Tambbora is the Music Social Network to - connect independent artists to fans and opportunity providers; promote music, music education, and musicians; make dynamic musician profiles; distribute music to streaming platforms; anything and everything for music. Would you like to be a part of this community? You share the ownership!
Feature Highlights-
- Artists make Dynamic Artist Profile, connect to Fans and Opportunity Providers.
- Both Artists and Fans make connections, Promote independent music, and support the independent music industry.
- Search Artists based on their Instrument, Genre, Experience, and more, listen to them, collaborate with them.
- Music Education, Access to video lessons and performances, blogs, courses, quizzes, polls, and forums.
- Song distribution to all Streaming Platform,
- Access to the most honest Talent Hunts.
- Marketplace Instruments and Accessories,
- explore yourself. Revolutionary ideas are being cooked and would be ready soon!
Note: For extended features and more information, visit https://www.tamboora.in.