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Это самый простой гитаре. The easiest way to play guitar! Tap or strum anywhere to play the next notes. Tiny Guitar is fun for the entire family, and best of all...it's FREE! Come join 2 million happy guitarists and play your favorite song.
Play more than 200 famous tunes and riffs, including songs like Amazing Grace, Fur Elise, Bad Romance, Stairway to Heaven, Call Me Maybe, Rolling in the Deep, and What Makes You Beautiful.
Please rate our app so we that can continue to add more songs. :-) Email hello@squarepoet.com if you have suggestions.
Check out our 5-star reviews:
+ Отличное приложение! ~Ирина199
+ Мне понравилось приложения, все просто и понятно. ~Fil926
+ берет своей простотой. хыть уже было нечто подобное, но это ничуть не портит впечатления. осторожно: затягивает. ~sam L.R.
+ Хорошая игра. Отлично песни хорошие. ~Кто
+ I have seen some guitar apps... This tops all of them. ~Darkfire676
+ Educational and fun! Great app. ~MeowMix42
+ This app is really awesome it has been helping me out with playing the real guitar! ~Daniel
+ Love playing this app!!!! ~HappyStrumming
+ This app is amazing and easy and fabulous! ~Wamelwow
+ My grandkids love this app. ~gil
+ This is a fun little game. Kids really like it. ~Jacobrk09
+ I actually have a real guitar and I rock on that too...but this is cooler. ~BloodyDeimin
+ AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! ~Bestdjever
If you like Tiny Guitar, also check out Tiny Piano for your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.
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