Start Sailing: Yachts Взлом 6.0.2

Разработчик: The Other Hat
Категория: Спорт

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Start Sailing Yachts is an illustrated reference guide for novice sailors. It is full of tips advising users how to get started in sailing and become a competent crew member of a sailing yacht.

Featuring more than 100 illustrations, Start Sailing Yachts provides at-a-glance information on a range of subjects including the parts of a boat, crewing skills, basic navigation and safety at sea.

Start Sailing Yachts will help you get started and develop new skills.

There are seven main sections in the app:

KIT BAG - what to bring, clothing, wet weather gear, toiletries & medication, gear & gadgets

THE YACHT - parts of the boat, sails, ropes, electrics, using a tender

LIFE ABOARD - below decks, fresh water, cooking, keeping tidy

CREWING - keeping watch, crewing skills, essential knots, winches, arriving and leaving a berth, helming, hoisting sails, points of sail, tacking, gybing, anchoring and more

NAVIGATING - paper charts, electronic charts, passage planning, pilotage, ColRegs, weather forecasts, tides

SAFETY - life jackets, first aid, man overboard drill, fire prevention

BOAT WORDS - all the boating terms you might come across explained

QUIZ SECTION - Test your knowledge and aid your learning

Whether preparing for a holiday afloat, or a short break with friends, it helps to know some of the basics before you go. If you are new to sailing, then having some knowledge before you join a yacht will make the trip much more enjoyable, however confident or fast a learner you may be.

Start Sailing Yachts will also help those who might lack confidence aboard a sailing boat and feel it best to remain a passenger and let others crew the boat. This app will guide them through what is involved and help them discover that the rewards from going sailing are about taking part.

Thank you for choosing Start Sailing Yachts and have fun afloat.