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Взлом не работает?
Stories provides English, Hindi And Gujarati Short Stories With Daily New Updates.
*This app is now available on iPad also.
How to use:
* Select English to see the list of English Story.
* Select Hindi to see the list of Hindi Story.
* Select Gujarati to see the list of Gujarati Story.
Available Features.
* Easy and simple install and use (User Friendly).
* English Story
* Hindi Story
* Gujarati Story.
* Share Story
* Next Story
* Previous Story
* All the Latest Stories and Daily New Updates.
* And most important you can change reading page background as you wish.
* You can adjust font for reading from setting.
Взлом не работает?
Если взлом не работает сообщите нам и мы в течении одного дня решим проблему