Welcome to our new version. The following new features and improvements have been made in this update:
- the new Action Lists module is a feature in the app where we will offer you powerful checklists you can use to learn certain messages while also having the option to create your own one time lists (shopping lists for example) or daily or weekly lists (goals, daily lists, etc).
- We can now change our featured home buttons to guide you in the app to sections that are relevant to what's happening at that time.
- Misc bug fixes, slight improvements to most areas of the app that make the experience of our app better.
- Optimized our API connection so our app is faster and re-built to be optimized for newest phones and operating systems.
New Icon and new colors.
Misc Bug fixes and new features added.
The new features we've added are:
~ A new improved course module that delivers lessons with a variety of content types in each lesson
~ The new "Lesson" content type, which combines different types of content into one screen
~ A new messages and update section in the members area to stay more connected to what's happening in the app
~ A new push notification process has been added that allows us to send you quick and precise notifications directly to specific app content
~ The Tracka' Concept has expanded to allow you to share and discuss not only ebooks and Trackacards but also videos
~ New member content section to break down content by the topics and subjects you choose to a part of
~ We've added a "Forget Password" link to the login page
~ New robust member registration and password selection process to make your account more secure
We've also improved overall API speed and access to content.
Fixed critical bug in app that was causing a server error with some new downloads.
Updated to a new more secure API connection, fixed misc bugs, improved course pages and flow.
We fixed some misc bugs, improved overall navigation and menu system, upgraded our course technology and added some new features for more content. Also now IOS 13 compliant.
Updated user interface, added a resources section, fixed bugs and provide more ways to learn from our free content.