Version 1.10 is now live!
New Features:
- 5 new enemies were enlisted to stop you. The Spider Princess, the Dragonfly, the Harpy Hag, the Hell Hound and the Giant Lizard.
- 2 new bosses now guard every 10th room of the dungeon. The Master Necromancer an undead commander capable of many dark spells and the ability to transform to any undead when low on life. The boss roster expands with the Master Thief which you don't want to face alone capable of stealing your stats and reducing your hard earned reputation.
- An entirely new song has been created by the Bard together with Forma Records(https://forma-records.com) and now plays while you slay your enemies.
- You can now choose to start the game with a character you have unlocked instead of the usual 10. Time for those guys to have some time off.
- Fixed an issue with the main menu animation when resuming the app from the background.
- Fixed a few typos in the description of abilities and the action log summary.
Version 1.9 is now live!
New Features:
- 5 new enemies were enlisted to stop you. The Corrupted Mage, the Harpy, the Pupmkin Man, the Siren and the Heretic.
- 2 new bosses now guard every 10th room of the dungeon. One of them the Elder Vampire can transform your party into lesser vampires and gains health with his attacks. The Carnivora has now smelled your fresh meat and is ready to fight you.
- A new event is now making you forget one of your abilities and learn a new random one. The time of fireball casting dogs is here!
- We added some pretty arrows for better navigation.
- We also eliminated some nasty typos in a few abilities.
Version 1.8 is now live!
New Features:
4 new characters for you to unlock!
- Mime: Copying, stealing, mimicking...the mime turns the enemy weapons against them.
- Defender: Whoever said offense is the best defense didn't meet this guy.
- Sailor: Look who came ashore! The sailor is a loud characters occasionally asking for the help of his mates in the battles to come.
- Priest: As if there were not too many religious characters, the priest is the latest addition to fight the armies of evil.
Tag abilities now surprise party members. New characters start with half health as they do not expect to fight and pretty much relax, drink and chat while in the party. It is not called 'party' for nothing.
We refactored the character unlocking process to avoid overpopulation. It is now progressively harder to unlock new characters.
Killing so many characters, some bosses are now slightly stronger with new moves.
More moves now reduce the enemy dodge chance. Great tacticians never have to wait, unless they choose to.
Version 1.7 is now live
What's New
- The unicorn, this magical beast of legends, is now immune to most forms of magical damage.
- We gave the horse some instant attacks since horses are pretty quick animals.
- Someone tried Banish on an elemental and it worked. Elemental creatures now can be banished back to their planes.
- This week's crossfit session featured the Monk, Cupid, Gravedigger, Demonologist, Commoner, Old Man, Knight, Mage Hunter, Rankshasa, Taromancer and Sleepwalker. Be sure to check out their well formed abs and muscles.
- Poison damage is now dexterity based. All it needs is a well placed hit and the effects of it increase dramatically.
- The polymorph event(Not the spell!) now transforms the hero to a random one of a level up to his. No more 1 level apprentice corpses polluting the dungeon.
Version 1.6 is now live!
What's new:
- It was not really clear when someone could dodge an attack. Now we hope it is.
- We found a group of characters in an underground car parking discussing new tactics. The Doctor, Rogue, Medium, Paladin and Demonologist are now slightly stronger.
- A character casting Copy was trying to press Ctrl+C resulting in a game crash. In a mobile game...!
- There was a timeloop that we now closed, where leaving a run and starting a new would begin from the level that you stopped the previous time you played the game. You got it? No? Don't worry timeloops are tricky subjects.
- When certain characters switched places with others in the party the new ones reported cases of disorientation. Some of their abilities started disabled. A few spells and now things are normal.
Version 1.5 is now live!
What's New:
- A sudden cataclysmic event resulted in the creation of mana bars. Additionally many magical abilities are now affected by mana.
- You requested to see more text in the action log. You love text. Now you can see what each ability
- The Farmer and the Archer trained together in order to be more attractive as a starting character. Similarly the Armorsmith, Cupid and Pirate had to retrain based on enemy feedback.
- Now you explore Rooms instead of Levels. Makes more sense.
- Some abilities were stopped by dodge while not being attacks. Outrageous! You can't dodge a Resurrection.
- There's been a Crash different that the ability with similar name. It has been polymorphed into a feature.
- The Dragon returned to its former glory!
Version 1.4 is now live!
What's New:
- There is a need for people to compete with each other. In strength, speed, intelligence...sometimes also on whose hero died further down the dungeon. As always we listened and delivered. New global leaderboard available from the Graveyard.
- 3 new bosses are here to try and put a stop into your streak. The beholder with its many eyes, the evil archmage with a large variety of spells and the spider queen with extremely powerful poison attacks.
- 50 new enemies. More enemies joined the dungeons. Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Sheep... yes sheep and many others eager to taste blood.
- 3 new nasty random events await your heroes. What? The enemies are also reading these changelogs and expect some good news.
- We also revisited the experience amount of each enemy. The heroes learned quite more than we initially though when they crushed a skeleton or burned a bat.
- None more, the users will only get to experience the tutorial like it is now.
Version 1.3 is live!!!
What's New:
- 6 new enemies joined the pack. Among them are the elemental giants. Remember when only your heroes could interact with the party?
- The dungeon masters are kind. They decided to offer support in case your heroes needed guidance the first time they entered the dungeon. And that help took the form of a tutorial.
- We added the ability to contact the gods of the Randominion from the About screen. Give it a try if you feel like it although there is no guarantee about the results.
- Characters complained that the descriptions of random events felt a bit blunt so we took extra care to give them an epic touch.
- With more and more characters gathering at the vault, the bard started getting music requests, the alchemist prepared some booze and we decided to rename the character vault to tavern.
- We realized that not everyone is familiar with RPG terminology and design. Some people believed that the monk is the wizard and expected him to throw fireballs. We fixed that by adding the names of heroes in the character selection screen.
- Additionally to the above, tapping on the character portrait now sends you to the character details instead of starting the game. Too many players accidentally started with the farmer due to that.
- Fixed an issue when converting enemies to your cause. They were masked as normal characters but we took the costumes away.
- Party management abilities are not triggering a cooldown anymore. Also some more abilities became instant like Turn Undead, Slay Beast etc.
- Certain enemies can now drain levels. We all knew it was only a matter of time. This made the old man smile.
Version 1.2 is now live!
This update not only brings a lot of fixes & enhancements, but also plenty of new features, heroes, enemies & bosses. Check out the full change log for details :)
What's new:
- We've added a few more heroes, enemies & bosses. Because why not.
- At the same time, we've tweaked the level caps & balanced (read: nerfed) some abilities
- The rogue felt really left out being at the end of the Hero selection screen. We've now randomized the order of the starting heroes to give him a chance at standing under the spotlight.
- Our marketing wizards said this game should have collectibles. We told them we already had that in the form of unlock-able heroes. Then they told us they wanted to be able to see their current hero collection. So we added a new screen where you can see all your unlocked heroes. And the funny thing is, we don't even have marketing wizards. Also, isn't there a limit on how long these bullet points can be ?
- Your game is now saved whenever you leave the app. No more losing amazing runs by mistake.
- Some additional heroes now have the ability to switch places with another one from your party. Let's see which OP meta you guys can come up with.
- We added smooth screen transitions because like, who likes instant transitions anyways amirite
- Making changes to the dungeons got kinda tough over time, which is why we have now laid new foundations. These are at least 157% more stable. You can trust our numbers. We would never make them up.
Bug fixes:
- The enemy health bar animation no longer divides by zero when an enemy gets utterly obliterated.
- Some heroes complained they weren't able to clearly see when their abilities were on cooldown. We've tweaked the colors so it's more apparent.
- Remember how clumsy it was to read how much your armor deteriorated during random events ? You don't ? Well... We fixed that anyway
- Dodge was too powerful. It could even prevent healing actions or buffs/debuffs. We all know you can't dodge these. Now you can't!
- The app now has an overall more consistent UI (tweaks & fixes).
Version 1.1 is now live.
What's new:
- After many character deaths the Highscore page is now known as simply Graveyard.
- More tips were added when starting a dungeon. Characters felt the urge to perform actions that made no sense. This needs to stop.
- Improved UI on small screens. Characters raised several complains about claustrophobia.
- Teleport is now fixed. F for all the wizards stranded somewhere until the bug was reproduced and fixed.
- A critical issue that allowed to continue a saved game by clicking New Game. No amount of magic knowledge could explain this.