Now unlock up to 150 words....Huzzah!!!
Removed the status bar to remove clutter and make it easier to focus on words you are studying
And it's time to add some color to your top navigation bar. White was toooooo boring! (And remember, you can change the color of your word bubbles in your settings!)
Changes to the share for free words system and general code cleanup
- Some views adjusted to display properly on iPhoneX
- Target minimum set to 10.1. iPhones using iOS9 or lower can still use the previous version on their devices.
- Updated some views to autolayout (the first of many to come!)
- Simplified sharing by using the built-in share sheet
- Updated depricated APIs / UIAlerts to UIAlertController. UINotification to UNNotification
- Added missing icon sizes
- Bug fix where installation ID was not being saved correctly
Fixed an issue where the install date was not correctly saved.
- Improved the help system for new users in the Word Tank.
- 10 second timer added to remind you to study a new word for a few seconds.
- Improved the help system for new users in the TEST tab.
- Added an information button so you can get help even after the new-user help system is over.
- Selecting a red circle now gives only one re-test.
Study notification timing was changed.
Emoji added to some reminders
Flurry analytics added to inform upcoming onboarding rework
* Added a REVIEW tab. Now you can review words any time, anywhere.
* Easy-First feature moved to the More Tab.
* New words added to your test system get tested immediately.
* Updated to iOS 10.
* Updated to AdMob 7.20.0
* Fixed some memory and performance issues
* Minor bug fixes
** Fixed another bug where pop ups were overlapping and could freeze the screen
** Purchase permanently turns off new AdMob ads
** Some explanations changed in Japanese, Thai, and Korean
** Improved stability after fixing notification alert overlaps and bugs.
** Added colors and increased font size. Alerts and explanations are now easier to read!
** Apple Notifications alert has been moved out of the way so you can enjoy the introduction screens before making any decisions.
** Fixed minor bugs in the rating system
* Updated for iOS9!!
* Purchase of any word package removes advertisements
* Minor stability improvements
Improved the memory algorithm that controls when you review words, making the app even better for memorizing English words
You can now share on Twitter. Yeah!
First test after adding a new word to your test list is now 10 minutes
Sharing to Facebook is now done from within the app
In-app contact link deleted
Fixed a bug where sharing on Facebook was not updating the screen
Fixed a bug causing words to be shown too quickly
Fixed a bug making circle selection difficult on a 4S
* Added another set of notifications to alert users when they need to study
* Adjusted formula that calculates time till next word test
* Adjusted completion score increase formula
* Test view now updates if there are new words to study
* Added an iTunes rating screen
* Added another check for the user's language on install and first run
* Made it easier to close the in-app purchase and Facebook share screens
* Added explanations to the 'About TOEIC Flash' section
* Added a back-up server to check for Internet connection
* Fixed a bug where the Word Detail tab closed on return
* Fixed a bug where changing color caused a problem with the word bubble drop