other doctor.
6. Police Stations: You are able to see your nearest police station whenever required and you can also manage radius of map for showing nearest police stations.