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На iPhone или iPad откройте приложение App Store.
В верхней части экрана нажмите кнопку входа или свое фото.
Нажмите «Погасить подарочную карту или код». Если надпись «Погасить подарочную карту или код» не отображается, войдите в учетную запись с помощью идентификатора Apple ID.
Нажмите «Можно также ввести код вручную», затем следуйте инструкциям на экране.
Нажмите «Готово».
Использование кодов на вашем компьютере Mac
Скопируйте один из предоставленных кодов.
Откройте App Store на компьютере Mac.
Нажмите свое имя или кнопку входа на боковой панели.
Нажмите «Погасить подарочную карту».
Нажмите «Можно также ввести код вручную», затем следуйте инструкциям на экране.
Использование кодов на вашем компьютере с Windows
Скопируйте один из предоставленных кодов.
Откройте приложение iTunes.
В строке меню в верхней части окна iTunes выберите «Учетная запись».
Выберите «Погасить».
Выполните вход и следуйте инструкциям на экране.
Все коды на бесплатные покупки, которые у нас есть на iPhone и iPad для TrainWithMe
Guided Workout Player Price
Коды частично скрыты от новых пользователей
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WHAT IS TrainWithMe?
An online personal training platform that provides the customized workouts, motivation and results you want from a personal trainer, delivered via the TrainWithMe app, at a price you can afford.
(-) PERSONALIZED VIDEO WORKOUTS that you can do anywhere, anytime, using any Apple device.
(-) EFFICIENCY. Workouts based on your goals that fit into your schedule.
(-) HEALTHKIT INTEGRATION. TWM integrates with Apple HealthKit to offer a comprehensive fitness and nutrition data experience so you can see your daily step count, walk + run distance, nutrition data, health data and more.
(-) AFFORDABILITY. TWM personal training subscription start at less than the cost of your daily coffee run.
(-) OPEN COMMUNICATION. Startup consults, phone and video check-ins and chat options so you can develop a relationship with your trainer & get the accountability & motivation you need.
(-) GOALS ASSESSMENTS so you can measure your performance and track your progress.
(-) TIMELINE TECHNOLOGY & GROUP TRAINING OPTIONS so you can get social & stay motivated with fun friends & family challenges.
(-) MOVEMENT ILLUSTRATOR to ensure that you understand & can implement proper exercise form.
(-) SPECIALTY TRAINING to address all your needs, whether you want strength & endurance training, injury prevention, body positivity workouts & coaching, exercise for longevity, or movement & balance for seniors. We have trainers with expertise in any specialty you may need.
(-) FLEXIBILITY to address your priorities as they evolve.
TrainWithMe is a little different than other apps. To begin training, you must visit our website to choose a trainer and a subscription before your app populates with workouts. Why are we different? Because we’re highly personalized. We put YOUR needs first. Don’t worry, though. It’s as easy as these three steps:
1. VISIT OUR WEBSITE/CHOOSE A TRAINER. You’ll need to browse our trainers profiles, choose the best match and click the Sign Up link on your trainer’s personal page to create an account.
2. DOWNLOAD THE APP and sign in with your new TrainWithMe login.
3. OPEN THE APP, SIGN IN with your TrainWithMe username and password and explore! Your trainer will contact you for a goals assessment and then begin sending workouts, but feel free to click on the “messages” icon to send a note anytime.
If you grant permission for TWM to integrate with your Apple Health app, we can track activity such as steps, active energy, walk + run distance and workouts. This makes it easier for you and your trainer to get an overall picture of your daily fitness activity.
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