TalibX: Empower School Success Читы

TalibX: Empower School Success Взлом 1.1.5 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Iezaldin Jomaa
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 1.1.5
ID: com.ideax.talibx


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"طالب إكس" هو منصة تعليمية مبتكرة تربط بين الأهل، والمعلمين، والطلاب من أجل النجاح. ومهمتنا هي تمكين الأهل والمعلمين من العمل معًا لتحقيق أفضل النتائج الممكنة للطلاب. من خلال "طالب إكس"، يمكن للأهل الحصول على معلومات فورية حول أداء أطفالهم، بما في ذلك الدرجات، والواجبات، والحضور.

يستطيع الأهل التواصل مباشرةً مع المعلمين، طرح الأسئلة، وتلقي التحديثات حول تقدم أطفالهم. هذه الشفافية والوصول تعزز من تفاعل الأهل، وهو أمر بالغ الأهمية لنجاح الطالب. بالإضافة إلى توفير المعلومات المفصلة للأهل عن أداء أطفالهم، "طالب إكس" يمكنهم أيضًا من تقييم المدارس والمعلمين. وهذا يسمح للأهل باتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة حول تعليم أطفالهم واختيار الأنسب لهم.

يمكن للأهل استخدام "طالب إكس" للبحث عن أفضل الخيارات في منطقتهم سواء كانت مدرسة حكومية تقليدية، أو مدرسة خاصة، أو معلم خصوصي. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، "طالب إكس" ليس فقط للأهل ولكنه أيضًا أداة رائعة للمعلمين. يمكنهم استخدامها للتواصل مع الأهل، مشاركة المعلومات والتحديثات، وتلقي الردود.

كما يمكن للمعلمين الوصول إلى قاعدة بيانات "طالب إكس" للبحث عن المعلمين الذين تقيمهم الأهل بشكل جيد، وتعلم من أفضل ممارساتهم. بشكل عام، "طالب إكس" هو منصة تعليمية تربط بين المجتمع وتمكن الجميع من اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة، مما يؤدي إلى نجاح الطلاب. انضموا إلينا في مهمتنا لرفع مستوى التعليم وتحقيق النجاح معًا.

История обновлений


ما الجديد في إصدار طالب اكس :

١ - تصميم حديث وعصري:
تحديث واجهة المستخدم للتطبيق لمنحها مظهرًا أكثر حداثة وجاذبية.

٢ - واجهة المستخدم وتجربة المستخدم المُحسنة:
تعزيز تجربة المستخدم من خلال جعل التطبيق أكثر سهولة وبديهية في الاستخدام.

٣ - إضافة خدمة من التطبيق:
السماح للمستخدمين بالوصول واستخدام الخدمات معينة مباشرة من خلال التطبيق.

٤ - قسم استكشاف الخدمات في صفحة المدرسة/المعلم:
يمكن للمستخدمين استكشاف والوصول إلى خدمات تعليمية مختلفة.

٥ - تفضيلات اللغة والدولة:
تمكين المستخدمين من اختيار لغتهم ودولتهم المفضلة للحصول على تجربة أكثر تخصيصًا.

٦- إنشاء الاختبارات بسهولة:
توفير ميزة للمعلمين لإنشاء وإدارة الاختبارات بسهولة داخل التطبيق.

٧ - شهادات المعلم:
السماح للمعلمين بعرض مؤهلاتهم ومهاراتهم، مما يعطي المستخدمين الثقة في قدراتهم.

٨ - تقييمات المدارس والجوائز:
تطبيق نظام للمستخدمين لعرض ومقارنة تقييمات المدارس، والجوائز، والأنشطة اللاصفية.

٩ - المعلومات المحلية:
توفير محتوى محلي، مساعدة المستخدمين في البحث عن المدارس والمعلمين في منطقتهم والمواضيع.

١٠ - تحديث الملف الشخصي للمعلمين والمدارس:
يمكن المعلمون والمدارس من تحديث معلومات حساباتهم بسهولة من خلال التطبيق.

١١ - إصلاح الأخطاء وتحسين الأداء

Talibx app as a new idea, is to make the education process more creative and engaging

What’s features we have with the new edition :

- [ ] Now you can choose the preferred language & country

- [ ] Effortless Exam Creation: Easily create exams for teachers.

- [ ] Teacher Certifications: Showcase teachers' qualifications and skills.

- [ ] School Ratings and Awards: Discover school ratings, awards, and hobbies.

- [ ] Faster and Stable Chat: Enjoy seamless communication with improved chat.

- [ ] Localized Information: Find schools and teachers in your area and subjects.

- [ ] Enhanced User Profiles: Add a bio to foster a sense of community.

- [ ] Teachers and school can now update his account information by app

- [ ] Fix the delay in the arrival of notifications and messages to users

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)
Talibx app as a new idea, it is to make the education process more creative and engaging

What’s features we have with the new edition : - [ ] Fix All Problem in the last verion

- [ ] Effortless Exam Creation: Easily create exams for teachers.-

- [ ] Teacher Certifications: Showcase teachers' qualifications and skills.

- [ ] School Ratings and Awards: Discover school ratings, awards, and hobbies.

- [ ] Faster and Stable Chat: Enjoy seamless communication with improved chat.

- [ ] Localized Information: Find schools and teachers in your area and subjects.

- [ ] Enhanced User Profiles: Add a bio to foster a sense of community.

- [ ] Teachers and school can now update his account information by app
- [ ] Online chat became avaliable for all users

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)
Talibx app as a new idea, is to make the education process more creative and engaging

What’s features we have with the new edition :

- [ ] Effortless Exam Creation: Easily create exams for teachers.

- [ ] Teacher Certifications: Showcase teachers' qualifications and skills.

- [ ] School Ratings and Awards: Discover school ratings, awards, and hobbies.

- [ ] Faster and Stable Chat: Enjoy seamless communication with improved chat.

- [ ] Localized Information: Find schools and teachers in your area and subjects.

- [ ] Enhanced User Profiles: Add a bio to foster a sense of community.

- [ ] Teachers and school can now update his account information by app

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)
Talibx app as a new idea, is to make the education process more creative and engaging What’s features we have with the new edition : - [ ] Talibx is available in Arabic and English
- [ ] a new feature added in home .. it is online exam- [ ] Multiple fixes for learn hub, add business, create user, forget password, company page, posting, translation, profile, and location.- [ ] Added last posts to the home screen, pagination to articles, and points as coming soon.

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)

- [ ] Another updated on the way ..
Talibx app as a new idea, is to make the education process more creative and engaging

What’s features we have with the new edition :

- [ ] Talibx is available in Arabic and English
- [ ] Introducing a new pre-school feature and offering tips on coding for all users.
- [ ] Multiple fixes for learn hub, add business, create user, forget password, company page, posting, translation, profile, and location turn-off.
- [ ] Added last posts to the home screen, pagination to articles, and points as coming soon.
- [ ] Continuously improving Talibx experience for our users with another update in progress
- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)
- [ ] Fix Post Classes

- [ ] Another updated on the way ..
Talibx app as a new idea, is to make the education process more creative and engaging

What’s features we have with the new edition :

- [ ] Talibx is available in Arabic and English
- [ ] Introducing a new pre-school feature and offering tips on coding for all users.
- [ ] Multiple fixes for learn hub, add business, create user, forget password, company page, posting, translation, profile, and location turn-off.
- [ ] Added last posts to the home screen, pagination to articles, and points as coming soon.
- [ ] Continuously improving Talibx experience for our users with another update in progress

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)

- [ ] Another updated on the way ..
- [ ] Online Exam feature: Teachers can create and manage online exams for their students, including setting time limits, randomizing questions, and grading automatically.
- [ ] Add Article by User feature: Users can now contribute to the platform by submitting their own educational articles, which will be reviewed by moderators before being published.
- [ ] New Look for Posts: Posts now have a modern, sleek design with improved readability and usability.
- [ ] Fix white screen at posts screen
- [ ] Fix Arabic language in manage screen
- [ ] Online Exam feature: Teachers can create and manage online exams for their students, including setting time limits, randomizing questions, and grading automatically.
- [ ] Add Article by User feature: Users can now contribute to the platform by submitting their own educational articles, which will be reviewed by moderators before being published.
- [ ] New Look for Posts: Posts now have a modern, sleek design with improved readability and usability.
- [ ] Fix private and public posts
- [ ] Online Exam feature: Teachers can create and manage online exams for their students, including setting time limits, randomizing questions, and grading automatically.

- [ ] Add Article by User feature: Users can now contribute to the platform by submitting their own educational articles, which will be reviewed by moderators before being published.

- [ ] New Look for Posts: Posts now have a modern, sleek design with improved readability and usability.

- [ ] Access a wide variety of educational content, including articles, videos, quizzes, and assignments.

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)

- [ ] Another updated on the way ..
- [ ] Added Reaction and comment to Post
- [ ] The latest update introduces a new Look and summary for accounts students, teachers, schools, and parents.
- [ ] Schools & Teachers can share public and private posts with the community, filtered by class and subject.
- [ ] Schools & Teachers can Send Spesifc Notic to students,parents,teachers
- [ ] Three new sections on the homescreen: Education Content, Assessments, and Exams.
- [ ] Easily Search & filter posts by class and subject to see relevant content.
Talibx app as a new idea, has creative team who are dreaming to make Talibx experience as a best experience ever.

What’s features we have with the new edition :

- [ ] The latest update introduces a new Look and summary for accounts students, teachers, schools, and parents.

- [ ] Schools & Teachers can share public and private posts with the community, filtered by class and subject.

- [ ] Schools & Teachers can Send Spesifc Notic to students,parents,teachers

- [ ] Three new sections on the homescreen: Education Content, Assessments, and Exams.

- [ ] Easily Search & filter posts by class and subject to see relevant content.

- [ ] Access a wide variety of educational content, including articles, videos, quizzes, and assignments.

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)

- [ ] Another updated on the way ..
Talibx app as a new idea, has creative team who are dreaming to make Talibx experience as a best experience ever.

What’s features we have with the new edition :

- [ ] The latest update introduces a new Look and summary for accounts students, teachers, schools, and parents.

- [ ] Schools&Teachers can share public and private posts with the community, filtered by class and subject.

- [ ] Three new sections on the homescreen: Education Content, Assessments, and Exams.

- [ ] Easily filter posts by class and subject to see relevant content.

- [ ] Access a wide variety of educational content, including articles, videos, quizzes, and assignments.

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)

- [ ] Another updated on the way ..
Talibx app as a new idea, has creative team who are dreaming to make Talibx experience as a best experience ever.

What’s features we have with the new edition :

- [ ] The latest update introduces a new Look and summary for accounts students, teachers, schools, and parents.

- [ ] Schools can now easily add students and teachers using app, and grant instant access to profiles with code sharing.

- [ ] The article section has been fixed to ensure a seamless experience.

- [ ] The bar has been adjusted to provide a better visual experience.

- [ ] The design has been improved to provide a more modern and user-friendly interface.

- [ ] With the addition of a profile section to each account, connecting with schools has become easier than ever.

- [ ] Parent can now easily chat with the teacher of their child. Stay tuned for more updates!

- [ ] Fixing bugs and enhance performance , and we believe this will continue as we are growing :)

- [ ] Another updated on the way ..

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